Original DIY gift ideas for February 14th

Every year on February 14, many countries celebrate a holiday - Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day. The roots of the celebration go back to the past when the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade loving hearts to register a marriage. He did not want the young warriors of his army to have a family, children, or any obligations. But you can’t order the heart, the guys fell in love and wanted to live with their soulmate.

A simple priest, Valentin, secretly performed a marriage ceremony, uniting those who wanted to be married. The cruel emperor, learning about this, was terribly angry and ordered to execute the naughty priest. But even in prison, he met his love in the person of the guard's daughter.

The miraculous power of Valentine manifested itself during his lifetime. Following the scaffold, he passed a farewell note to his relatives through a blind girl who, after that, received her sight. These events took place in the distant 12th century. Celebrations began a few centuries later.

In our time, February 14th, it is customary to give your loved one a small gift in the form of a Valentine. Small heart-shaped postcards can be purchased at any stationery store. But they are all of the same type and completely not interesting.

It’s a completely different matter - do-it-yourself gifts for February 14th. A piece of the soul of a loving person is embedded in each craft. The article provides examples of self-made gifts with explanations of their manufacture and with photographs of finished products.

Gift Ideas for February 14th

With your own hands, you can sew valentines from fabric or felt, knit from yarn, make a card using the quilling technique from paper strips. For this, a cardboard base is cut out in the shape of a heart. It has flowers or butterflies of different colors.

Postcards can be made flat and voluminous by adding elements from satin ribbons or felt sheets. The base can be made traditional or in the shape of a heart, consisting of a single sheet or in the form of a book.

Pictures in a frame created from various materials look beautiful. It can be twigs and saw cuts of a tree, threads and twine, lace or satin ribbons.

Also, as gifts for February 14, you can make candlesticks and wall panels with your own hands, decorate a vase or twigs placed in it.

If a girl thinks what can be presented to a guy for the holiday of all lovers, then she can be advised to sew a soft felt Valentine's card. The guy will be able to put it in his pocket and carry it constantly with him, warming his hands with a warm craft. You can bake cookies in the shape of a heart and have a tea party with sweets by candlelight.

If the couple is already married, then with the ability to sew, a woman can make two pillows with the application of halves of the heart for the holiday. When the pillows are located nearby, an entire element is made up.

If the couple has a child, then you can make a heart-shaped valentine from salt dough, in which to print the baby's hands. After drying, this craft can be stored in the family for a long time.

Candle holders

A man for his wife can make a gift for February 14 with his own hands in the form of two candlesticks joined together. The photo shows that they are carved from the bars of a tree. Jigsaw cuts on one side half of the heart. When the candlesticks are placed side by side, the two halves are combined into a single whole.

candlesticks for the holiday

After the contours of the figure are cut out, you also need to deepen the upper part of the bar to insert a candle. Do this with a screwdriver or drill with a pen drill.

But making the necessary holes is half the battle. Now you need to process the entire surface with sandpaper. Initially, they use No. 100. Then the surface is either painted or opened with acrylic varnish. After this procedure, the pile rises on the wood, so that it is re-processed with sandpaper, only finer - No. 80. Then the surface is covered with the last layer of acrylic paint or varnish. It remains to insert the candles into the holes and light during the gala dinner.

Felt hearts

A girl for a holiday to her beloved young man can sew a soft and warm heart-shaped felt crafts. It’s easy to make such a gift for a guy on February 14th. A heart is made manually of felt sheets of three different colors. Contrasting shades are selected to make the craft bright. As a filler, cotton wool or synthetic winterizer is used. It is better to take artificial cotton, because natural wool quickly gets lumpy.

felt hearts

A template of all three hearts of different sizes is drawn on cardboard. The largest parts are cut along the contours in duplicate. Before stitching, an applique of two smaller hearts is sewn on one half.

It remains to sew both halves of the craft and insert the selected filler between them. All seams are made over the edge of the fabric. You can use threads of contrasting colors for decoration. You can always carry such a valentine with you in your pocket and warm your hands on cold winter days, remembering a caring girlfriend.

Picture of twigs

You can make a gift for February 14 with your own hands in the form of a picture. The background color is selected contrasting, bright. Either thick paper or fabric is pulled onto cardboard, plywood or fiberboard. Then small thin branches are selected and cut into segments according to the drawn pattern. The elements of the heart are located not tightly, but with a small distance between them.

heart of twigs

Attach parts to thick PVA glue. If there is a glue gun, then you can use it. The picture can be inserted into the frame, further decorating it. Since the heart itself is made of natural material, the decorating elements for the frame can also be made from natural details. The decoration of frames with coffee beans or burlap and lace looks good.

