Do-it-yourself doll from a plastic bottle

Someone, having drank juice or water, prefers the rhinestone to get rid of plastic bottles, as from garbage, and someone keeps them at home in the hope that someday it will come in handy.

Why plastic bottles are useful

Indeed, from these bottles you can come up with many different decorations for the home. A doll can be a good option to complement the design of a living room, kitchen, or even a nursery. Human figures from various materials have been made for millennia. In some cases, they were used in rituals, and they carried a sacred meaning, sometimes they served as a decoration for the family monastery and, of course, as a children's toy.

Doll Making Materials

So, a doll from a plastic bottle with your own hands - how to make it right? Let's look at a few options.

do-it-yourself doll from a plastic bottle

The following materials must be prepared:

  • two plastic bottles;
  • Scotch;
  • some fabric;
  • thread, needle;
  • nylon toe (in good condition, or new);
  • woolen threads;
  • filler for a doll in the form of cereals, legumes or beads;
  • stationery knife and scissors.

That, in principle, is all that is required to make a beautiful doll. Do it yourself from plastic bottles to make it possible for everyone.

Do it yourself doll

  1. We take one bottle and cut off its lower and upper parts. Using adhesive tape, glue the cut parts together. Do it in a quality manner so that the doll does not subsequently fall apart.
  2. At the second bottle, cut off the upper part and try on the body. If the size and proportions suit you, we continue to work further.
  3. Pour filler into the body. Enough of literally a handful of cereals or peas.
  4. Now it's time to dress up the doll. You can sew a semblance of dress, as an option, you can simply cut off the sleeve from the old unnecessary sweatshirts and pull on your creation.
  5. Let's get to the hands. Take a long flap of fabric, fold it in half and sew in, leaving the side parts intact. Inside we push fabric, cotton, latex or synthetic winterizer. Place more filler in the middle to highlight the breast of the future doll.
  6. Now fill a small segment from the nylon sock with cotton and tie with a thread. It turned out two hands. Sew the palms to the hands.
  7. It is time to tackle your head. On the cut off top of the second bottle, weโ€™ll stretch the capron sock, in the center of the face, under the sock, place a small cotton ball and tighten the fabric under it. This is the nose.
  8. From woolen threads we will make a doll a hairstyle.
  9. It is necessary to connect the head with the body. To do this, cut a small plastic strip, twist it into a tube so that the diameter fits the hole in the head. And we put our head on this sticking tube. A doll from a plastic bottle (with your own hands you will create it in a matter of minutes) is almost ready.
  10. Eyes can be made with buttons, beads or take ready-made stickers.
  11. If you add a scarf and beads, the lady made will look even more impressive.

This is how a doll is made with its own hands from plastic bottles. The master class is very simple and accessible to everyone. You get an original toy at no cost, because everything you need to create a doll is in every home.

Instead of clothes, you can paint plastic with paints.

do-it-yourself doll from plastic bottles master class

Other doll making options

There is an easier and faster way to make a doll out of a plastic bottle with your own hands:

  1. Separate half the bottle, we need the upper part.
  2. We take some dense fabric so that it can hold the shape of the cone, and wrap it around the neck of the bottle, measuring such a length so that the bottle is not visible from under it. You can decorate this dress with beads or buttons. It all depends on the imagination.
  3. Now do the head. Take plasticine and roll a ball the size of a head proportional to the resulting body. Wrap plasticine with cloth or paper.
  4. Draw or paste the face. Connect the head to the body.
  5. We will make a doll hairstyle from woolen threads. To prevent the junction of the head with the body, weโ€™ll tie the scarf to the dollโ€™s neck.
    do-it-yourself doll made of plastic bottles

A doll from a plastic bottle with your own hands is made very simple. Using this method, even a five-year-old child will be able to make a toy doll. And itโ€™s absolutely free, and the child gets creative development.

A doll from plastic bottles can turn out if you tie one bottle with a hook and thread with a beautiful dress. And at the second bottle, cut off the upper part, making the head, as in the first embodiment. Then connect the head to the body. And decorate the imperfect neck with a knitted scarf or scarf.

make a doll out of a plastic bottle with your own hands

As you can see, there are many ways to make a beautiful doll from a plastic bottle. With her own hands, she will delight you and your guests.


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