IPA: the abbreviation for the abbreviation. HDPE pipe

Relatively recently, such material as PND has gained its popularity. The decoding of this abbreviation is as follows: low-pressure polyethylene. Pipes are made from it, and continuous screw type extrusion technology is used. The method allows to obtain products that have unique characteristics.

Features of HDPE pipes

PND, decryption

Pipes are ideal for transporting liquids as well as gases. They are actively used if necessary to protect the cable laid under the thickness of the earth. This application is due to the fact that HDPE has rigidity and strength. In addition, low-pressure polyethylene is resistant to external, including atmospheric, influences. The material can be used when laying external and internal sewage systems.

Another advantage of HDPE pipes (decoding - low pressure polyethylene) is the low cost, which is due to the fact that secondary raw materials are used in the production. So, the manufacture of the described pipes helps to preserve the ecological situation, since secondary resources do not enter the external environment in the form of waste. HDPE pipes can have a very different diameter, which allows them to be used in all kinds of areas.

Advantages of pipes from HDPE

pipe decryption

The PND pipe (the decryption is already known to the reader) has many advantages. In addition to the above, one can also distinguish a rather long period of operation. For comparison, you can bring pipes made of steel, they serve 3, or even 5 times less compared to HDPE products. The material is completely not afraid of chemical effects, as well as corrosion processes. When interacting with an aggressive environment, pipes may not lose their abilities for a long time. They have an insignificant level of thermal conductivity, which is why condensation does not occur on their surface.

The product from PND (decoding of the abbreviation, by the way, helps the consumer at the time of purchasing the goods) does not need cathodic protection when laying the electric cable. The walls of the pipes are quite flexible, which is why there is no risk that the product will burst when freezing inside the liquid. It is very convenient to transport, unload and lay such pipes, because they have very little weight.

Classification of HDPE pipes

decryption pnd f

If you want to purchase a high-quality PND pipe, then you should choose the one that is made in accordance with GOST 18 599-83. Among such products may be the so-called heavy pipes, which are indicated by the marking "T". Products can be medium in weight, as well as medium-light, in which case the manufacturer must designate them with the marks β€œC” and β€œSL”, respectively. If the pipe is made to order, then on it you will see the marking "Nest".

Types of HDPE products

PND pipe decoding diameter 110

HDPE pipe (decoding - low-pressure polyethylene) can be produced with corrugated or smooth walls. The latest technical pipes have one layer, and you can purchase them in bays. An alternative pipe has a two-layer structure. On the outer surface, ribs are distinguished, which are designed to protect the inner layer from mechanical influences. Such products are often used in the installation of systems operated underground.

Application area

It is actively used in the arrangement of technical wells, and also, if necessary, to install the cable and wires HDPE pipe. Deciphering this value helps to understand that the product is based on high-strength plastic. Such products are actively used when working on external systems of pressureless sewage. They are quite common in suburban areas and in the construction of private houses. They are popular among consumers who are going to arrange for the hidden installation of electrical networks, as for those cases when the system is supposed to be hidden behind sheets of drywall, it can be concrete walls, as well as a raised floor.

HDPE products - electric cable protection

pnd f abbreviation

There are many meanings of the described definition, and the PND has a completely different interpretation. Medicine, for example, gives its definition - a neuropsychiatric dispensary, which should not be confused with low-pressure polyethylene.

Pipes made of low-pressure polyethylene are also used in tandem with electric cables. The pipe protects the cable well from mechanical damage. If the cable insulation is damaged, the pipe will protect a person from electric shock. In the event of the described emergency, a short circuit may occur that causes a fire, in which case the pipe will prevent the spread of fire.


pdf decryption medicine

Many are interested in decoding PND-f before acquiring. Experts know that this indicates that in front of you is a pipe made of low-pressure polyethylene with a certain external diameter, which is indicated by the letter "f". Before buying, it is important to pay attention not only to the material, but also to the characteristics that the product must comply with. Thus, if you want to get smooth pipes, then their surface should not have errors in the form of delamination, chips, bubbles, or cracks. Do not ignore the inner surface of the pipes. This applies to technical and plumbing products. There should be no bumps or hollows on the inner base, as they can become an obstacle when threading the cable.

HDPE pipe, the decoding (diameter 110) of which is presented above, should be on sale in straight sections. As for pipes whose diameter does not exceed 90 mm, they are sold in bays. If you need to purchase pipes in straight sections, then their length can be 5-12 m. But a deviation from this length is permissible, which should not exceed 2%.

Styling technology

PND-f (the abbreviation for abbreviation is low-pressure polyethylene) can be stacked over a wide temperature range. However, the smallest threshold should not be lower than -30 Β° C. But there are still some limitations, they are that it is impossible to prevent foreign liquids, oil, dirt and other things from getting on the inner surfaces of the pipes. After laying, this also cannot be allowed, for which measures are being taken to seal and seal the elements in the interface areas.

In order to rid the pipes of the resulting condensate, they need to be mounted with a certain slope directed to the drawer boxes used to collect moisture.

If there is a need to lay a pipe in the base of the building, then this must be done by laying elements strictly horizontally. After the product is poured with a solution. If the products are not laid horizontally, the load on them will be distributed unevenly, which can cause damage. When laying pipes at a depth that exceeds 2 m, it is necessary to provide additional protection, which consists in concreting the channel. The concrete layer to be built should not be made smaller or larger than 80-100 mm.

HDPE products are not expensive, but have high quality characteristics, this allows you to use them not only when laying sewage and water supply systems, but also to protect the cable installed underground. The products are universal, as they are used in the arrangement of systems of external and internal location, which allowed them to gain widespread distribution, including for the installation of storm sewers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5500/

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