If you met your wife at a seaside resort, you can use sea pebbles or shells. This will serve as a reminder of an amazing fateful meeting.

Wall panel

A gift for her husband on February 14 with her own hands can be made even out of paper. This is a wall panel with many colorful butterflies. On holiday, it can be put on a shelf in the bedroom. The craft looks very impressive and original. It consists of many small parts, the process is time-consuming, so you need to start manufacturing in advance.

wall panel

Bright double-sided colored paper of rainbow colors is selected. The colors are arranged accordingly. If you don’t remember what shades are in the rainbow, then it’s easy to remember them with the help of the famous poem: “Every (red) hunter (orange) wants (yellow) to know (green), where (blue) sits (blue) pheasant (purple)” .

It is best to draw the borders of each color on a white background with a simple pencil. Then the cardboard butterfly template is executed. The image is transferred to colored paper and cut out along the contours. The butterfly is bent into three parts: two wings and the central part. Only the middle of the insect is smeared with glue. They have colors in layers. The image of the heart is not complete, some of the butterflies visually fly away to the side. This creates a motion effect. The picture is dynamic. You can make it large and hang it in the room on the wall by nailing it on a wooden frame.

Rainbow card

With his own hands, a guy can make a gift for February 14 by creating a card from rainbow-colored hearts. You need to find double-sided paper of the necessary seven colors of the rainbow and, using a template, cut the same hearts. On the card, they will act as balloons that are held on strings.

greeting card for february 14

On a white cardboard, pastel background paper is first glued. You can use embossed. Then the threads are attached, the floss looks beautiful. They are located in the middle of the postcard. Hearts are bent in half, only the central folds are smeared with PVA glue. When glued, volumetric parts are obtained.

Craft from threads

You can make a DIY gift for February 14 from multi-colored threads. For work, you will need a piece of polystyrene, small nails with smooth beautiful hats.

thread picture

Two hearts are drawn on the foam - the outer one is large and the inner one is smaller. Then, cloves are inserted along the contours. Threads stretch between them from one heart to another.

Gift to a man on February 14

With her own hands, a woman for a loved one can bake heart-shaped shortbread cookies for a gala dinner. The recipe is simple. It is necessary to cook:

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Drain. oil room temperature - 200 g.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Icing sugar - 50 grams.
  • Vanilla Sugar Pack - 10 g.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A teaspoon of baking powder.
cookie hearts

In a bowl, flour, salt and baking powder are mixed. Separately mix soft butter with sugar and powder. You can beat all the ingredients with a mixer. Only yolks, vanilla are added to the bowl with butter, continue to whisk. Then mix the contents of two bowls. The finished dough is wrapped in cling film and sent for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Then roll cake in 0.5 cm and form a heart shape. After baking, you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Smiley Pillow

As a gift idea for February 14, a guy can be offered to sew a round pillow with his own hands. To make it look like everyone's favorite emoticons, the material is taken in yellow. Cut out two circles of the same size. On one application is performed - red hearts (eyes) and a brown mouth.

smiley pillow

Then the parts are sewn together, but not completely. A small incision is left to insert a syntepon filler. Then finally close the hole with an internal seam. Lying on a new pillow, the guy will remember his beloved.

Marriage proposal

An original gift made on February 14 with a do-it-yourself girl will amaze her if an engagement ring lies on a homemade valentine’s day card from velvet. If you really love a girl and want to spend the rest of your life only with her, then you can make an offer on Valentine's Day. Then this event will be remembered for a lifetime.

wedding ring stand

Making a Valentine is easy. First you need to cut out the shape of the heart from thick cardboard according to the drawn contours. Then it is pasted with a cloth using PVA glue. You can decorate it in different ways, using ready-made artificial flowers or satin ribbons, tying them with a magnificent bow.

If the guy knows how to sew, then along the edge of the crafts, you can sew a silk edging.


The article presents only a few interesting crafts for the holiday. They can be performed by both men and girls for their guys. It doesn’t matter if you do not succeed right away. If a girl loves you, then she will evaluate your efforts as excellent. The main thing is attention and a desire to make it pleasant for a loved one.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5436/

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