We understand why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow. What to do if leaves grow yellow at a room rose: useful tips

Each florist, lovingly growing a mini-garden on his windowsill, sometimes begins to wonder: why do leaves of indoor plants turn yellow? It seemed to take care of them, as expected, cared for, watered, fertilized, pinched - and suddenly such complications. Do not immediately despair. Some reasons are simply not dangerous, while others can be eliminated.

why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow

Natural yellowing

It is impossible to say exactly why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow , not knowing what kind of flowers are in mind and in what conditions they are. However, there are common causes specific to any of them. The simplest is aging. Moreover, the entire plant does not necessarily grow old - it can be quite viable and will grow for you joy for a long time. However, a change of foliage is quite natural: some leaves turn yellow and fall, while others grow in their place. And before you get scared that leaves are turning yellow at indoor flowers, why don't you first observe them? If the rest of the flower continues to develop and does not fade away by itself, then everything is in order.

Improper hydration

If it is not a matter of natural aging, one of the most common reasons why leaves of indoor plants turn yellow is incorrect watering. Most often excessive. Few flowers need a lot of water, usually there should be a moderate amount. Better to water more often than transfusion. However, there is the opposite situation - lack of moisture. True, in this case, flower growers more often ask themselves why the tips of leaves of indoor plants dry. So when buying a new pet, you should ask about its water regime and follow the recommendations.

leaves are turning yellow at indoor flowers why

Attention - a draft!

This is no less a frequent factor of why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow. Drafts are especially dangerous for flowers of tropical origin. And if most gardeners remember this when they open the windows, then they often forget that a draft is created by the air conditioner. The fans are also unsafe in this regard. So, having noticed a suspicious yellowing, check if your favorites are in the way of an accidental wind.

Light problems

As in the case of water, both its excess and deficiency are dangerous. If leaves turn yellow from indoor flowers, why is it easy to understand: the sun just doesnโ€™t get there. It is advisable to move the plant to a lighter residence. In the absence of such an opportunity, you will have to regularly turn the pot so that the whole foliage โ€œfeedsโ€ with light. Or equip additional lighting.

why do the tips of leaves of indoor plants dry

Excess light is manifested not only by yellowing, but also by the formation of dark spots in the middle of the yellow section - sunburn. In this case, the plant must be shadowed, especially at noon. For this, an ordinary curtain is suitable - it will scatter too bright rays.


Especially often, the concern about why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow occurs with the inclusion of heating. And not always the flowers are too close to the radiators, but the problem is still there. It is caused by too dry air. Given that there is much less light in winter, one can understand that the flower is very uncomfortable and begins to get rid of โ€œexcess loadโ€. You can help him by spraying, placing next to the bowls with water, and for broadleaf plants - rubbing the leaves with a damp rag.

Eating problems

Irregular or improper fertilizer may also be the answer to the question of why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow. Yellow foliage combined with dark veins signals an excess of calcium. That is, most likely, you watered the flower with unstable, hard water. Yellowing, starting from the tip and spreading along the edge of the plate, indicates a lack of potassium. A leaf turning yellow over the entire surface indicates a deficiency of nitrogen or sulfur.


The most unpleasant reason why the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow is, of course, infections. And before finding out which one and treating the victim, it must be isolated from other residents of the windowsill. Otherwise, your entire "plantation" may die. A signal about the need for urgent measures is the shrinking of leaves against a background of yellowing.

leaves grow yellow at a room rose

Moody beauties

A slightly different situation if the leaves of a room rose turn yellow. Most of the useful tips remain the same: check watering, lighting, monitor air humidity. However, you can withstand all conditions ideally, and your beauty will still languish. Many flower growers believe that the matter is the inanimacy of a rose. She simply "does not like" many other plants. And if you are sure that you are doing everything right, and the result does not suit you, try to remove all neighbors from the whim. Oddly enough, often this solves all the problems with roses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5502/

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