The meaning of phraseology "barrel Danaid", origin and examples

A lot of sadness brought people love. It is not only a force that puts everything in motion, but also a power that destroys everything. When it comes to love, passion. This is also evidenced by the meaning of phraseology ā€œbarrel of Danaidā€. Rather, it is not itself, but its history. However, first things first.

The origin of phraseology

the meaning of phraseology barrel Danaid

Those expressions that came to us from the myths of Ancient Greece are easy and pleasant to disassemble. So in this case. Let us briefly outline the essence of the legend, from which the meaning of phraseology ā€œbarrel of Danaidā€ began. There were two ancient kings - Egypt and Danai. The first reigned, as is not difficult to understand, in Egypt, the other in Libya. Egypt had 50 sons, and Danai had 50 daughters. Of course, according to the plot, the daughters of one captured the sons of the other. But mutual sympathy did not happen. And so a conflict of interest arose . Omitting unnecessary details, letā€™s say: young people achieved what they wanted, but Danai and his daughters were treacherous. Father gave the daggers to the girls and ordered them to slaughter their newly-made husbands on their wedding night, which they did. All but one of Hypernestra, she could not kill Linkey. The girl secretly led her husband out of the palace. Upon learning this, the ā€œkindā€ father wanted to torture his daughter and then execute him (he was offended by the disobedience of the child).

But the despot failed to complete his plan, for the goddess of love Aphrodite herself came to the defense of the young. The gods also cleared the other sisters of the curse of murder. But as we know, the Greek gods do not forgive, therefore, the punishment found danaid after death in the kingdom of gloomy Hades. The sisters are forced to fill a vessel without a bottom; they have eternity at their disposal. Only they will be delighted and think that the vessel is almost full, it immediately drops water and is empty again.

The meaning of phraseology ā€œbarrel of Danaidā€ is now easy to unravel: this is what they say about meaningless work, which has no end. The Greek gods love such punishments, Sisyphus and Tantalus can sympathize with the Danaids, who are also forced to suffer forever through unsatisfied desires. In general, this is the worst thing you can imagine, and, probably, a person from the era of consumption of everything and everything can very well understand the ancient Greek heroes. However, we were distracted, we give a modern example illustrating the meaning of phraseology ā€œbarrel of Danaidā€.


barrel danaid meaning of phraseology

Everyone knows that office work, despite the apparent monotony, is very important for large corporations. But when a person who is not working in the office (or maybe working too) thinks of the expression ā€œbarrel of danaidā€ (the meaning of phraseology is explained a little higher), then the office comes to mind.

Imagine a situation where people, for example, make 50 trading offers per day. They spend time and effort on this, and only 1 or 2 goods are sold. There is another example.

Scientific activity

barrel Danaid meaning and origin of phraseology

A man is writing a dissertation. It seems to him that his work is substantive, but the trouble is that it does not seem to the reviewers (those who read and evaluate). They insist that the work should be rewritten. If a person rewrites 5 or 10 times, then it seems to him that it should be so, no one is protected immediately - the working moment, in other words. When the work is rewritten once every fifteenth, then there comes a sense of the meaninglessness of everything and everything. And then the image of the Danes' daughters pops up by itself.

So, the expression ā€œbarrel of Danaidā€ (meaning and origin of phraseology) is considered, history is illuminated and examples are given. Our task is completed.


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