Puzzle game "Escape from the mansion": walkthrough

Recently, games have been gaining more and more popularity among fans of flash puzzles, the passage of which can take long days, weeks, or even months. It would seem that a lot of unraveled secrets, puzzles, keys from safes, chests and cabinets with skeletons were found behind. But it was not there! The creators again and again put the player in a position where he needs to reveal a couple of dozen or even hundreds of secrets so that the protagonist of the game finds the long-awaited freedom. The puzzle game "Escape from the Mansion", the passage of which sometimes seems endless, refers to such games. What is its main feature? Learn about it right now.

escape from the mansion

The plot of the game "Escape from the mansion"

According to the scenario developed by the creators of the game, the passage of the game “Escape from the Mansion” is connected with the disappearance of a young man named Tom. His traces are lost in one of the old abandoned houses belonging to the family of the missing guy. To find his tracks will be the main character Julia, who, in fact, needs to be helped throughout the game.

The house in which the young girl finds herself is gloomy and covered with a thick layer of dust. For this, it is worth separately to thank those who worked on the graphics. Every crack in the wooden floor, every nail in the old, stained mold and damp walls, looks very realistic. Passage of the game "Escape from the mansion" is often accompanied by mystical events. Some levels are remembered by the fact that in addition to puzzles, players have to confront ghosts from the past.

Levels in the game and their difficulty

What does the girl have to survive in order to escape from the mansion together with her beloved man? The passage of this game originally consisted in the task of opening 100 doors inside a mysterious house and solving many puzzles. Later, an add-on consisting of more than 200 new difficulty levels was created.

walkthrough escape mansion

At the 1st and subsequent levels (until the 20th), the passage of the game “Escape from the Mansion” is to solve relatively easy puzzles and search for keys, that is, clues. They can be hidden anywhere: in a desk drawer, behind a picture hanging on a wall or in a barrel. It is important to remember that it is not always possible to take possession of a key by simply clicking on it. For example, at level 12, the key is hidden in a large plastic barrel. To get it, you need to find a bucket in the room, fill it with water from the tap and pour it into the barrel. Only then will it be possible to take the treasured key and unlock the door with it.

In addition, the passage of the levels “Escape from the Mansion” is complicated by the presence of exclusively logical tasks, as well as puzzles, which only those players who have general ideas about the laws of physics can solve. An example of this is the tasks “Balls on a rope”, “Weights, plates and baskets” and much more. Each five levels ends with passing a puzzle for a while.

How to pass the game "Escape from the mansion"?

So, let's move on to the main question: how to get through all the levels of the “Escape the Mansion” game? The passage of this exciting puzzle must be phased. After you help the heroine open the next door, a new stream of puzzles will be waiting for you literally on the doorstep. If the smallest and seemingly insignificant detail is missed, it will not work to open the next door. That is why the main advice on the conquest of an old mansion, inhabited by spirits and secrets, is calm and leisurely action. Carefully inspect every corner of the room in which you find yourself with Julia. Haste in this mystical mansion can lead to failure.

passing the mansion escape levels

Tips and help: is it possible to complete the level instantly?

So, we examined the basics that can help the heroes of the escape from the mansion game escape. Passing in some cases can seem very difficult or impossible at all. For such cases, the creators of the game introduced special tips that can be purchased for in-game currency. The help in solving one puzzle will cost 10 coins, and the instant transition to a new level is 100. Since it is quite difficult to earn coins in this game, you should not spend them on the first hundred levels. Believe me, further it will be even more difficult.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5422/

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