Is optimism a lack of information or not?

What is optimism? Some call it a skill or a line of human behavior. There are even people who sincerely believe that optimism is a lack of information. And what is it really, let's figure it out.

Origin of the word

Optimus is a Latin word, translated into Russian means "best." The concept of "optimism" originated in the time of Plato. The great thinker believed that our world is the best of all. All human actions are reasonable, and all natural phenomena are easy to explain. There is a lot of unknown in the world, but no one bothers to know this. Plato, and with it many other rationalists, believed that someday everything on our planet would find an explanation. The continuation of this theory can be traced in the teachings of Leibniz and Hegel. But Nietzsche at one time advised people to stay away from giving life a positive or negative assessment. Surprisingly, even after two thousand years, people do not cease to express their views on optimism and pessimism. A striking example is Faina Ranevskaya. Her statement: “Optimism is a lack of information,” is today considered a catch phrase.

Meaning of the word

The essence of man is to give any action its emotional coloring and interpretation. That is why optimism has many meanings. One of the generally accepted ones is the tendency to see the good everywhere, always hope for a successful outcome of events and constantly believe in success. However, there is another common opinion. For example, that optimism is a lack of information. Each person is free to interpret concepts in his own way. Even dictionaries are not a collection of unbreakable rules that you can unconditionally believe.

Word use

what does optimism mean lack of information
People by nature are all optimistic. In any situation, we subconsciously hope for a successful outcome. And even if it doesn’t happen, we consider it a sign. So that was what was supposed to happen, because after a bad event, the good should always go. For example, a broken phone first causes a person to lose heart, but then he realizes that perhaps the time has come when it is time to buy a new smartphone.

ranevskaya optimism is a lack of information
The word "optimist" can be used not only in the direct sense, but also in the figurative. A good example is a student in an exam. He pulls a ticket, cannot answer, fails the exam. Classmates are worried about how he will continue to study, but a cheerful student replies: "Nothing, I'll hand over the retake." And in response, of course, he hears: "Well, you are an optimist."

Often you can hear the phrase: "optimism is a lack of information." This winged statement again omits the positive attitude in the eyes of people. After all, the meaning of the expression can be equated with the phraseological unit “knows less, sleeps better”. As a result, it turns out that a person who believes in a positive alignment of events does not differ in curiosity.

Statement by Faina Ranevskaya

optimism is the lack of information faina
The actress was not distinguished by a positive lifestyle. Despite a series of black and white stripes in her life, she was not inclined to believe in miracles. Ranevskaya phrase: “Optimism is a lack of information.” - Today enjoys unprecedented popularity. But not only thanks to the meaning inherent in the expression. The personality of the actress herself played a big role in disseminating her opinions. She even released a book so that the wisdom accumulated over the years of her life would not be wasted.

If you think about it, then Faina’s phrase: “Optimism is a lack of information.” - shows that the actress was not a happy person. Looking through her biography, you are convinced of this. Happy is the man who has all aspects of life in balance, and Faina had a bad relationship with her family, and her personal life left much to be desired.

How to become an optimist?

optimism is a lack of information
In order not to follow the example of the great actress and enjoy not only her work, but also her life, it is sometimes worth stopping and summing up. It does not matter what: day, week, month or year. But a person must be aware of his actions. It is when they become more meaningful, and life is in balance that a person can become an optimist. It is much easier to think in a positive way when you are doing well. But people who are unhappy often follow the rule that optimism is a lack of information. So, to improve life, you need to make quite simple changes in it. What is worth paying attention to first of all?

  • Gaining self-confidence is pretty easy. If a person stops wrapping himself up and thinking what others are saying about him, then it will become easier to live in strass.
  • Build relationships with relatives and friends. Our parents gave us life and educated. Therefore, you cannot break contacts with them. Indeed, in the world it is difficult to find more devoted and caring people than our parents. Friends also play an important role in life. After all, it is they who will support in difficult times and will always be there.
  • Establishing a personal life is sometimes difficult. But love is worth looking for. After all, a person without it will not become harmonious anyway.
  • Finding a hobby seems to be quite simple, but not everyone can find the time to do it. Think about it, because it is a hobby that helps relieve the stress that accumulates in us day after day.
  • Finding your favorite job is simply necessary so as not to live in vain. We give 8 hours to work every day. During this time, much can be achieved if you move in the right direction.


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