Do-it-yourself harry potter magic wand

In the world of wizards, a wand is the tool with which magic is performed. Anyone who has the ability to force objects to levitate with the Wingardium Levios spell or open the locks by saying Alochomor, at the age of eleven receives his own magic wand. Some particularly powerful magicians in certain cases can do without this device.

In the UK, the production of magic wands of the world of Harry Potter is only one master - Mr. Ollivander. American magicians can easily do without them, but in order to produce spectacular high-level spells, such an instrument is still needed. In general, in America there are four stickmakers.

Wands of the harry potter universe

The magic wands of all Harry Potter characters allow you to focus the wizard's attention on any item and direct the effect of the spell on it. Hermione’s wand was made of a vine with a core from a dragon’s vein, and Ron used the magic wand that he got from his older brothers, it was an ash-tree tool with unicorn hair. For the reason that this wand did not choose the Weasley, it did not possess all the possible strength and hardly obeyed him.

harry potter magic wand

Harry Potter's magic wand was eleven inches long, made of holly. Inside it was a feather of the phoenix, which belonged to the director of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Albus Dumbledore. Harry’s twin wand was an instrument used by the main villain - Voldemort or “The One Whose Name Can't Be Named”. The only difference is that Tom Riddle’s wand was made (later he changed his name to a more sinister) from yew.

Magic wand manufacturers

The most famous (and only) producer of Harry Potter's wands in the world was Garik Ollivander. This old master owned a shop in Diagon Alley, where he sold his unusual goods. It is known that his family was engaged in the manufacture of these magic items long before the advent of our era.

At the beginning of the story, the owner of the shop is already very old, but his mind is still clear. This is surprising, but Mr. Ollivander remembers absolutely all the sticks he sold. He is a true specialist in his field, but Ollivander’s knowledge is rather narrow. This is confirmed by the fact that he knows all or almost everything about the most powerful wand in the world, but has not heard anything about the other Deathly Hallows.

how to make harry potter magic wand

In America, there are four stickmakers. One of them is a native of the Choctaw Indian tribe, Shikobo Wulf. He makes magic wands with a core from a feather of a bird similar to a phoenix. His tools are very powerful, but not all magicians can cope with them. They are preferred by specialists in transfiguration.

Another master is Johannes Jonker. The wizard comes from a family of muggles. He produces sticks with a core from the hair of a wild cat Vampus. His wands are expensive and of high quality, with mother of pearl inlay.

The third master's name is Chiago Kentana. In production, he uses the translucent ridge of the Arkansas river monster. His wands are very stylish and powerful. True, after Chiago's death, the production of magic items stopped, since only he could lure river monsters.

A magical wand maker named Violetta Bouvet from New Orleans uses marsh hawthorn wood and rugaru hair, a dog-headed monster that lives in Louisiana swamps. These magic items are often chosen by dark magicians, but many ordinary representatives of the American magical community also own wands from Violetta Bouvet.

The most famous magic wand

The most famous magic wand of the world of Harry Potter - Elderberry - one of the Deathly Hallows. According to legend, it was donated by Death herself to one of the Perewell brothers. You could get it only by defeating the previous owner in battle. Often new owners received the wand in very bloody and dirty ways: they killed in a dream, attacked an exhausted or sick enemy, and so on.

According to the book, Professor Dumbledore became the owner of the Elder Wand after defeating the evil wizard Grindelwald. But its transfer to the next owner is very interesting. As it turned out later, in order to become the rightful owner of this magic item, it is not necessary to kill an opponent, it is enough to disarm him. Albus Dumbledore disarmed Malfoy in the sixth part of Harry Potter, but then no one had imagined that the wand was transferred to the new owner in this way.

harry potter magic wands of all characters

Later, the Elder Wand was buried with Albus Dumbledore. The Dark Lord defiled the grave of the great sorcerer and took the instrument. Further, the circumstances made it so that Draco Malfoy (the true owner of the wand) lost to Harry Potter in battle. The wand itself remained with Voldemort, while its owner was now the boy who survived. In a decisive duel between them, the Elder Wand disobeyed the Dark Lord's spells and passed on to Harry, and the killing spell ricocheted right in the direction of Tom Riddle.

