Kyzyl sights, their photos and history

Most tourists perceive the city of Kyzyl as a transit point on the way to the treasured mountain peaks, national parks or picturesque lakes. But those who decided to stay here for a few days leave the capital of Tyva delighted. The central square is buried in flowers, the embankment conquers with its beauty and coziness. In addition, the city has many unique places. So what are the sights of Kyzyl?

Sights of Kyzyl

Prayer drum

Opened in 2006 on the central square of the city, opposite the musical-drama theater. A little later, a prayer house for a drum in the form of a pagoda was also built, which was decorated with an elegant ornament.

In the drum itself, made of copper, 115 million leaflets with mantras written on them are fixed. It must be rotated clockwise. One turn - one prayer. And you do not need to be a Buddhist to ask heaven for health, luck and prosperity.

And the monks from the Tudmed monastery gave this unique design to the city, who responded with gratitude to the locals for help in the construction of sand mandalas. It is difficult to overestimate the significance of the gift: in Buddhism, prayer drums are revered as sources of great blessing.

Kyzyl attractions photo

Buddhist Temple Cechenling

This is one of the brightest, in the literal sense of the word, sights of the city of Kyzyl. The name of the temple is translated as "Abode of unlimited compassion." It is small but very comfortable. Local residents talk about the tradition that came from nowhere: before entering the temple, you should go around it three times in the clockwise direction, touching each corner. By the way, they are already terribly worn out, which means that they are not visiting it for the sake of beauty.

The temple building surprisingly combines the traditions of Buddhist ancient architecture and modern building technology. At first glance, everything is very simple: white walls, a wide front staircase, a pediment, decorated very modestly, and a roof traditional for eastern countries with corners bent up.

The first floor of the temple is occupied by the residence of the representatives of the Dalai Lama. The second is equipped with a prayer hall with a luxurious altar. A massive marble staircase is built between the floors.

Eight stupas were erected on the territory of the shrine, each of which reflects the events of the life of the Buddha.

attractions of the city of Kyzyl

At Sechenling, classes were organized for everyone who wanted to study the Tibetan language, learn yoga, the secrets of meditation and the philosophy of Buddhism. In addition, here you can freely talk with the llamas and even join their classes.

Tuvan State Philharmonic

One of the oldest sights of Kyzyl (see photo below) was opened on April 1, 1969. Today it is housed in the building of the Kok-ool Music and Drama Theater. Six groups work here for the guests, each of which is the bearer of a national musical culture. But they perform not only folk music. Their repertoire contains many classical and symphonic compositions. Performing here are touring well-known Russian dance ensembles, and music groups.

The Philharmonic also has its own “Theater of Miniatures”, a rock laboratory, a choreographic studio for children “Sayan”.

Sights of Kyzyl

National Museum of the Republic of Tuva

The museum owes its appearance to indifferent local residents who resolutely undertook to study the history of the republic and its capital. There are several legends about this. In one of them, the creation of the museum is attributed to the consul I. Chichaev, who put forward a proposal to form the Uryankhovedenie society. According to another, the initiative belongs to the editor-in-chief of the local newspaper F. Pudalov. Historians claim that this attraction of Kyzyl (the Republic of Tyva) owes its appearance to the occasion: in 1924, pieces of ore, pipes, household items, clay shards, jewelry, etc. were found. Museum visitors often linger near shaman tambourines, statuettes, painted national dishes, reconstruction of the dwellings of the peoples living in this territory.

Museum of Nadia Rusheva

It is a unique place of its kind. The museum of the young self-taught artist has more than 380 works. Citizens revered Nadia as their countrywoman. The girl’s mom is the first ballerina of the republic, dad came to Tuva in 1945 to become a stage designer of a drama theater.

Nadia began to draw from kindergarten, from the age of five. Before school, she did not receive any education, that is, she was not taught literacy, reading, or even drawing. From the first grade, the girl drew daily after class, then more. But ... her life was cut short when she was 17 years old.

Tuva republic Kyzyl sights

Monument to Kadarcha

Not far from the highway leading from the city, on a high hill, a shepherd meets guests of the capital, dressed in national clothes and carefully looking into the distance on endless steppes. This is a tribute to the most ancient occupation of Tuvans - animal husbandry. The monument became not only a landmark of the city of Kyzyl and the Republic of Tuva, but also a visiting card of the capital and the whole republic. Installed it in 1987.

Holy Trinity Temple

Although Orthodoxy is far from the dominant denomination in Tuva, the majority of the Russian-speaking population of the republic are believers. And Christianity has taken root here by historical standards recently - in the middle of the last century, thanks to the arrival of Russian gold ore miners. But oddly enough, the Holy Trinity Church is the oldest shrine of the republic.

This attraction of Kyzyl is quite modest in appearance. It was originally built from wood, and only a few decades later (since 1929) it was reconstructed. The temple ensemble consists of the main building, a tower with bells and outbuildings. A high conical roof with a small dome unusual for such structures is visible from afar. And the blue tint in which the temple is painted pleasantly dazzles against the background of city buildings.

Unique shrines are stored here: the icon of St. Nicholas, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the icon of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and the icon of St. Joasaph.

In Holy Trinity Church, a children's Sunday school is open. They are engaged in church singing, the law of God and needlework. And in the summer, a children's camp is working within the walls of the shrine.

Sights of the city beautiful places

Park of Culture and Rest Nicholas Gastello

This attraction of Kyzyl is a unique place in Siberia. Only here, almost in the center of the city, you can meet wild animals. The park is located on a small peninsula surrounded by beautiful forests. One side of this resting place is washed by the waters of a picturesque pond, the other - by the Small Yenisei.

Monument to the first Russian teachers

In 2010, a monument to teachers was unveiled on the second kilometer of the Yenisei federal highway through the efforts of the republic’s authorities. These brave people abandoned their habitable housing and habitual way of life and came to Siberia. For many of them, Tuva became a home. And judging by the memorial, their work was not in vain. Monument to the first Tuvan enlighteners - a tribute of sincere gratitude. Indeed, in addition to sciences, teachers helped local residents integrate into the Russian environment.


Four years ago, the city embankment changed beyond recognition. Now this pearl of the capital of Tuva is not just a beautiful place, a landmark of Kyzyl, but also a recreation area beloved both by local residents and guests of the city.

Once upon a time a notorious granite boulder was installed here with the inscription "Center of Asia". Today, at the end of the repair work, he, ennobled, returned to his rightful place.

Sights of Kyzyl

Museum of the History of Political Repression

This attraction of Kyzyl is located in the building of the former special commandant's office of the NKVD. The exposition acquaints visitors with unique photographs, clippings from newspapers of that era, documents, letters, biographies of the repressed and other exhibits. The museum is of genuine interest, because in Tuva a huge number of people referred, some of them were sentenced to death. This went on from 1930 to 1960.

Shaman Clinic

This phenomenon appeared at the end of the last century. Shamans, accustomed to staying apart and responsible only for their kind, after ten years of persecution and the eradication of religion in the USSR today are uniting. Four similar clinics operate in the republic. But this attraction of Kyzyl is larger than the rest, and it is appreciated by the people more. It is difficult to pass by it: two huge yurts with numerous ribbons fluttering in the wind attract attention.

Come to Kyzyl

Take your time, wander around Kyzyl. Amazing people live here. They will never lose their self-identification, because they sacredly honor the cultural values ​​of their ancestors, the national language with local dialects and unique traditions.


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