Russian folk doll Pillar: history, manufacturing features and interesting facts

A rare and real amulet can be called a doll Pillar. It is not only a beautiful toy for a child, but also a powerful amulet from the negative energy of any person and object.

The method of creating the folk dolls of Pillars has not changed at all for several centuries. You need to make it only with your hands exclusively from natural materials, which include flax, straw, cotton and wood. Each amulet is inherently unique, as it is the result of a lot of manual work. Pillar, doll-amulet, masters individually.

Motanka in Ukrainian

Any figure can have its purpose, history and meaning. By categories, this amulet can be divided into:

  • male;
  • female;
  • children’s;
  • on the road;
  • wedding celebration;
  • good luck.

Since ancient times, the doll Pillar kept the house from evil. She was sewn from fabric without ears and eyes. She should not hear and see anything. The ancestors believed that if you make a puppet the Column sighted, then it will become independent and will lose its magical abilities. She has a special meaning. This amulet traditionally should be located opposite the front door, above human height. Thus, she will be able to meet guests, recognize evil and save the inhabitants of the apartment, home from the evil eye and the unkind word.

Blue amulet

Charm individuality

Despite the fact that the Russian folk doll Stolbushka has been made for a long time, and all the technologies are standard, it still turns out to be unique with an individual character. This amulet can be a wonderful gift for a housewarming party or a young wedding. The gift should be accompanied by kind words and wishes of happiness and prosperity.

Unfortunately, at the moment when mentioning dolls, people most often mean a plastic toy for children, rather than a talisman made of fabric. However, this was not always considered. In ancient times, the Slavs believed that nature has its own mind, cyclicity, and also power. All traditions have evolved over the centuries and passed down from generation to generation, not only within one state.

The Pillar Doll does not have an exact date of birth. But in the history of the Slavic people, this amulet arose 5,000 years ago. As for the methods of making dolls, there are about 300 of them.

Symbols and responsibilities Columns

The ancestors of the amulets were created for each event separately. Each of the characters had to fulfill their duties in relation to the owner. Namely, bring:

  • Happiness.
  • Well-being.
  • Health.

A similar miracle was created from several shreds, without legs and arms, facial features, but with its own character. The Pillar Doll could cry or laugh.

Doll for happiness

Lack of face

The story of the Pillar doll says that the amulet has a good beginning, but should be faceless. The doll’s face is white. A faceless amulet cannot become an object into which the forces of evil are instilled, and therefore cannot harm a person. On the amulet should not be located eyes, lips with a bow or nose buttons.

They made dolls without using a needle and scissors, since sharp objects can harm a person who becomes the owner of a talisman. Extra threads had to be bitten by teeth or torn by hand. If some detail nevertheless required adjustment of the length, then at first the work was cut, and only then brought to the doll.

Card with a Charm

Slavic amulet

A doll-amulet not only could decorate a hut, but also find a powerful assistant in everyday, personal and social terms.

Charms were made, as a rule, for a holiday. Whether it was Shrovetide, Ivan Kupala or a family celebration - it was impossible to do without a Slavic amulet. If we imagine for a moment the life of our ancestors, it is worth concluding that life in its essence went in accordance with the cycles of nature and agricultural activity. After all, they were deprived of television, radio, the Internet and other modern benefits of civilization.

Ritual dolls were made for the departure of winter, a new crop. Each amulet had its own meaning: some pupae were burned on the occasion of purification, and another object, on the contrary, was filled with cereal and left inside the house to bring prosperity and prosperity to the family.

Motanka at the exhibition

Beregini were made not only from rags, but also clay, straw or ash. Since the chrysalis protected a person from evil, they called her Beregina or a talisman. The strongest figures were considered that were made without the use of sharp scissors and needles. Sometimes dolls were called “rivanki,” since they also did not need to cut fabrics for their sewing. Even before the appearance of the newborn, mothers made a fabric amulet with their own hands and put it in the baby’s bed so that it would protect the child. After the baby appeared, they tried not to separate him with a home-made amulet. When laying the child down, the women sang a song where they talked about insomnia, which would attack not the baby, but the doll. The amulet distracted the attention of evil people and thereby kept the peace of the crumbs.

The rag symbol of well-being was necessarily transmitted by the daughter's mother when she went down the aisle. Thus, the parent wished the child happiness in the new family and well-being. The amulet could accompany men too: the father of the family - on a long journey, and his son - in the army.

The peasants had many dolls, but it was not customary to scatter them, on the contrary, they were carefully stored for posterity. It was believed that the happiness of the family hearth directly depends on the number of amulets.

Main tip

Do not forget that thoughts can materialize. If you really believe in something, then this event will happen. You should not work to exhaustion in order to acquire something, you just need to follow the given direction to what you want and ask for help from higher powers. A doll can bring happiness if you believe in it with all your heart.

Traditional souvenir

How to tell fortunes on a doll?

After creating a talisman, you can tell fortunes on it. The new owner of the amulet should think: what did he like most about the doll, and that he did not like at all. If a defect has been noticed, a parallel should be drawn, with which it can be associated in humans. For example, the amulet is crooked - instability in social or material terms, not very long limbs - a person wants to move more in everyday life, chests of different sizes - different relationships with people. The noted outfit of the beauty from the fabric may indicate the formation of the taste of the owner of the amulet at the present time.

Step-by-step fabric creation

How to learn to make a Pillar doll? A master class in manufacturing a talisman involves a simple sequence of actions with the fabric.

First, they take a white fabric, the bottom of which bends so that the element does not crumble. A small patch is wrapped around the prepared patch and the fabric is twisted.

The canvas is tied in the center and on top of the base, while the thread is wrapped from itself and tied in 3 knots. All fastenings are made behind the amulet. After that, in the lower part of the future doll, a fabric is wound, which is folded in half. This technique will help make the charms more sustainable.

Using an old cloth or rags, you need to make a ball - the head of Beregina.

Arms and chest

The white fabric, which has a square shape and a side size of 15 cm, is placed diagonally, straightened from the folds, then tied with a red thread and fixed.

To create pens, a talisman needs to take a strip of white matter, which has a size of 15 * 4 cm, fold it and bend it from the long side on the sides (1 cm), roll it in the form of an airplane. On both sides of the hands should be wrapped with thread.

For the chest, you need a strip of fabric 30 by 4 cm, which is twisted and attached to the base, making a protective cross. Hands, in turn, are wound around the neck on both sides.

Decorative motanka

Outfit for the doll

A chintz shirt with a neckline cut out in advance can be worn on the doll. The sleeves of the clothes are bent so that the palms become visible, fastening with a thread on the waist.

The skirt for the amulet is made of a flap of fabric measuring 30 by 15 cm. The product is wrapped in an eversion mode, laying in folds, and the edges of the skirt are slightly on top of each other. After that, the clothes turn out and straighten a little.

The apron of the doll is wound in a similar way.

The voyager is made of braid, which is fixed on the back of Beregini's neck.

A headscarf is put on the amulet - a square, the side of which is 17 cm. It is applied and wound around the neck. The belt will be a woven pigtail of red threads twenty cm long, which is tied to the left.

Russian beauty called "Pillar" is ready.


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