"Profit Gold": reviews, instructions for use

In the spring, gardeners sow seeds, grow seedlings, take care of it, expecting high yields. But it often happens that after rain all parts of the plant become covered with black spots, and the fruits turn black and disappear. What to do to prevent these processes? Can infected or diseased plants be saved?

Plant diseases

Most of all, tomatoes come from late blight. It happens that in a day or two the whole crop disappears. The site is black, as if scorched, the fruits are rotten. It happens very quickly. Sometimes one or two days are enough to lose the crop.

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Suffers from late blight and potatoes. But he still has whole tubers, although they are also covered with rough growths.

Onions are affected by persporosis. It rots and is not subject to storage.

Grapes are affected by a disease called mildew. Its berries crack, darken, become unfit for consumption.

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All of these diseases are caused by fungal infections.

Contributing Conditions

Mostly fungal diseases affect plants after heavy rains. The high humidity following them contributes to the rapid spread of disease. Although rain in itself delays the development of spores, nevertheless plants begin to disappear shortly after heavy rainfall.

The rapid spread of disease contributes to a thickened planting. In areas where fresh air easily penetrates between plants, they are well lit by the sun, fungal diseases do not last long. Several weak fruits or even bushes may disappear, but the bulk of the crop will remain.


There are many popular ways to prevent and treat these diseases. This is a treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, iodine. These drugs alternate so as not to be addictive. But all of them can only slow down the development of the disease and do not help in the event of a massive outbreak of the disease.

Therefore, whether we want it or not, we have to resort to the effects of chemicals.

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Now in the arsenal of agronomists there is a fairly wide selection of tools for treating plants from fungal diseases. Some have a contact effect (they affect areas on which the product fell), while others have a systemic effect.

Plants are sprayed with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux liquid, copper chloride). The first time is during the formation of the bulk of the fruit. The second - in a week and a half. It can be Energen, the organic drug Fitosporin.

Profit Gold

Fungicide "Profit Gold", or "Profit Gold VDG", receives good reviews. It refers to combined preparations of contact-systemic action. Its constituents cymoxanil and famoxadone successfully fight the causative agents of diseases such as late blight, persniporosis, alternariosis, mildew. The first of them penetrates into the plant, and the second remains on the leaves and protects them. This allows you to use "Profit Gold" from late blight. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of such treatments.

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The drug is of French origin. Water-soluble brown granules are the form of release of Profit Gold. Customer reviews confirm that they dissolve quickly and completely. As a result, the sprayer used to process the plants does not clog. The granules have a faint odor.

Designed for use in the household "Profit Gold".

Instructions for use

Reviews gardeners say that preparing a solution is easy. Like any dry medication, the contents of the package are dissolved in a special bowl in a small amount of water, mixing until completely dissolved. Then add the right amount of water. It depends on the type of plant. For tomatoes and potatoes it is from 5 to 10 liters, for grapes - 15 liters. This largely depends on the quality of the sprayer. This amount of solution should be enough for 100 square meters of potatoes or tomatoes and 150 square meters for grapes.

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After preparing the solution, they immediately begin to process the plants. It is desirable that the weather at this time be calm, but not very hot, dry. Leaves and stems are evenly wetted with a solution. If not all is used, then on the second day it is not left, as it loses its healing properties. At the end of the expiration date, containers and unused Profit Gold are burned.

Reviews of flower growers say that the product is used to spray indoor flowers, soak them for prevention during transplantation. The drug protects the flowers for one to two weeks.

The number of treatments with the drug "Profit Gold"

Reviews indicate that treatment should be started before the first signs of the disease appear - in the middle of summer. Then repeat in one to two weeks. The area between the bushes is lined with mulch of mowed grass.

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In total, tomatoes and potatoes can be processed 4 times, and grapes - three. The last processing is carried out on tomatoes and potatoes two weeks before harvesting, for grapes this period is increased to a month.


  • Fungicide prevents and treats plant diseases.
  • It acts almost instantly, which is very important in the fight against rapidly occurring diseases.
  • Protects the plant both from the outside and from the inside.
  • It affects pathogens not only on the leaves, stems, fruits of the plant, but also on the surface of the soil.
  • The drug creates a protective film that does not let pathogens enter the plant for a long time. It grows, untreated tissue appears. When moisture gets on the sheet, the film swells and spreads to this part, protecting it too.
  • Consumption is relatively small. This is also an advantage of Profit Gold.
  • Customer reviews indicate that rain does not flush the drug. Therefore, in conditions of high humidity and increased risk of infection, he continues to work, protecting plants.
  • "Profit Gold" can be used during flowering and during ripening.
  • Processed fruits are better preserved in winter.


How does Profit Gold behave with other drugs? Instructions for use, reviews indicate that it can be used in conjunction with growth regulators. But not with everyone. In order to check compatibility, a small amount of these preparations are mixed. If a precipitate is formed in the solution, then they are incompatible. Do not mix Profit Gold with fungicides of other brands.

Opinions of gardeners

User reviews indicate that the drug stops the spread of the disease. They say it is β€œRidomil,” which has a different name. They contain the same active substances.

"Profit Gold", customer reviews confirm this, - the best drug to combat late blight. It helps to cure plants in cases where other remedies are helpless.

profit gold vdg reviews

It is not surprising that consumers leave only positive comments about Profit Gold. For grapes and tomatoes, processing with the drug is the only way to get a crop.


The drug "Profit Gold" belongs to the third class of danger. It is considered moderately hazardous. Keep it, like all chemicals, away from children and pets. Drugs should not come into contact with food. The fungicide is suitable for use two years from the date of manufacture.

What effect does Profit Gold have on insects and fish? Reviews indicate that it is almost not dangerous for bees. For fish, the drug is not very dangerous. It can be used in sanitary areas of water bodies.

Security measures

They are exactly the same as when working with other chemicals. Do not eat, drink, or smoke during processing. The use of protective clothing and face protection will help to avoid contact with the skin and inside the body. When splashing hands or other parts of the body with the drug, it is immediately washed off with soap and warm water. If, nevertheless, the solution got inside, then you need to quickly give the victim a drink of warm water and give him more activated carbon. Then you should induce vomiting and send it to the doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5433/

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