Kangal - a dog with temperament

The ancient Turkish breed Kangal is a dog that used to be an assistant to shepherds. She did her job well and protected livestock from wild animals. Gradually, the dog was started in ordinary houses for protection against intruders.

kangal dog

Breed description

Kangal - a dog with impressive size. Her height can exceed 80 cm, and weight - 70 kg. If the animal stands on its hind legs, it becomes higher than a person. The coat of the dog is short and thick, closely fitting to the body. Color can vary from light beige to golden, and the muzzle has a characteristic black border. Turkish kangal dog is different from its relatives

turkish dog kangal
grace and lightness, despite its impressive size. The animal does not cause fear, but rather the opposite - calm and safety. When walking, the dog holds its head and neck at the level of the back, connecting everything in one line. Therefore, many believe that the dog does not walk, but sneaks. When running, the animal widely spreads its legs, making sweeping steps. She has excellent speed, in a couple of seconds she can overcome up to 30 meters.

Dog character

With proper upbringing, the kangal grows up as a fairly calm and balanced dog. The dog will be loyal to its owner and will always protect him in case of danger. Kangal attacks rarely, only in a life-threatening situation. Can be aggressive towards strangers surrounded by the owner. The kangal dog treats children well and often plays with them, allowing itself to be caressed. Only parents need to be careful in this regard - the dog is very large and powerful, can push the baby or even hit with its tail.

Dog keeping

Kangal is not a domestic dog. Keeping her in an apartment is uncomfortable and even dangerous. For the full development of the dog requires space so that she can freely run and move. Sometimes an animal can spend time near the owner, lie with him on the couch, but this is very rare. A Turkish dog needs to run, exercise, for which a special corral of impressive size is best suited. Putting a dog on a chain is also not worth it - it will become aggressive and angry, it may even attack the owner.


Kangal is an omnivorous dog. But her menu should be varied - meat, cereals,

kangal dog
vegetables, dairy products. It is necessary to feed the animal three times a day, two puppies. For an adult dog, a serving weighing at least 500 grams is required. It is better not to feed leftovers - this can lead to intestinal obstruction. Despite its strength and good health, the dog can be susceptible to serious illnesses.


Pursuing the education of the kangal, one must observe the measure in everything. The dog requires both severity and affection. During training, the use of physical force on the animal is not allowed. It is necessary to show patience and perseverance so that the dog becomes a real protector. After hard training, a little rest is required in the form of jogging through the forest or swimming in the river. By the way, Kangals are excellent swimmers who can travel long distances in the water.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5396/

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