Number of floors and number of floors: what is the difference, classification of buildings by height and number of floors

The Town Planning Code and Construction Norms and Regulations make distinctions in definitions “number of storeys and number of floors”. What is the difference - you can find out in the regulatory documentation. To know the distinguishing features of the main parameters in buildings, and not just the terminology, you need a professional builder, architect in the development of projects and the person who will have to issue permits. It reveals the secret of how to determine the number of storeys and the number of floors, what is the difference, it also clearly explains the situation from the building codes and rules of 31-01-2003.

Feature of construction terms

The building is a complex multifunctional system. Designers begin to work on its construction long before excavation work begins and the first brick or reinforced concrete wall is laid. Specialists calculate the number of floors and the number of floors in the building, what is the difference in the levels. Architects lay in the design documentation:

  • dimensions according to calculations of building elements;
  • determine the space and distance between different structures;
  • calculate the loads on the floors and load-bearing beams.

The work is serious and painstaking, the safety of future inhabitants of buildings depends on this. This applies to the number of floors and the number of floors. What is the difference - in the space between the floor and ceiling surfaces. The created level between the ceilings in which the rooms are located, as well as structures above or below the ground, are all floors, and they require careful development.

How to calculate the number of storeys?

A simple layman will have no doubt in determining the number of floors and the number of floors of the building. Counts by visible windows, starting from the first and ending with the last. Builders classify their buildings, but in a slightly different way. Buildings are included in the number of storeys:

  • aboveground;
  • technical;
  • the attic;
  • basement, provided that the line of its overlap is above 2 m from the ground.
Project development

In the calculation of floors should include all structures:

  • basement facilities;
  • underground;
  • basement;
  • aboveground;
  • technical;
  • attic.

The urban planning classifier by the number of floors implies a certain criterion to conduct a state examination of the developed project, where the term number of floors is not used. It is to clarify expert data that the separation of concepts is important. Builders use it for different cases when they determine as much as possible:

  • change the characteristics of the structure;
  • carry out reconstruction;
  • perform restoration.

Provided that the work lies ahead in the zones of historical structures, and changes require part of the superstructures or extensions.

Future project

Building height

Classification of buildings takes place according to different parameters. Designers distinguish units and structures, completing them into a single system for experts or other inspectors. Separately, there are elements that need to be paid attention to foremen and direct executors. Buildings are distinguished by the number of floors:

  • 2 - small;
  • 5 - medium;
  • 6 - high-rise buildings;
  • 10 - increased;
  • 16 - high-rise buildings;
  • from 20 and above - they include skyscrapers.

Buildings are assigned a height category:

  • 50 m - 1;
  • 75 m - 2;
  • 100 m - 3;
  • 101 m - 4.

High-rise buildings require a special relationship in ensuring their safety with a fire extinguishing system, smoke-free stairwells, their presence is regulated by SNiPs. Such buildings have not particularly taken root in us, except in the central megacities. But a mid-rise residential building can be found in every regional town.

High-rise in the city center

Typical characteristic

Each built-up level in the house has a clear description. Typical Features:

  1. Basement - begins with the line of the floor area, which is located below ground level, but in height no more than half of the rooms located there.
  2. A basement is a marking on the floor surface after a line of land, if the height corresponds to 1/2 of the premises.
  3. The underground floors of buildings are counted on the floor below the ground mark.
  4. Located on the surface - this is all the construction, the floor plane of which is located above the level of the land line.
  5. The attic space belongs to the attics, the facade of which consists of a roofing pie.

The technical part of the building includes the areas where the engineering equipment stands, and the laid communications are suitable. The technical floor is a special-purpose unit and constructive object; it can be placed underground or in the attic. Sometimes designers make the choice in the most effective for life support and unexpected places, for example, in the middle of the house.

Geometric content

Regardless of how the apartment building was built, of average number of storeys, of a larger or smaller parameter, before, professionals geometrically calculated the height of each space between horizontal surfaces. Design is carried out along vertical distances, measured from the floor line of the lower floor to the upper. The typical size of this parameter is allowed up to 2.7 m in room height.

According to modern layouts, it is not always subject to ordinary standards. They carry out all the necessary calculations, make high vestibules that exceed the level of ordinary rooms. In different ways, developers or owners relate to household areas. It is not uncommon to find a residential basement. It was originally allocated and equipped by developers or citizens settled and reconstructed the building itself.

Five-story building

What spaces are not subject to accounting

When the design and construction of an apartment building or a public building, structure occurs, it is not included in the calculation of aboveground buildings in the form of floors:

  • a subfloor under the premises, regardless of height;
  • the space between floors, if it is less than 1.8 m high;
  • roofing superstructures, sections coming out of the stairwell, elevator machine room, ventilation chamber, boiler rooms on the roofs.

