Vitamins from the windowsill. How to germinate wheat at home

Wheat is a culture that people have been cultivating since ancient times. Even during the time of the construction of the pyramids, the Egyptians skillfully ground the grains into flour. The Slavs cultivated wheat for a long time, cooked jelly and porridge from it, baked bread.

Wheat sprouts as an element of therapeutic nutrition have been mentioned in Russian herbalists since the 17th century. They fed the children so that they would grow up healthy and gain good weight. With their help, they struggled with premature old age and quickly regained strength.

Interest in cereal increased again at the end of the last century. A lot of literature has been published, which describes in detail how to germinate wheat at home, the norms and methods of its use are fixed.

Why are seedlings useful? The vitamins and minerals contained in the grain and so useful for humans are disastrously lost during grinding, and when baked, their amount becomes even smaller. And in sprouts, all these substances are in an active state and are perfectly absorbed by the human body.

How to germinate wheat at home

For eating, you need to buy only high-quality, environmentally friendly seeds of elite winter varieties. Grain intended for sowing is not suitable, because before selling it is poisoned by pests and rodents with chemicals. Germination seeds can be purchased in the departments of healthy nutrition, in pet stores and pharmacies.

how to sprout wheat at home

After purchase, the seeds must be sieved, and then carefully sorted by hand, removing impurities, debris, broken and crushed grains.

The next step is rinsing and disinfection. Grains are placed in a jar and washed several times under a stream of cold water. Wheat at home is disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After this, the grains must be washed again, changing the water three times. This is done in order to remove dust, dirt and harmful bacteria.

wheat at home

Then the grains are poured into a glass jar at ΒΌ of its height and poured with clean water, not reaching the edges by about 1/3. The quality of the liquid must be given special attention - artesian or spring water is best suited, but filtered can also be used.

In how to sprout wheat at home , there is nothing complicated.

Seeds swell after 8 hours. Water must be drained, rinsed grains. Cover the jar with gauze and secure it with an elastic band. Next, the container is turned upside down and placed obliquely in a bowl into which a little water is poured. Air should freely enter the jar, and the necessary moisture will be provided by the water that the ends of the gauze absorb.

The first sprouts hatch after 8-10 hours, they are already ready for use. A jar of them can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, without forgetting to wash the seedlings twice a day with cold, clean water.

Vitamin grass

If we are not talking about grains with small pecked tails, but about green sprouts 10-12 cm long, then we need to leave the grains in an impromptu greenhouse for another 2 days. Water must be changed at least twice a day.

There are two ways to germinate wheat at home: with or without soil.

The first option: nutrient soil is poured into the container at ΒΎ of the height, then seedlings that have released their whitish roots are carefully placed and covered with 1 cm soil. The greens grow quickly - after 3-4 days you can already cut the first vitamin greens.

wheat seedlings

The second way is even simpler. Sprouts are evenly distributed in a germination bowl and moistened from a spray bottle. At this stage, light is very important for plants - containers should be placed on the windowsill.

The most tender and delicious sprouts are 5-7 cm high. They are added to salads, made with vitamin cocktails or eaten just like that - 50 gr. This magical greenery provides a person with energy for the whole day.


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