Analysis of Pasternak’s poem “Hamlet”

Boris Pasternak “Hamlet,” his poem, wrote in 1946. A novel about the fate of the Russian intelligentsia, the biography of a doctor-poet, was created in 1957. The seventeenth, last part of the main work of Boris Pasternak is poetry, generously attributed by the author to his hero. This analysis of Pasternak’s poem “Hamlet” is intended to find out why it opens a collection of poetry by Yuri Zhivago.

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Complicating the analysis is that what you need to talk about is a lyrical hero created by a literary character. The position of Pasternak himself can be viewed through the prism of the life attitudes of this conditional author. Dmitry Bykov, studying the biography and creative heritage of the poet, argues that the plot of the novel owes to the idea of ​​the ideal life that Pasternak himself would like to live. Thus, an analysis of Pasternak’s poem “Hamlet” can help the young reader to learn about the life ideals of the poet.

The theme of the poem is complex: the author tries to comprehend his literary work , to determine its significance in his own life, his social role and purpose. Since the presentation is conducted in the first person, it can be assumed that the poet poet compares his own life with the dramatic fate of the most controversial of Shakespeare's heroes.

He brings his lyric hero to the stage, thereby implying that his life is on display, and he feels that he plays a role, and is controlled by an experienced director. The conventions of what is happening are emphasized by theatrical vocabulary. Under the "scaffolds" is meant life, the cant of the fake door at the same time means both "entrance" - coming into life, and "exit" - leaving it.

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Theater binoculars are spectators: the Soviet "public", censors, and so on, who "did not read, but did not agree." In addition, the hero feels the hostile character of this attention directed at him, and expresses it with epithets “night”, “dusk”.

The analysis of Pasternak’s poem “Hamlet” requires one more topic to be covered - the motive of the Christian attitude to life, expressed in the request of the “actor” addressed to the “director”. The form of the appeal says that the Creator of All That is meant is meant, and the hero, though he prays, and asks to carry the cup of bitter trials and difficult choices past, but as a true Christian he agrees with the Creator's plan on his account and is ready for everything that is destined for him .

An analysis of Pasternak’s poem “Hamlet” makes it possible to understand the meaning of the phrase “another drama” (the words taken by the poet from the Bible describe an episode of Jesus' betrayal by his disciple). Apparently, it is said that the drama is no longer associated with the theater and not with biblical history, but with life.

The hero feels that his fate is already predetermined, no matter what he does, the end is tragic: loneliness and hypocritical indifference of those around him. But, according to the ideals of the author of the novel itself, the hero as a true intellectual and Christian is ready to carry out his mission, which consists in opposing the surrounding lies and hostility, to the end responsibly and carefully. The final phrase is a common, often used folk proverb, which is strange to hear from the lips of an educated lyrical hero. But he is a Russian man, and the philosophy of popular wisdom is not alien to him. Those without it are very difficult to survive in Russia today.

parsnip hamlet poem analysis

The poet Boris Pasternak (analysis of the Hamlet poem is proof of this) opens with this work a collection of poems by Yuri Zhivago because it is programmatic. It contains in a compressed form the most important life attitudes of both the conditional and the present author.


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