Do-it-yourself harry potter magic wand

To get the wand, Harry Potter fans don't have to try to find Diagon Alley or defeat any wizard in an unequal battle. You can do it yourself. Wizards made these magic tools only on the growing moon, at midnight. According to the ancient books of the magic universe, it was necessary to go around the tree three times, which gave the wood to the stick, thanks to him, praising his power and strength. Then you need to "give the tree" a scarlet ribbon, tying it up, and pour red wine or water on the ground and bury bread or a precious pebble.

Preparation of materials and tools

How to make a Harry Potter magic wand? First you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials. Mages make sticks of wood, and the core can be a dragon's heart vein, hair from the tail of a unicorn, a phoenix feather, or something else that carries a magical component. Unfortunately, the full technique for making these magic items is available only to wizards, so you will have to refuse the core only if you do not decide to make a paper stick with your own hands.

do-it-yourself harry potter magic wand

So, the material for the manufacture can be a tree (you need one branch of suitable length and width, quite even), Chinese chopsticks or a tightly twisted long roll of paper. It is also necessary to prepare:

  1. Glue gun with a rod.
  2. A few tassels.
  3. PVA glue (for paper crafts).
  4. Acrylic paints “wood look”.
  5. Small beads or buttons for decoration (optional).
  6. Fixing emulsion for acrylic.

In addition, you need to take care of the cleanliness of the workplace.

Sanding and shaping

If you decide to make a wooden stick, choose a branch 28-36 centimeters long. Long will be inconvenient to use, short ones are more suitable for children. As for the width, it is optimal to choose a branch no thicker than your finger. Of course, it’s worth looking for a stick quite even, without bends.

One end of the workpiece must be sanded so that it becomes rounded. You can even try to give the branch a cone shape so that it tapers a little to the tip. It’s better to start working with coarse-grained emery paper, and to finish the finishing touches with sandpaper with fine grain. All growths and sharp jags should be removed from the branch, the bark can be left if desired.

harry potter magic wand glowing

Decorating and shaping the handle

Some sticks (like Hermione Granger's wand) have a handle, but this is an optional item. If you decide to form a handle, then make it approximately equal to the length of your finger. You can make this element with a glue gun. Apply glue and let it harden, and later apply another two or three layers. Additionally, you can cut out some patterns.

In addition, a bead or a small button can be glued to the base of the stick. On some sticks there are such elements. So that the decoration is not too massive, pick it of the same width as the base of the stick. You can also use a glue gun to apply a spiral pattern to the rest of the magic tool. Instead of a glue gun, polymer clay can be used.

harry potter magic wand photo

Coloring and fixing the result

To paint a Harry Potter magic wand (a photo of it can be seen in the article) is better with acrylic paint. Most of these magical little things are made in shades of brown, but you can make a black or white wand. To give color depth, it is worth applying several layers. You can, for example, use light and dark shades of brown plus black. If you dilute the acrylic paint with water, the natural texture of the wood will be visible.

To achieve the aging effect, you can fill in all the cracks and chips with a darker shade, and highlight the protruding areas with a light shade. For this piece of jewelry, a small brush with hard bristles is a good fit.

After the paint dries well, you need to apply a fixing emulsion. Using a fixative is optional, but it will not let the paint come off too quickly. You can choose a glossy or matte fixing agent depending on the expected effect.

Core stick

A stick with a core can be made using paper as the basis. A sheet of paper of a suitable size, begin to roll up in a tight roll, stop as soon as you reach the middle of the sheet. At this point, you can put the core. Wizards usually use the phoenix feather (you can take the feather of any bird), the dragon’s heart vein (red yarn) or unicorn hair (silver lint of the New Year's garland).

harry potter magic wand spells

Glowing magic wand

It's a little harder to make a Harry Potter glowing wand. To do this, you need a small flashlight. You need to pull out the LED element and not forget about the battery. Then the luminous element must be glued to the tip of the workpiece of the magic wand. To make it convenient to pass the wires through the workpiece, it is better to make it out of paper. Then it remains only to attach the switch to the handle of the magic tool.

Some caveats

Since a hot glue gun is used in the work and in the process it may be necessary to process the tree with a knife, it is impossible for the child to make the Harry Potter magic wand himself. Help from adults is a must.

Also do not trust children to cut wooden blanks. If a child wants to make a stick completely with his own hands, it is better to choose an option with a paper base.

Such a magic wand of Harry Potter, of course, will not perform spells, but it will be an excellent accessory to the new mantle.


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