Secrets of HearthStone: Paladin. Overview

HearthStone is the popular Blizzard CCP. Over the year of its existence, “HS” has gathered a huge audience (more than 20 million players). What is the secret to the success of this game?

HearthStone - The Way To Success

Why is Blizzard CCP so popular? The answer to this question lies in the slogan of the game. It reads: "Deceptively simple. Incredibly interesting." This is what characterizes the "CS" as well as possible. When you first enter the game, you catch yourself thinking that everything is extremely simple. But with each new opponent, you gradually begin to realize that you were mistaken. The mechanics of the game, the synergy of the cards, the mana curve, the style of decks - to understand all this, you will have to spend quite a lot of time. “Hartstone” is addictive from the first minutes.

Another important factor in popularity is the distribution system. HearthStone is distributed on a free to play system. And this means that anyone can download the game.

But the key factor that forces gamers around the world to play "XC" is diversity. A huge number of cards, nine classes and an infinite number of combinations.

Only some characters have HearthStone secrets in the game. Paladin is one of them. It is about him that we will talk in this article. We will take a closer look at the secrets of the Paladin (HearthStone) and their features. Interested in? Read on.

Secrets of HearthStone. Paladin

Secrets of HearthStone Paladin

Paladin is a fairly popular class in the game. It is for this reason that many are interested in the question: "What are the secrets of the Paladin?" HearthStone thanks to them captures even more. We will try to answer the question in this article. But first, it’s worth to understand what secrets are. This is a special spell that, when used, goes into passive mode and is displayed on the portrait of your hero as a question mark. The secret is activated only when the enemy takes a certain action. At the moment, only three classes have the secrets of HearthStone. The paladin is one of them.

Features of Paladin's Secrets

One of the most powerful spells in the game are the secrets of HearthStone. The paladin in its arsenal has five of these cards. Due to this, he is considered a dangerous and unpredictable opponent. Most interestingly, you can play the secrets of the Paladin (HearthStone) for 1 mana. Such a low manacost allows the Paladin to effortlessly control the battlefield. Perhaps now we turn to the specifics and consider each secret in detail.

Secrets of the Paladin HearthStone


In the case of an enemy attack (whether it is an attack with a creature or a weapon), the card summons a creature on the battlefield (two attack units and one health unit), which takes all the damage. This spell is great for preventing heavy damage to yourself or your creatures. It is worth noting that "Self-sacrifice" goes well with "Vengeance."


It activates if the enemy destroyed your creature. The spell returns your unit back to the table, but with only one health. It is best to use this card in combination with creatures that have a divine shield or powerful death rattle. The most suitable candidates are Tirion Fordring and Sylvanas Windrunner. Do not use the Atonement if you have weak creatures (like recruits) on the field.

"An eye for an eye"

What are the secrets of the Paladin HearthStone

Activated when a Paladin takes damage. It inflicts damage to the enemy that we ourselves received, whether it is a blow to the hand, the ability of a character or creature. A very situational map, which is difficult to find application. It can drag one out of ten games, but most of the time it’s dead weight in your deck. Therefore, using this card is not recommended.


It is activated when our opponent calls a creature on the battlefield. The card reduces the health of the summoned creature to one. It is best to apply this secret in a late game (late game), when mostly strong creatures appear. It’s also worth noting that “Repentance” works great in combination with cards like Wrath of the Punisher, Hammer of Wrath, and Wrath of Heaven.


Secrets of the Paladin HearthStone for 1 mana

An excellent secret, which is most often used in Paladin decks. Suitable for both agro and control decks. After our unit dies, another minion under our control receives additional characteristics (plus three to attack and two to health). It is worth noting that "Vengeance" does not fall out of the classic sets. In order to get this secret, you have to purchase and pass the test of "Naxxramas".


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