League of Legends - Illaoi: guide, builds and features

A guide to Illaoy will tell about the strategies for playing for this champion, talk about the pros, cons, best builds and other aspects. Such information can be useful to beginners and experienced players to improve their skills. The theoretical knowledge of the hero’s strengths is supported by practical training, will help to get more victories and climb the ranking ladder.

Pros in the game

Each guide to Illaoy, even from professional players from the start, must tell about the champion's strengths. This fighter is used on the top line and due to the high damage during the game, he can kill any character in the battle. At an early stage, aggression towards the enemy almost always gives the desired result. With the right combination of skills at any time in the match, it can even fight back several opponents at once. Passive skill is a pressure factor, which allows you to feel good on the line against the heroes of short and long range.

guide illaoy

Weak points

With a rather impressive list of pluses in the guide to Illaoy, there are also weak points, which are also enough. Already in the first match, the user will feel the lack of mobility and control parameters. Only one skill slows down, but then you have to beat a copy and take it into account is not worth it. If Illaoy got involved in a fight, then she should stand in it until the victorious end or death. To quit the battle and run away from her, the chances are not high, since the running speed is low, and the jump is permissible to a too small distance.

Skills require precision. Two of them need to be able to hit the target, and this is not just because of the specific animation. The pressure on the line is quite simple, but you will have to learn how to use it correctly. The constant presence on the enemy half of the upper line is a real find for the forester. You need to learn how to choose a good position or correctly “freeze” the minions in their part, where to impose battles. Thanks to this combination of positive and negative sides, the champion will be interested in mastering.

Illaoy Guide Season 7


An important point in the guide to Illaoy will be a detailed examination of the skills that are the main weapon in the fighter’s arsenal. The passive ability "Herald of an ancient deity" puts a tentacle near the nearest wall or structure, which can only be destroyed by an enemy character. An active skill (Q) called "Tentacle Strike" launches an attack on a selected area with damage to an area. Low mana cost per use often allows you to use it on enemies.

The Cruel Lesson (W) is activated as a leap against a champion with bonus damage from an automatic hit. The skill passively gives healing from the first skill. The third ability (E) is the “Test of the Spirit,” which, when it hits the enemy, draws its astral copy. Damage to it proportionally affects the original (depending on the level). Leaving the attack area threatens with a debuff that calls nearby tentacles to attack in the direction of the champion.

Ultimate (R) "Leap of Faith" is an attack in the area around Illai with the appearance of a tentacle for each enemy that fell under the influence. They cannot be chosen as the target, and they have increased attack speed.

league of legends

Level Up and Summoner Skills

To learn information about skills from the guide to Illaya in the League of Legends is not enough for their optimal use. You must strictly adhere to the pumping sequence for maximum efficiency. The first is to take and maximize “Tentacle Strike” - the main tool for sharing damage.

The second will be "Cruel Damage", which is combined with the first ability in terms of treatment, plus uses a passive ability. The last priority skill is “Tests of the Spirit”, it is enough to take it at the third level and pump it at the last stage of the match.

Ultimate is standard on the 6th, 11th and 16th stages of the champion's development. As a summoner’s skills, “Jump” is mandatory, and the second usually goes “Teleport” in order to create pressure on the map. The Incineration is considered an alternative, but against the tanks that run the meta in season 7, it is not very effective.

guide illuminay 2017

New runes

A guide to Illaoy in season 7 and preliminary preparation for the next should affect the modified runes, which replaced the old ones and were combined with talents. For this champion, “Courage” should be chosen as the main branch, which immediately provides 130 health points.

For the hero, the first rune in it is optimal to take the “Undead Grip” for bonus damage every 4 seconds with an automatic hit, depending on maximum health. Next, take “Fearlessness” to increase resilience for using skills and reloading them.

The rune "Iron Skin" provides 5 units of armor, and also increases the percentage of the total amount for restoring health. The last choice should be "Sprawl." It allows you to increase the amount of health for every eight killed monsters or minions.

In the second branch of "Witchcraft", the "Sphere of Destruction" is suitable, which gives a shield when Illaia is hit by magic damage with a condition of reducing health less than 30%. A “burn” from this direction will become additional damage - the target ignites from attacks.

league of legends illaya guide

Early stage of the game

The first thing in the 2017 Illaya guide is to say that the position on the top line will be optimal for her. Other roles are not suitable due to the specifics of skills, and therefore at the start we take the totem into the compartment for the accessory and “Malicious Potion. An alternative could be Doran's Shield for defense or Doran's Sword for aggression.

The potion is the best option to farm and gradually squander the enemy's health. Try to keep the waves in their half or at least in the middle. The arrival of the forester can deprive you of the “Jump” or even end in unnecessary death.

As soon as possible, collect on the "Black Ax", which will help with survival and add damage, including the area. If totems are placed, then boldly engage in battle with enemies. The proper use of abilities will incline towards Illai. A guide at LOL for this champion in terms of assembly is considering collecting in the middle of the match “Mercury's Treads” and one protective item “Vestments of the Spirits” or “Dead Man's Armor” (depending on the opponents).

lol illaya guide

Late stage with team battles

A guide to Illaoy in League of Legend must indicate its place in the battle. This champion shows himself best when breaking into the rearguard and hitting as many opponents as possible with an ultimate. Then immediately use the jump to the most vulnerable target (mage, shooter, killer) from the "Cruel lesson" and do "Tentacle Strike". Damage should be enough if you collect the four items above the above, add the Titanic Hydra and the Triple Alliance to them.

The base damage is multiplied, and the activation of the first thing will add to the attack indicators. As a result, thanks to the runes, survival should be enough to use all combinations, even under focus. The moments are different, but in any case, the team of opponents will painfully feel the power of Illaah.

It will be worse if enemies try to create pressure on the line. After all, with the movement on the map she has problems. Then it’s worth trying to push the top or bottom using the same strategy. Moreover, the hero can cope with two or even three goals.

how to counter illaoy

Who should be afraid?

When you first feel the power of this character, the question involuntarily arises of how to counter Illaah. The first countermeasure will be those heroes who do not lose in damage, but at the same time inflict it from a distance. Jace leads the list on the top line in this regard, followed by Quinn, Gnar, Kyle, Rise - they create less trouble, but still it is worth remembering them.

The second option is suitable strong fighters at close range with the ability to quickly restore health. Trandl and Volibir stand out here. Also over time, Chogat, Dr. Mundo and Singed will be almost impossible to kill, even with the support of a forester. On the line against them, early aggression can help, in the first case, wait for the opportunity to get close to where the opponents are not so strong.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5520/

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