How to make a do-it-yourself florarium: a master class for beginners

What is a florarium or plant terrarium? This is a transparent container made of glass or plastic, in which moisture-loving plants are planted. The hole usually narrows upward or is completely closed. These compositions are also called bottle gardens. Let's consider in more detail how to make a florarium.

basic information

do-it-yourself florarium

Typically, plastic, glass and wood are used to make plant terrariums or florariums. It is important that the container is kept constant humidity and temperature. To provide the florarium with the necessary heat and light, special equipment is used. Such compositions can be a bright touch in the interior of the room. Florariums look especially good in compact city apartments. This is a great way for an amateur gardener to show his skills without cluttering up the space with gigantic compositions of indoor plants. The main advantage of the florarium is its small size. Capacity will occupy a minimum of space on the table or window sill. In addition, it is much easier to maintain order with such interior elements.


Air access to plants in a bottle, as a rule, is limited or completely closed. Therefore, they are very susceptible to drafts. The air inside the flora is very humid. The effect of the greenhouse arises in the container. Because of this feature, even very fastidious plants that usually do not grow indoors can be grown in the florarium.

To create original terrariums, you can use aquariums, round large vases, glasses and even glass jars. In this case, access to plants will be open from above. Therefore, it is required to strictly observe the temperature regime, regularly water and spray the plants.


hanging florarium

In principle, any unusual glass vessels and containers can be used to create florariums.

Depending on the dishes in which the composition is placed, the following types of florariums are distinguished:

  1. Bottle: this type includes vessels of large capacity with a narrow neck. An ordinary bottle to create a florarium is hardly suitable. It is difficult to plant finished plants in it and give them a well-groomed appearance. Best for bottles are plants that are not prone to rapid growth. Woody vegetation will look great.
  2. Aquarium: when creating a florarium of this type, any containers of the correct shape can be used - a circle, square, rectangle. They can grow various plants, as well as apply decorative drainage.
  3. Miniature: rarely used in a single copy. For their manufacture, glasses, Christmas balls and other small containers can be taken in which you can place a mini-garden for flowers and plants.
  4. Wall mounted: usually look like a half vessel on plywood. Is it possible to make such a florarium with my own hands? For beginners, this is a rather difficult task. It is better to purchase a ready-made plexiglass composition with decorative elements.

At home, aquarium type florariums are usually found. This is easily explained. Such a composition is much easier to care for, besides, there is a lot of free space in it, which makes it possible to dream up. In such a florarium even flowers can grow during budding. You can select them in any way, there are no special requirements.

Bottle-type florariums are often used in offices and other establishments, which are characterized by a lack of lighting.

How to make a composition: basic requirements

It is not so easy to make a florarium with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions require compliance with a number of rules and requirements. The great advantage of the florarium is that it can be made from almost any capacity. However, when choosing, it is still worth considering such an important characteristic as wall thickness. If the vessel is sufficiently voluminous and the thickness does not meet the necessary parameters, then it is better not to use it. This is due to the fact that when placing soil in it, it can simply crack. It is also necessary to make sure that the container of your choice has a lid or door. Ready-made florarium should be easy to care for.

How to choose the right plants?

creation of florarium

This issue should be given special attention. In the manufacture of florarium, the choice of plants for planting is important. For example, many people think that it is best to use cacti for such compositions. This opinion is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that in conditions of high humidity, cacti can feel extremely uncomfortable. The only exceptions are some types of succulents and tropical cacti.

When choosing plants for a room greenhouse, try to adhere to the following recommendations of specialists.

Here is some of them:

  • Choose plants for florariums whose height does not exceed 20 cm. It is better if they are moisture-loving crops intended for cultivation in the conditions of a greenhouse.
  • Phytonthias, arrowroots, ferns, and other slow-growing plant species are often planted in florariums.
  • If you want bright flowers to grow in your home greenhouse, then select varieties that are not prone to decay. Particular attention should be paid to such types of plants as azaleas, violets and cyclamens. It is best to plant them in large containers in which good ventilation can be provided.
  • If you want to create a florarium with orchids, then these plants are best placed in glass flasks. In addition, it is desirable that they be equipped with a heating system and a barometer.

It is not so easy to make a florarium with your own hands. For beginners, the most important step is the right choice of plant. Before planting them in containers, carefully study all the information about growing your chosen flower. Perhaps it is simply not suitable for landing in your florarium.


So what does it include? The main question that worries everyone who decided to make a florarium is how to care for plants in a limited space. In order to provide them with proper care in such conditions, it is necessary to equip the tank with a number of additional attributes.

Most likely you will need:

  1. Lighting system. A compact greenhouse requires extra light. It can be equipped by placing the finished composition next to the home lamp. You can also purchase special lighting for the florarium. It is not recommended to give preference to bright light sources. So the emitted rays will not cause you any inconvenience while you are in the room.
  2. Hygrometer and thermometer - these important measuring instruments will help you maintain the required humidity level and temperature in the created composition. Plants in the florarium need regular maintenance. It is imperative that they stay in a suitable environment. The above devices will help maintain the necessary conditions. The main thing is not to forget to regularly monitor the indications and take appropriate measures when abnormalities are found.
  3. Fan. It may seem strange, but many plants really need a stream of fresh air and constant blowing. So that instead of your florarium you do not get a herbarium, it is recommended to buy special devices that do not take up much space, but at the same time help to achieve a significant effect.

