Spring friend - May bug. How many legs does a bug have and what are they used for?

May bugs are associated with the arrival of spring. It is not surprising, because these insects wake up after their winter hibernation only during the opening of oak buds and leaves on a birch (equivalent to the establishment of constant warm weather).

how many legs does a bug have

Who is the May bug?

His skeleton is chitinous, so strong. The size of the insect varies from 2 to 3 cm, but can reach 4 cm. The mechanism of dimorphism of the color of these beetles is interesting (that is, related individuals can be strongly distinguished by the color of the body). The color is often changed depending on how many legs the may bug has. With red-red legs, the beetles have a red body, and with graphite - a black body. Coloring also affects the habitat. Blacks love darkened forests; red ones prefer open areas.

Body structure

The body structure of the beetle is divided into segments. It consists of the head, abdomen and thoracic. The shell is covered with scales, which in appearance are very similar to hairs. The head consists of seven plates, ending in the shape of a club.

Accurately answer the question of how many legs a bug has not difficult. His legs are fixed in various parts of the chest. Each limb is activated only when it becomes necessary to use it. So how many legs does the bug have? Three pairs, and each of them is used strictly for its intended purpose. For example, with front strong paws, the May beetle digs a hole in order to lay eggs, and with its hind legs clings to a tree or foliage. The beetle has wings and elytra; they are rather heavy, which makes it outwardly slow and awkward. The sensory system is well developed . The antennae are responsible for the sense of smell (“sniffing out” food from a kilometer distance). The organs of vision are the eyes located on the sides of the head (a review of almost 360 degrees).

Maybug Transformations

how many legs does the may bug

The chafer in its development goes through several stages: an egg, a larva and a pupa. They form, and then strengthen the shell, wings, paws. The pupa is already very much like an adult beetle, but it has not yet formed the nervous system and wings. an amazing fact: according to scientists, the wings simply physically cannot lift the body of the beetle into the air, but this does not prevent it from flying. The female lays eggs in the spring, and full-fledged insects appear only in April-May of the next year. The life span of these insects is four to five years.

The reader now knows how many legs the bug has. Why are they used by insects, and how do they affect its environment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5410/

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