Self-leveling mortar - ideal for quick floor leveling

In any room, and especially in a residential one, before you start laying the finish coating (linoleum, carpet, parquet, laminate, ceramic tile), it is necessary to perform preliminary leveling of the floor. If this is not done, then in the future tiles, laminate or parquet will necessarily crack, and the funds spent on their purchase will simply be thrown into the wind. You can perform alignment in several ways, the simplest of which is the use of a self-leveling mixture, especially since the modern construction market is simply replete with various types of these products.

Self-leveling mix selection

self-leveling mixture
The self-leveling mixture is represented mainly by two types - based on cement and on the basis of gypsum. The coating thickness of the cement mixture is usually from 2 to 50 mm. A gypsum variety is used if the layer of the future self-leveling floor is a thickness ranging from 20 to 100 mm. Cement compositions have a higher cost, but dry out much faster than gypsum. Choosing the right mix option, you should proceed from specific conditions. In extreme cases, you can combine using the best option for each room. The main thing is not to forget to establish a compensation gap in the place of their docking.

As for the manufacturer, the Knauf, Horizon, Ceresit, Volma-Level-Express, and Vetonit trademarks are most often found on the construction market. The self-leveling mixture from each manufacturer has its own characteristics, conditions of use, specific additives, etc., which are indicated on the package. Again, in order to make the right choice, one must proceed from specific conditions.

Self-leveling floor screed

Before proceeding with the leveling of the floor , it is necessary to prepare the work surface. To do this, get rid of weak fragments, repair all cracks, clean from grease stains, dust and dirt. A self-leveling mixture is applied to a pre-primed surface. If necessary, the primer can be applied several times. When re-priming, it is necessary to allow the previous layer to dry for two to three hours.

At the next stage, a working solution is prepared. You need to do this by adding the mixture to water, but in no case not vice versa. Stir the solution better with an electric drill using a special nozzle until the mixture is completely dissolved, avoiding the formation of lumps. It is very important to observe the correct proportions of the mixture and water, which are indicated by the manufacturer on the package. Too thick a self-leveling mixture will spread poorly, and too liquid will reduce the strength of the future coating. Typically, a 25-kg bag takes about 7 liters of water.

Vetonite self-leveling mixture

Now it remains to pour the finished solution on the floor and walk on it with a special needle roller. This is done in order to level the solution on the floor surface and get rid of air bubbles.

That, in fact, is all. It remains to wait until the mixture is completely dry and you can begin to lay the topcoat. This usually takes two weeks. Walking on the newly flooded surface is possible after six hours.

self-leveling floor screed

Recommendations for the use of self-leveling mixtures

  1. Work must be performed indoors at a temperature of +10 ... + 25 ° C and at a humidity of not more than 95%.
  2. Drafts and direct sunlight in the process of drying out should not be allowed.
  3. Since the ready-to-use self-leveling mixture has a limited time of use (no more than 40 minutes, after which it cannot be used), it is better to do all the work together - one stirs the solution, and the other pours and evens out.


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