Violet "Esmeralda": description, care

One of the favorite flowers grown on window sills is violet. There are countless varieties and a huge variety of shades. Each type of these amazing flowers is magnificent in its own way.

Violet "Esmeralda": photo and description

Senpolia has large velvety leaves. Flower burgundy-raspberry color, terry or semi-double structure. The edges of the petals are slightly darkened, and the ruffles of the corrugated shape are white-green in color.

During the blooming of the flower, the edging is always green, and if it is cool in the room, then it retains it. Otherwise, it gradually turns white.

At the first flowering, many peduncles are formed. Subsequently, the violet "Esmeralda" (whose photos are presented in the article) is fully disclosed. Blooms with a luxurious hat. Flowers last for three months.

violet Esmeralda
The plant is unstable, rosettes with the same flowering are rare. In different periods, this happens in different ways. In winter, the buds open up to six months, but the flowers die. In spring and summer, inflorescences bloom faster.


A miniature lovely plant does not require special care, but some features still exist. Violet "Esmeralda" grows rapidly and blooms actively if it is in a well-lit place. Optimum daylight hours should be at least 14 hours. You can use artificial lighting for this. On the windowsills, the Saintpaulia should be protected from direct sunlight.

The temperature regime for violets should be constant, 20-24 degrees. The temperature at night is 4 degrees below daytime. Drafts should not be allowed. In summer, at a very high temperature, the plant may die.

violet Esmeralda photo
Violet "Esmeralda" (photo can be seen above) needs moist air. They do not recommend spraying the plant - this leads to leaf diseases. From dampness, fungal diseases appear on them. To moisten the air, a container with pebbles is placed next to the plant, into which water is poured. Once a month, the leaves of the violets are washed in the shower. After this procedure, residual water is removed from each leaf with a paper towel.


Violet leaves are located near the ground. During irrigation, water should not fall on their surface and on the outlet. For watering, the pot is immersed in a container of water until the surface layer of the soil is wet. After the liquid drains, the plant is put in place. The procedure is repeated twice a week.

Top dressing

In early spring, during the active growth of the plant, it is fed with nitrogen fertilizer. The next application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is done when buds appear. The procedure is repeated once every two weeks. Fertilizers are purchased in a flower shop and used according to the attached instructions. In winter, violet "Esmeralda" is at rest and does not require feeding.

Violet Esmeralda photo and description
The soil in the pot depletes over time, so once every three years the violet is transplanted. The earth should be loose and consist of leaf, coniferous and peat soil.

Violet "Esmeralda" propagated by a daughter outlet or leaf cuttings, it is very rarely grown from seeds.


The most common diseases:

  1. Powdery Mildew Manifested by the appearance on the sheets of white plaque. The reason for the development of the disease: low temperature and high humidity in the room. For treatment, special preparations (Topaz, Saprol) are used or the violet is dusted with sulfur powder.
  2. Late blight. It affects the stems of the plant, which acquire a dun shade. Saintpaulia should be taken out of the pot and carefully examined the root system. Sick, brownish roots should be removed. Put the violet in another pot and change the ground.
  3. Fusarium It develops in violation of growing conditions: watering with cold water, a large pot, sudden temperature fluctuations. The disease manifests itself by decay of the roots, leaves and petioles. The affected parts of the plant are removed. In order to prevent the disease, violet "Esmeralda" is treated with an antifungal agent.
  4. Gray rot. It appears in the form of a fluffy grayish-brown coating. The disease is insidious, capable of leading to the death of a flower in a short time. Prevention is the right care.
  5. Rust. It is formed when there is water on the leaves of violets, so watering is carried out carefully so that water does not fall on the plants.

violet Esmeralda photo and description reviews
For the design of consoles, window sills, coasters, the violet Esmeralda is ideal. Photos and descriptions (reviews, unfortunately, about this variety are practically absent) are presented in this article. At the forum of gardeners, the variety is described as one of the most beautiful, but very tender. The hardest thing is to leave it from the summer leaf. The variety is a regular participant in exhibitions where visitors are in great demand.


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