Pondering how to make milk at Minecraft

So, today we’ll talk with you about how to make milk at Minecraft and what it is for. In addition, we will get acquainted with the main "source" of this resource. Let's get started soon!

Where to get

But before making milk at Minecraft, let's see where it can be obtained from. The thing is that in the game there are several so-called sources. They will be discussed now.

The first, simplest option, where to get milk at Minecraft is to milk a cow. The most common burenka that can be found in the game world. True, there are several nuances that are worth discussing. More about this later.

how to make milk in minecraft

The second "source" of milk is the so-called mushroom cow. This animal can only be found in the biome on the mushroom island. Outwardly, it differs from the usual one - it has a red color and mushrooms on the back. Let’s see how to make milk at Minecraft with our beloved animal today.


But for starters, it’s worth considering where we will “collect” our drink. After all, if you milk a cow, then the milk will simply pour out. It’s not in your own hands to type it, right?

Naturally, in order to answer how to get milk at Minecraft, we need to make a bucket. The most common, an iron bucket. What is it made of? Of course, made of iron. More precisely, from ingots. But where to get them?

Iron ingots are obtained by processing the corresponding blocks. If you destroy one such "cube" you get 9 ingots. So you can look for iron in this form. Very profitable option.

True, do not be upset if you have not found the corresponding blocks. You can work a bit with iron ore. After its firing in the furnace, one ingot will be obtained. Where to get it? Look in the lower half of the world at heights. There it is full of it.

minecraft milk

In order to get a bucket, you have to combine 3 iron ingots on a workbench. After that, you can think about how to make milk at Minecraft. More precisely, how to milk the cows. Let's get started.


Well, from the "wild" cows we can not extract anything. So first you have to tame the cow. Anyway, which one is red or ordinary. Let's try it.

First you need a paddock. It can be built with a fence and a gate. Do not skimp on the place - the cow should be spacious enough behind your fence. Now that the place for the animal is ready, we will have to look for the cows. Have you found? Wonderful! Just look, don't scare her.

Well, the cow in front of us, the corral is built and waiting for its visitor. And then what? If you start to quickly approach the cow, then it will get scared and run away. So you need to make sure that she herself follows us. How? With the help of bait. Hay is suitable for a cow. Go to the animal and gently lure it. So that she does not lose interest. Take her to the corral, and then close the gate. Great, now you can start getting milk.

Get to the point

Well, now that the animal is tamed, you can go to the corral and get what we so desire. Namely milk. The first step is to arm yourself with an empty bucket. Do not be afraid, after use it will not disappear. So it can be applied again and again. Picked up an item? Then we move to the corral!

how to get milk in minecraft

Carefully open the gate and go there. Make sure that the cow does not run away. It’s best to close the “door” behind you. Now go to the animal and apply a bucket on it. In return, you will receive a bucket of milk. You can use it for its intended purpose. That's all. Now you know how to make milk at Minecraft. True, let's discuss another small detail.

It's about a red cow. From it, as already mentioned, you can also get milk. In principle, just apply the bucket to the animal in the same way - and that's all. However, if you want, then you can also collect red mushrooms from it (5 drops each) and turn it into an ordinary burenka. To do this, just cut it with scissors and milk it like we just learned.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5406/

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