A mattress seam in knitting is not as difficult as it seems at first glance

Not all knitters, who only recently picked up knitting needles and yarn, trying to create some kind of masterpiece, know how to connect all the parts of the product connected by them together. After all, it is very important that the finished thing has a very neat and fashionable look so that the product looks on the figure as best as possible.

Itโ€™s not very easy to choose a knit stitch suitable for a particular case. And yet it is possible. If the item is made by ordinary knitting using knitting needles, then a mattress stitch will come to the rescue. In knitting, it is quite simple, without any intricacies. And most importantly - after the details of the canvas are connected, it is almost imperceptible.

We connect with a mattress seam: what is needed for this?

A mattress seam in knitting has been used for a long time and very often. It has undoubted advantages that make it universal for many products. This option is suitable for beginners. Indeed, in order to complete the process of creating a new thing, you do not need to pre-map out the details. It will be enough just to call for help pins.

How to sew knitted parts? A mattress stitch can be made with absolutely any yarn chosen by the craftswoman, regardless of its color and thickness. This is especially true if the elements of the thing are knitted from multi-colored yarn.

knitted mattress stitch

First you need an ordinary needle, in which one end is blunt, and the wide eye is located on the second. The blunt end of the needle will not break the thread while the parts are joined.

Now you should place in front of you on the table ready-made elements of the future outfit that need to be sewn. They should lie face up. So they are interconnected. Moreover, it is necessary to stitch it for those loops that will be next to the loops from the edge row.

We try to connect correctly

First you need to visually identify the loops necessary for the job, and thatโ€™s it - you can start making a mattress stitch in knitting. If the novice craftswoman is not sure that she will succeed at once, and will succeed correctly, she may try to train on two pieces of blanks connected in advance from different yarn.

To understand and see the difference, you can choose a thread that will completely differ both in thickness and color from the workpieces. You should carefully pick up the front eyelet with the needle for the upper part, which is located on the right piece.

knitting mattress stitch

Then slowly push the yarn through the loop, but do not tighten it. It is better to determine for yourself the series you need in this case, which is located after the edge. And now you can stick your tool directly into the center of the front loop for gripping.

Important stitch

Next, you need to pull the needle through the loop, into the eye of which the thread is inserted. The result was a stitch in prepared knitting that connects both parts - left and right. But for now, do not drag it.

And we continue to do the mattress vertical seam, connecting the loops with each other and not tightening the thread. Care must be taken not to miss a single place where the stitch is created.

Important not to delay

After a sufficient number of neat stitches have already been made, it is necessary to pull the thread towards you with light movements. This is done until the knitting is connected, but it is not necessary to tighten too much so that the loops are not stretched near the seam. Now, looking at the result, you can see that the halves connected together are absolutely even. It seems that the front surface was knitted with a two-color thread.

mattress vertical seam

You can continue to work until all the loops are connected. You can see with your own eyes that on the front side of the work it is completely imperceptible what yarn of what color did the mattress seam in knitting. Yes, and from the inside, too, nothing can be understood.

A little time - a great result!

It is much easier to make such a seam on those knitted details that were created by the wrong side on the front side. Here, the loop of the loop is better viewed, for which each stitch is hooked.

All necessary actions are almost the same as in the first option, described a little above. One after another, the stitch must be done sequentially, not forgetting about each loop in a row. But you do not need to tighten the thread.

how to sew knitted details mattress stitch

In the same way as in the first case, when performing this seam, it is completely imperceptible what thread it is made. Experience shows that it is quite realistic to create a vertical knit stitch (it is also a mattress) in a short period of time. But the most important thing is that the front side will look just perfect.

The right choice of thread

If the future product is created from the yarn a little fluffy or completely smooth, then in order to connect the details, you need the thread that was used in the work. But if for a thing a long-pile mohair, booklet or interesting yarn with thickenings was chosen, then it is better to combine the details with smooth yarn that will suit the color.

Itโ€™s best not to use familiar sewing threads, because they are completely non-elastic for this.

vertical knit stitch it is also mattress

You need to carefully look at the number of rows in the details that need to be connected. Both parts must contain the same number of rows. You also need to consider how the reduction of the loops in the prepared canvas is located.

After reading this article, you will understand what a mattress stitch is in knitting and how to do it correctly. Now even a novice craftswoman will be able to connect all the connected details without any fear, and so that it will not be noticeable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5453/

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