The history of cross-stitch - from antiquity to the present day

The history of the appearance of cross-stitch as a separate type of needlework is unknown. However, even primitive people knew the basics of sewing. The findings of archaeologists testify to this. During the excavations, animal skins were sewn with rough stitches. Here were also the first strings with needles. And they both looked completely different from what they are now. Instead of threads, animal veins, wool, plant fibers, hair were used. The needles were made of wood, stone, bristles, fish bones. The first cross-stitch patterns were discovered in Egyptian tombs. According to experts, these works were created in about 600 - 700 years BC. From this it follows that the history of cross-stitch crosses more than 2.5 thousand years.

In each country, the history of cross-stitch evolved in its own way. The style and colors of the drawings were noticeably different. As a rule, the images reflected national traditions, religious rites, as well as what was considered beautiful in an individual people.

For example, cross-stitch in Western Europe, which became especially popular in the 16th century, reflected plots and texts from the Bible. At the end of the 18th century, the subject matter of images became more diverse. Embroidery in the East was distinguished by the variety of colors used and the complexity of the ornament.

cross stitch is beautiful and easy
The history of cross-stitch in Russia dates back to the 10th century. The fact that embroidered in Russia back then, indicate the findings of archaeologists. Basically, these were images of symbols on costumes and household items. In the XVIII century, all sectors of the population were already engaged in this needlework. The subjects of urban embroidery constantly changed under the influence of Western fashion, and ancient customs and rituals continued to be reflected in peasant needlework.

history of cross stitch
Cross-stitching among the Russians primarily played the role of a talisman. Therefore, it was performed on the sleeves, neck and hem of the shirt - in places where the body is in contact with the outside world. Towels and towels embroidered with a cross carried a symbol of fertility and the cult of their ancestors. Each color, sign and symbol used in the work had a certain meaning. The history of cross-stitch in the regions of Russia developed differently. Each region used its own symbols and ornamentation methods. Traditional embroidery among the people continued to exist until the second quarter of the 20th century.

history of cross stitch
Gradually, strict traditions receded, and they began to engage in this needlework mainly for the sake of pleasure. Does not lose its popularity and now cross-stitch. Beautiful and easy from under the needles of craftsmen come true masterpieces! And now it’s not necessary to study for a long time. It is enough to purchase a ready-made canvas (canvas), threads (floss) and needles to create your own unique pattern. In addition, for beginners, there are ready-made sets with everything you need, to which is also attached a diagram of the future image. On it, cells of the corresponding color are already marked, for which embroidery should be done. The choice of such sets is very diverse - from small and simple flowers to huge and complex landscapes. It remains only to decide and try this fascinating type of needlework.


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