Buildings are filled with structural elements such as variable floors. In technical plans, when they begin to develop documentation for houses with different numbers of floors, they are not listed, but the minimum and maximum are indicated (1-16).

If an inventory of housing is carried out if there are in the house in its separate parts, different in the number of elevated buildings, the floors are determined by the lowest value, actual and recorded in technical terms. During the design of an apartment building with a breakdown of the house plan on a slope with a basement, the slope increases the number of tiers, they are counted in parts in each individual section of the building.

Specialized residential buildings

The number of storeys of buildings depends on their purpose. Buildings are massive and specialized. The first buildings contain apartments where families will live, different in composition and economic status. Specialized houses according to their purpose are:

  • dormitories;
  • Hotels
  • boarding schools for the disabled and the elderly.

In each of the buildings, residence of people of different durations is planned. What height to build a house depends on the regional authorities, construction legislation and its territorial location. For example:

  • large megacities are developing microdistricts with 9-story houses;
  • large cities in their residential quarters place buildings, starting with five-module options;
  • in small district settlements and urban settlements, buildings with medium-rise buildings are characteristic;
  • in villages, mainly buildings are built not higher than 2 floors.

Town-planning architecture is distinguished by its multifunctionality, structural elements of various forms.

Comfortable house

Planning structure

Residential multi-unit development has distinctive features in terms of volume and structure of layouts. Objects are divided according to the following configurations:

  • sectional;
  • bellboy;
  • gallery;
  • blocked.

In buildings with sections of the apartment are placed one above the other floor, where they are connected:

  • vertical communications;
  • stairs
  • elevators.

The apartment has an entrance from the landing or elevator hall. In residential buildings, sections can be arranged both multiple and single. They satisfy owners in different ways in terms of cost-effectiveness, but allow developers to maneuver the placement of objects within the city, combining compositional solutions.

Features of corridor buildings

In gallery residential buildings equipped with horizontal communications. Corridor layouts are called because of the location of apartments on the sides of this space. The system is connected by vertical communications, stairs and elevators. But it does not have proper ventilation with through ventilation.

Therefore, in the climatic zones of categories 3 and 4, the corridor layout in the houses was replaced by the gallery layout of the apartments. In any case, their structure allows the efficient use of elevators, which makes it possible to increase the number of floors to 16.

New time

The architecture of urban development has noticeably changed compared to the Soviet period. They received apartments for free, it was enough to work at one enterprise for several years. Housing was developed, and then built according to the same standard projects, it was no different even in different cities, except for the size of the area. Now corridor and gallery sectional buildings have appeared. The spacious apartments in them occupy immediately 2 floors with an internal staircase and corridors through one passage.

Domestic premises were distributed both below and above, this helps to use 2 types of communications - horizontal and vertical. In these buildings, through ventilation is equipped from 2 sides. While these are only experimental projects, they are not very active in taking root among the population. It is impossible to call them an economical or budget option, since it is impossible to place less than 3 rooms in houses with a similar layout.

Block houses

Lock house building

The blocking house can be multi-unit, but have no more than 2 floors. Allowed the location of one living space at once on two levels. Only the entrance to it is provided not from the corridors, but from the yard. These are cottages convenient for the countryside, near them you can set up a small garden or equip a walking patio. The land is located opposite the housing and equal in width, it turns out up to 200 m 2 for each owner. Locking buildings accommodate up to 10 apartments from 3 to 5 rooms.

Two-story building

Student housing

Dormitories are still popular among students and working youth. For single people for temporary residence, they save the budget, allow you to save money to buy a more comfortable home. Small families have been developed for families. This is a small copy of an apartment with 1 or 2 rooms, a bathroom and a toilet. In hotel-type buildings, it is supposed to receive customers for several days. In cities, such premises are not designed for special loads, they are placed in multi-story buildings. Although the height of the building is ordered by the builder. It assumes the number of business travelers and tourists whom it plans to receive.

In many ways, the number of storeys, comfort inside buildings and around houses depends on material support. The more buyers, the faster the construction industry is developing. The number of floors is also influenced by customer demand. Not everyone likes to live in a skyscraper and get to the apartment by elevator. The opportunity to settle in a city with the conditions of a modern villager attracts many, but not everyone is allowed to finance.

Meanwhile, apartments in 5-story buildings are in demand and quickly find their owners. Therefore, developers outside the city are buying up land and erecting convenient, comfortable houses. But before starting construction work, design documentation is prepared for them taking into account the floors. The administration gives permission for the development of the site if the experts make a positive conclusion regarding the structure of the land.


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