Indians clothing. Men's and women's Native American clothing

Since time immemorial, representatives of a surprisingly strong, hardy and mysterious people have lived in the territory of modern America. These people believed that all life on earth was endowed with a soul. They say they knew how to talk with animals and plants. And the souls of their ancestors always remained with them in a breath of wind, in the flickering of sunlight and the quiet rustle of trees. These people hunted not for profit, but for food, respectfully protecting their land and the gifts that it gave them. And for communication, they often used sign language and all kinds of signals than voice. Now this people is called the general term "Indians", but in the old days there were several hundred separate tribes. Only in North America there were about 400 of them. They differed from each other in traditions, culture, way of life. Some of them were hunters, others - brave warriors, others - raised livestock and were engaged in agriculture. The clothing of the Indians of America was also different.

indian clothing

Some Native American tribes

Indians are the common name for the native population of America. And all because when Christopher Columbus discovered these places, he mistakenly considered them the lands of India. The Ottawa and Ojibwe lived in the northern part. Closer to the East - Iroquois and Mohicans. The southeast was inhabited by Cherokee and Seminoles, Central America - by the Mayan and Aztec peoples. The Incas hunted in South America, and the Apaches and Navajos in the deserts of the Southwest.

Native American Warrior Clothing

The clothing of the Indians (photos are presented in the article) was different depending on the situation and weather conditions. On ordinary days, going hunting, they dressed simply and comfortably. But for rituals, in solemn moments or during the courtship of the girls, the Indians dressed up richly and colorfully. Everyday clothing consisted of a loincloth or leggings and moccasins. Men usually preferred to walk bare-chested. These people did not attach much importance to the wardrobe, as is customary among Europeans. Going on a hunt, the men pulled on their ankles the legs, reminiscent of modern leggings. The leaders of the prairie Indians wore white shirts decorated with scalps of enemies. In cold weather, a cloak of bison skin was thrown over his shoulders, with fur to his body. Gradually, the Indians began to prefer capes made of sheep's wool. North Indian clothing was complemented by deer and antelope mittens and a shirt. They also had raincoats similar to blankets made of cotton. While hunting, some tribes wore wide leather belts or sleeveless jackets to protect them from injuries. Only in the XIX century, imitating the rich Europeans, the Indians began to use velvet, chintz, silk, satin ribbons for sewing dresses. Quechua liked to wear a poncho - a cloak of two pieces of a rectangular cloth with a hole for the head in the middle, sewn from sheep’s wool. In the warm season, the cloak was doubled and worn in the form of a scarf.

Native American Clothing Photo

What women dressed

Female Indians clothing was less visible and simpler. Residents of the southern regions wore only skirts, others - a modesty belt, tied at the waist with lacing. In central America, women covered intimate places with pieces of fur, later replacing them with a cotton cloth. In cold weather, women wore a sheep’s wool shawl. On the back it could be tucked up and put in the formed space any burden or even a child. Prairie women wore long straight shirts made from suede. But all of them were skilled weavers. On improvised machines, they made shirts, belts, belts, dresses, poncho coats and bedspreads. Women embroidered with beads and threads, sewed fringe and braid, made folds on clothes. The body and face of the girls were often painted with tattoos. Among the noble representatives of the tribe, their face and hands were covered with elaborate patterns, women from a simple estate applied only a few lines to the skin. In some tribes, drawings on the face testified to a low position in society, and on the hands, on the contrary, to a high status.

American Indians Clothing

Native American clothing

Children under 5–6 years old went completely naked. It was believed that they deserve to wear adult outfits only when they learn the rules of behavior and learn the necessary skills. It was in childhood that they began to outline the body with the first patterns. Old and respected women did this with fish bones or cactus spines.


Indians did not cut their hair. Therefore, even the men had gorgeous hair, caught at the back with a wide ribbon, bandage or belt. In some tribes, in order to bring fear to the enemy, heads were shaved, leaving a scallop or a thin pigtail. Or they greased their hair with fat, gave them unimaginable forms. The national dress of the Indians was rather an ornament, an opportunity to show off, than a necessity. Feathers, variously colored and trimmed, were worn on the head, and fur of a beaver, otter, fox, or other animal on the body. The number of feathers and the type of fur were determined by military rank or special merits to the tribe. For example, a panther's skin could only be worn by the most distinguished warrior. On weekdays, the Indians wore hats made of wood bark or straw, which protected them from the hot sun. Plain tribes built a crown of feathers. The southern population used nets for hair, and a red thread with shells and beads strung on it clung to her forehead.

north indian clothing


Indians wore soft moccasins on their feet. It was a piece of leather pulled together on top by a cord that was pulled into holes along the edges. Such shoes allowed them to silently get closer to prey or the enemy. But at the same time, she protected from numerous poisonous snakes and insects. Going on a hunt, a man took several pairs of moccasins with him at once. There were shoes with soft or stiffer soles, high and low. Prairie Indians richly decorated loafers with porcupine needles.

Indians clothing style


The style of the Indians in clothes was distinguished by peculiar ethnic decorations. Patterns, embroidery were attached to leather products, fringe, beads, shells were attached. Feathers were a special attribute. Both men and women loved bracelets not only for hands, but also for legs, earrings. Necklaces were made from feathers, fruit seeds, deer hooves, shells, grizzly claws, shells and animal teeth. Later they began to make jewelry from copper, silver and brass. The more massive they were, the higher the position in society a person occupied. The Indians were very fond of tattoos on the body, especially for the peoples of the South. But men mainly used war paint, which was washed off to look intimidating on the hunt and war.

The clothing of the Indians did not at all speak of their belonging to a particular tribe. Often, many of them after winning the battle took the trophies for themselves and carried them with pride. Women adorned shirts obtained in battle by men with bead embroidery and ocher. And it was already impossible to unravel the representative of which tribe the outfit belongs to. In addition, warriors could wear headgear for slain rivals to confuse the enemy.

national dress indians


The clothing of the Indians was not so important as other things complementing the outfit. Men necessarily had a tomahawk - a small hatchet, which was a symbol of the honor and valor of a warrior. Its handle was made of deer antler or wood, and the blade was silicon or metal. Tomahawk was intended for close combat, it was decorated with fringe of suede and cherished.

The pipe of the world is still considered a sacred item for the few descendants of the Indians. Initially, it was a symbol of fertility. She was lit in a circle, in turn, to summon rain. Smoke symbolized the clouds. Later, the pipe was smoked with the Europeans to seal the peace agreements. The decoration of the tube of the world was eagle feathers.

Indians still live in America. Now, the clear boundaries of the division of the people into tribes have practically been erased. But, despite the fact that there were very few purebred Indians, they still managed to preserve their culture and personality, and they continue to deeply honor the memory of their ancestors.


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