How to make a florarium so that it pleases you with its beautiful appearance for a long time? Do not neglect the use of the above attributes. They will help you maintain the necessary conditions for the growth of flowers in the florarium.

Where to begin?

materials for manufacturing

Let's dwell on this in more detail. Many today are interested in how to make a florarium with their own hands. A step-by-step instruction necessarily includes such a stage as the choice of capacity. For beginners, it will be easiest to use an old aquarium for this purpose. Surely in the pantry or on the mezzanine you can find a suitable vessel.

When the vase for the florarium is found, you need to think about its location in the room. It should be in a conspicuous place so that guests can admire the beauty of the composition. At the same time, the florarium should be combined with interior design.

If you plan to create a large greenhouse, think in advance about how the flowers will be located in it. They must be matched in size and color. Consider also the presence of various decorative elements.


So, how to choose them right? What materials will you need to make a florarium in an aquarium?

The following elements are distinguished as the main elements:

  1. Drainage: it should be laid to the bottom. As a rule, various bulk materials are used, such as river sand, broken brick and so on.
  2. Suitable soil: everything will depend on the type of plants used.
  3. Moss: required to maintain the required moisture level in the florarium.
  4. Decorative elements for decorating the surface: bugles, pebbles, various bulk components.
  5. Jewelry: it all depends on your imagination. You can use figures of animals and people, pieces of furniture in miniature and other attributes.


What do you need to prepare first?

To make even such a small florarium as a rose in a glass flask, you need the following set of tools:

  • gloves
  • tweezers of the right size;
  • a syringe and a special watering can for further watering;
  • atomizer for moistening the soil;
  • any convenient item to dig up.

Step-by-step instruction

materials for making the composition

To make a composition in a glass container with your own hands, you can visit a special workshop.

Florarium is made as follows:

  1. The choice of capacity. A vase for the florarium should be properly prepared. It must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. A layer of drainage should be placed on the bottom of the vase. Then it is wetted with water.
  3. Add soil for planting. As a top dressing, you can add any additives to it. The main thing is that they are suitable for your chosen plant species. If your goal is a rose in a glass flask, buy the appropriate fertilizer.
  4. Prepare the plants for planting. To do this, remove the yellowed leaves from them. Pre-clean from clods of earth and other debris.
  5. Gently with your fingers or tweezers, plant the flowers in a prepared ground in a thoughtful manner. Also do not forget to put the moss. To dig out the soil for planting miniature plants, you can use toothpicks, chopsticks or teaspoons. If necessary, water the transplanted plants with a syringe or a watering can.
  6. Next, you need to do the arrangement of decorative elements. They can be placed over the entire surface or only in pre-selected places.
  7. If you wish, you can also place figurines and other elements in the florarium. If necessary, they can be fixed on the ground with decorative pebbles or glass beads.

This step-by-step instruction gives a detailed answer to the question of how to make a florarium. After that, you just have to monitor compliance with all requirements. A syringe is usually used to water the finished compositions. Such a tool will not spoil the appearance of a miniature greenhouse. Frequent watering to plants in a glass container is not required, since the level of humidity in the vessel is at a fairly high level. Plants can be moistened once a week or even less. Special measuring instruments installed inside the florarium will help you monitor the conditions.

Is it possible to plant an orchid in a glass container?

orchid in the florarium

Florarium with succulents is far from the only option for a room greenhouse. A flowering plant in a glass flask will look much more interesting. In the indoor florarium, the Phalaenopsis orchid will feel great. Even a beginner grower can easily plant it. The best time to transplant a plant is spring. In this case, the orchid should not be at the flowering stage. The main condition for creating such compositions is a properly selected soil. Do not save on this element. Soil for "phalaenopsis", in fact, is a crushed pine bark. It should be dry and have an appropriate smell. Damp moldy soil is not recommended. Shredded charcoal and moss are also essential components for orchid planting. They have antiseptic properties. Expanded clay can perform the role of drainage.

Care for the florarium

What you need to know about this? Today, such a decorative element as a florarium is often used to decorate residential premises and offices. But it is not enough to create such a composition, it is also important to properly care for it.

Florarium is actually a closed ecosystem. Nevertheless, she still needs minimal care. By the principle of the device, it somehow resembles a greenhouse. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to place the florarium in direct sunlight. In this case, the temperature inside the tank can rise to limit values, which will negatively affect the plants. The only exception is the florarium with succulents. They need bright diffused light.

When watering the composition, it is important to adhere to one rule - it is better to undersaturated than to overfill. The glass container is devoid of drainage holes. Excess water simply has nowhere to go. In the future, this can lead to rotting of the roots. Plants in the florarium need some water. The main thing is to closely monitor the condition of the soil.

How to water the wall florarium? If access to such a composition is difficult, automatic humidification systems may be used.


aquarium flora

In this review, we examined in detail how to make a florarium with your own hands. Compositions in glass containers every year are becoming increasingly popular. Caring for them is quite simple, so even a beginner grower will be able to handle this.


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