List of the best PC games of all time

It's no secret that everyone loves to play good and original games that have their own unique atmosphere, storyline and other in-game specific features. But then a certain difficulty appears: there are a lot of projects that you can play, and there are much fewer projects that differ from all this gray mass. Our task with you is to find them and select them in a small list, which will be called "Top 10 PC Games."

10. Sid Meier's Civilization

This series of games is considered to be one of the best military-economic strategies for a personal computer. 5 full-blown parts and dozens of different DLC managed to create a huge interactive world with its own information field. In this game you have to control the whole civilization and its fate. Each political, economic or military action will entail a number of consequences and changes on the global map.

list of best pc games

9. Call Of Duty

Every self-respecting gamer knows what CoD is. This series of games is included in the list of the best games on PC for at least one simple reason - this is one of the most popular game projects. Each year, users can witness the release of a new part. The game is famous for its ongoing action - the actions here do not stop for a minute.

8. Diablo

This game is the progenitor of the classic RPG genre. The series consists of 3 parts, each of which at one time achieved great popularity. One of the main features of "Diablo" is expressed in countless crowds of monsters and random equipment generation system.

7. Star Craft

One of the most popular and well-thought-out strategies is deservedly included in the list of the best games on the PC. Here, military action takes place between 3 groups: people, protoss and zergs - each of which has its own unique advantages and units.

rating of the best pc games

6. Bioshock

The rating of the best games on the PC simply cannot exist without a bit of creativity and art work, which is abundant in the game "Bioshock". This series of games from other projects is largely distinguished by the approach of developers to create their creations. Such games just need to go from start to finish.

5. Command & Conquer

A series of military-strategic games on various topics is represented mainly by this option, which has a rather impressive track record in its collection. As you have already noticed, the entire list of the best games on PC includes various genres, but all projects are taken in whole series, because each of them is a certain piece of history.

4. GTA

This game needs no introduction. Absolutely every player knows this brainchild of Rockstar. A child of 5 years old and an adult man of 35 years of age - everyone can and loves to play for the great car thief (this is the original name of the game). The peculiarity of this series of games is that it has an absolutely seamless and huge interactive world.

3. The Elder Scrolls

This is a very ancient and classic game series, which is simply obliged to enter the list of the best games on the PC, or rather the top three. Not playing and not loving her is simply impossible. One of the most interesting RPGs from the first person, which has at its disposal an open world and a whole cloud of basic and side quests.

2. Mass Effect

A trilogy that made the whole game world tremble. There are no words that could describe this project in the right light. The most epic story about human courage and friendship, which makes one admire its inimitable galactic atmosphere.

10 best pc games

1. Half-Life

And, of course, the brainchild from Valve Studios tops the list of the best PC games. Nobody managed to overtake her - her popularity and demand among ordinary users and experienced gamers is incredibly high. The built-in physics engine for those times was a breakthrough in the computer industry.


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