Orestes: the meaning of the name, character and fate of the holder

Everyone knows the saying: "As you call a yacht, it will sail." What name do you give the child, your child will “bear” such a fate in life.

And in Russia there were names ...

Do you think that the original Russian names are Svetlana, Elena, Peter, Sergey?

meaning orestes

This is a profound error. Our great-great-great-grandfathers had completely different names. Children were not given names immediately at birth. The nature of the child looked closely for several days, sometimes weeks. We noticed some characteristic features. It mattered how calm or tearful the child was (then Howler or Silent appeared), who was born by the count (Pervysh, Seredka, Semerik), how long the child was expected (Zhdan, Nezhdan, Nenash). Sometimes the names were given according to the seasons or weather conditions (Ash, Frost). Even by father’s profession, one could meet the names of the kids: Fur coat, Dulo.

In addition, there could be several names. This polyphony was to confuse the dark forces, to help protect the child from illness, grief, adversity. Ancestors believed that dark spirits would come for Lyubava, and the girl in the family would click: “Dunyushka, go up here!” Spirits will think that they have entered the wrong house and will go away without causing damage to the child’s health.

Baptism in Russia

Before baptism, Russia was considered a pagan state, that is, people worshiped natural gods-idols. Baptism came from Byzantium. It is believed that Princess Olga was the first to be baptized. This act was promoted by the fact that the princess wanted recognition of Russia along with Western countries as an equal state, and not a barbaric and wild eastern power.

At baptism Olga was given a different name - Elena. So the tradition went on to change the original Russian names (Miloslav) into Greek (Dormedont).

orest name meaning

It seems that many modern people would not like the pagan names Bolemysl, Malice, Koschey, Leprosy, Howler, Zadokhlya, Sucker or Dead. No matter what good thoughts parents pursue, giving children such names, bearing them in modern society is not unpleasant, they attract the negative side of the word. And thoughts and words, scientists have now proved it, are material.

Are you interested in the name Orestes?

Orestes, Orya, Ora, Rosta, Orestes - all this is one name. The name Orestes, its origin and meaning, must be sought in Greece. It was there that they began to give it to children for the first time. The meaning of the name Orestes is quite romantic, it is translated as “mountain”, “highlander”, “mountain”, sometimes - “one who stands on a mountain”. Only after touching it, we begin to draw in the imagination of a proud, wise man, a real knight, a brave defender of his family and homeland. These are the most often presented to us by the highlanders. Indeed, in order to survive in the mountains, courage, wisdom, endurance are necessary. Moreover, the mountaineers have the finest customs regarding the elderly, children, respect and admiration for the maternal principle.

So, in general terms, the meaning of the name Orestes is clear. What will be the character and fate of the boy with that name? About it further.

Character born by name

So now about the meaning of the name. The fate named Orestes will be as complicated as the person himself wants. Orestes is persistent and assiduous from an early age, but can be very vulnerable if he does not learn to stabilize his emotions.

A person with this name is most often flexible, it is easy to come to an agreement with him (although if a baby was born in winter, it can be stubborn). If we look at the schoolboy Orest, we will see what a desire for knowledge, perseverance he shows. If something is difficult for them to understand, he will still take it with his perseverance.

name orest meaning of name and destiny

The meaning of the name Orestes leaves an imprint on responsiveness and kindness in character: someone else's pain for him is his pain, the child immediately shows compassion, tries to correct the situation for the better. The house of such a baby is full of stray animals, which he brings from the street without parental permission.

We must not forget the meaning of the name Orestes for the boy: such children are very vulnerable. This trait is more characteristic of girls, and boys are very affected by the fact that this is not characteristic of the male principle.

In marriages (especially in the first) Orestes may not stay long. The second marriage is happier.

The meaning of the name Orestes, as it were, leads to the choice of the following professions: these are excellent engineers, doctors, electricians. Of course, thanks to the persistence of a person with that name, other professions will be available to him. Therefore, when calling a child by the name Orestes, remember what significance it will attach to the fate of your child.

name orest origin and meaning

Secret for women

Russian women are a special “breed." They want to be both free and “enslaved” at the same time. Our ladies do not like to:

  • husband spent time fishing;
  • showed more interest in the dog (write the necessary yourself);
  • persistently advanced on a career ladder;
  • Spent a lot of time in meetings with friends and other necessary (useful) people.

But know that your chosen one will be just that. Why? The meaning of the name Orestes is binding. He really loves nature, thoroughbred and large dogs (animals), and he can’t live without constant communication for a career and just for the soul. So the meaning of the name Orest directly affects the character and fate of the owner.

Interesting Facts

The name Orestes is also associated with the Greek legend. That was the name of the mythical hero. Upon learning that the mother and her lover had killed his father, the legendary Orest himself cracked down on cruel lovers.

Orestes the meaning of a name character and fate

There was also the martyr Orestes, who healed poor people and wholeheartedly believed in the just faith of Christ. He is considered the patron of this name. But paradoxically, this man died at the hands of the pagans a terrible, heavy death.

The name Orestes is now a little popular, even, one might say, forgotten.

Famous people named Orestes

Despite the frightening facts, such as the feminine, resentment, stubbornness, the struggle for justice (from which Orestes himself suffers), still the boys were called by these names. Here is the evidence:

  1. Orest Adamovich Kiprensky. Kiprensky's talent was revealed in the portrait genre. He renewed the traditions of Russian portraiture. In his works, respect for a person as a person is read, a reverent attitude towards anyone as created in the image and likeness of the Lord (such sympathy came from childhood - Kiprensky's parents were serfs).
  2. Orest Aleksandrovich Scarlato. This scientist was engaged in the study of mollusks (this is about perseverance and scrupulousness, the importance of his work in the life of any owner of the name Orest). Selfless love for the motherland made him leave the pulpit during the war and go through the whole Great Patriotic War.
  3. Orest Danilovich Hvolson. Physicist. The theoretical work of the scientist on magnetism, the work on thermal conductivity and diffusion of light are especially noted. The most successful work is in actinometry. Pyrheliometers, actinometers of its design are still used in Russia and in other countries.
  4. Orest Nikolaevich Borovkov. Officer, Colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union. He participated in the national liberation war in China (awarded the Order of the Red Banner), in battles on the Khalkhin-Gol River, in the Great Patriotic War from June 1941.

Orestes meaning for boy

As you can see, the name can “fail”, but people still go their own way, the road of nobility, soul, understanding of the matter and empathy with the Fatherland and people. So, the name Orestes is beautiful, beautiful and interesting. People who bear this name usually go headlong into their business, are compassionate and attentive, but may be too vulnerable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5413/

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