How to increase download speed in Steam: the most effective methods

This article will address the issue of how to increase the download speed of games in "Steam". This problem affects the majority of users of this gaming platform both in Russia and around the rest of the world.

Steam game download speeds may be low even if you have a very good internet connection. Anyone, even a novice computer user, can solve this problem.

Third party programs

The download speed of any application in the download manager depends on many nuances. For example, network congestion may act as a speed limiting factor, since if it is minimal, then all game files will be downloaded to the operating system much faster.

how to increase download speed in Steam

Closing all third-party download managers or torrents can help in increasing the download speed on Steam. Downloading files via browsers will also have to be paused. You will need to turn off all the software that uses your Internet connection. For example:

  • Skype
  • Any of the antiviruses.
  • Windows Update
  • Game Center

After the applications loading your network have been disabled, you can analyze the positive change in the download speed in the program. Most often, this method helps a little, but increase the download speed in the "Steam".

User Region

We have increased the download speed from Steam by easing the load on our Internet connection, but now we should move on to the next tip, which is also actively used by users of the gaming platform.

how to increase the download speed of games in Steam

Now weโ€™ll talk about changing the playerโ€™s region in the Steam settings, since in some countries and areas loading applications is noticeably slower than in others. That is why it is worth changing your region in order to achieve such a result as an increase in the speed of jumps.

To do this, follow the following method:

  1. Launch Steam.
  2. Go to the menu section "Settings - Downloads - Region".
  3. Change the region so that it is as close as possible to your place of residence.
  4. Save setpoint.

Next, turn off Steam and log in again. After that, you can check the result of your actions.

How to increase the download speed in "Steam" by a couple of hundred kilobytes per second? This method will help you with this. When setting the region of your location in the settings, you can choose absolutely any region.

Internet connection issues

In certain circumstances, users require a game at a particular time of the day. But it happens that it is at this time that the so-called prime time comes when the download speed of all applications can simply slide to zero.

how to increase download speed in steam

The fact is that it is during this period of time that the load on the servers of the Steam gaming platform will be maximum and its capacities may simply not be enough for you. Even if you just start the game, it will function intermittently or with errors.

How to increase download speed in "Steam"? First of all, you need to wait for such a time when there will not be as high activity on the gaming platform as in โ€œprime timeโ€. Most often this occurs in the evening, if you live in the CIS countries. Before and after this period of time, the Steam servers should be more or less unloaded, and the speed will restore to the usual level

The second thing you need to remember about the download speed in "Steam" is your provider and the connected Internet tariff. If you need to have a higher download speed, you should connect a high-paying Internet connection package or change your provider altogether. But such a drastic action about how to increase the download speed in "Steam" is worth paying attention to at the very least.

increase download speed with steam

Other methods

There are some more ways to increase the download speed in Steam. It can often be that the problem with the download speed of applications arises only on this gaming platform, and in other download managers and torrents everything is quite fine.

For example, you can try the following methods:

  • restart "Steam";
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • modem
  • scan your computer for malware.

These were the main ways to increase download speed in Steam. All of the above can help in this matter, you just need to have a little patience.


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