All sights of Vityazevo. Things to do in Vityazevo

Most often, tourists coming to Vityazevo do not even suspect that this Black Sea resort is appreciated not only for its spacious beaches, the sea and various hotels. There is something to see from architectural, cultural and other attractions.

The village is part of Anapa, so it will definitely be where to go on an excursion. It contains interesting religious, military and historical sites. Entertainment in Anapa (Vityazevo) will be able to diversify a beach holiday at the resort, as it is presented for every taste.

Paralia Boulevard

This place is considered the pride of the city. Here guests and residents of Vityazevo love to walk. Attraction is the whole street. Almost all the buildings on Paralia Boulevard are made in the antique style. The first time they get here, people imagine that they are resting in Greece or Rome.

Vityazevo attractions

The total length of the street is about 1 km. The main entrance is decorated with a colonnade. It has 12 elements. The inscription "Paralia" flaunts above. Walking along the street, it is worth paying attention to the sculptures of ancient Greek warriors. Sometimes they look very funny against the background of stalls.

Very often the boulevard is called the promenade. But this is not entirely correct. The embankment should stretch along the sea, and Paralia adjoins it perpendicularly. Across the street there are trading stalls, souvenir shops, cafes and restaurants. So walk without noise and fuss will not work. But this is the whole charm of Paralia.

Church of St. George the Victorious

One of the attractions of Vityazevo (photo) is located away from the bustle of the city. This temple was opened in 2011, and since then services have been regularly held there. But his story began long.

At this place the first chapel was built in 1827. Over time, it collapsed from old age, and the Greeks who moved to Russia erected a church. In 1935, an active struggle against religion began in the country, so the temple was completely destroyed.

Vityazevo photo of attractions

In 1994, new construction began with the efforts and resources of local residents and the Greek community. The modern church of St. George the Victorious from afar amazes with its beauty and "airiness". The building is made in white, symbolizing purity and humility before God.

Semicircular steps lead to the temple, which seem to elevate the building above the surface of the earth. The roof has several levels. On it is a belfry with eight faces. The sound of bells during the services is carried throughout the city.

On the facade of the mosaic is laid out the image of St. George, who with a spear nailed the serpent to the ground. The interior is quite restrained, the walls are also painted white, which adds space and cleanliness. Indoors columns support vaults. In general, the style of decoration is typical of Greek churches. This direction of architecture is connected with the history of Vityazevo, where the Greeks lived for a long time.

On the territory of the temple there are buildings painted in white and blue; stylization is typical for Greece. In Vityazevo, such tones are characteristic of many public buildings and private homes.

Wine Compound of the Old Greek

Valery Aslanov has Greek roots. For many years he was considered the main winemaker of the region. Valery decided to start producing his own brand wines. A cellar built in 1857 was reserved for this process.

Here during the Second World War, residents were hiding from the bombing. Now, under the leadership of Aslanov, it was restored, and the building began a "new life."

Inside, the walls depict plots of the development of winemaking in ancient times. Here you can see how the invited Greeks cultivate the land and plant vines. Then they harvest the first crop and make wine, after which they, with satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment, sail home on ships.

Anapa Vityazevo Attractions

It was winemaking that caused the resettlement of many Greeks in the area. They came to work and stayed here, creating their families.

In the cellars wine is held in oak barrels. This method is considered traditional. Wine reveals its tastes and aromas, just touching the tree. And drinks are made in accordance with modern technology.

You can go on a tour of the courtyard and enjoy a drink. Such tours are offered by special companies in the city.

Mud springs

Many tourists come here to visit mud springs during their holidays in Vityazevo. Attractions of this plan are located in several places.

The most popular is located 70 km from the city, opposite the estuary. On the inactive Tizdar volcano, there is a special place where dirt comes out from the bowels of the earth. Scientists studied their composition many times and came to the conclusion that the ground mass contains a huge amount of trace elements. Also, dirt has an antibacterial effect.

people from all over the country come to Vityazevo to cure diseases:

  • nervous system;
  • cardiovascular;
  • skin.

Many women bathe in Vityazevskaya mud with the hope of fulfilling their most cherished dream - to become a mother. Such procedures help get rid of infertility.

Vityazevo vacation attractions

The second place where there is healing mud is the estuary. Here you can also take medical procedures. It should only be remembered that for beginners it is better for the first time just to smear themselves with dirt, and not to go into it completely. On hot days, its temperature rises to high values, and a tourist may get burned.

Black Sea

The attraction of Vityazevo can be considered a whole street in the city. The most expensive resort hotels are built on it. Here are popular restaurants and entertainment venues. But Chornomorskaya Street gained fame for a completely different reason, thanks to buildings built in the Greek style with columns and sculptures supporting the arches and floors.

Walking around this area, you can immediately think that you are taking a walk somewhere in ancient Egypt. From the Black Sea, you immediately go to Paralia Boulevard, where you can continue your excursion.

Memorial near the temple

Since ancient times, visiting Greeks lived in Vityazevo. They repeatedly suffered from reprisals and repression. Not far from the church of St. George the Victorious there is a memorial dedicated to the residents of Stalin who were shot during the leadership of the country.

Here at the memorial, more than 150 names are immortalized. Most of the dead are Greeks. The memorial looks like a black house, divided into two halves. In one is a window and a candle burning in memory of the victims, and in the other is a list of names.

Anapa Vityazevo attractions and excursions and what to see

The Greeks come here annually on May 19 to commemorate the murdered ancestors who fell under the reprisals of the Turks from 1914 to 1923. In all, 382 people were injured.

Park "Byzantium"

In Vityazevo, sights and entertainment are concentrated almost all in one place. Near the entrance to the "Paralia" is the Byzantium Park. The most popular and modern attractions are concentrated here.

The park provides entertainment for both kids and teenagers and adult tourists. A feature of the complex is considered an attraction called "Labyrinth of the Minotaur".

When you get here, you can meet with the jellyfish Gorgon. On her head, instead of hair, hissing snakes, and huge claws on copper hands make even the most daring visitor agitate.

where to go to Vityazevo attractions

In the process of finding the way to the exit, you can meet many heroes from the ancient Greek scriptures, as well as get acquainted with the culture and architecture inherent in the country of that era.

Waterpark "Olympia"

This attraction of Anapa and Vityazevo is loved by residents and tourists of the city. The water park is also made in the style of Ancient Greece. At the entrance of the guests are greeted with figures of warriors. The attractions were given the names of Greek cities and heroes.

There is a restaurant with traditional cuisine of this country. Inside there is an amphitheater depicting scenes from the life of the ancient Greeks. Opposite it there are sun loungers for relaxing and sunbathing.

The water park provides entertainment for small and adult tourists. For example, in the complex "Hades" (named after the underground kingdom of the dead in ancient myths), vacationers can feel a set of emotions and feelings corresponding to the name of the attractions.

Vityazevo attractions and entertainment

Here are collected the most extreme slides, the height of which reaches a 7-storey building. Only the most courageous and courageous tourists dare to come up here, eager during the descent to get the missing portion of adrenaline.

Dolphinarium and Aquarium

Where to go to Vityazevo? An attraction that the whole family would like is the local dolphinarium. Here in the summertime they give 5 performances a day.

The dolphinarium is in the open air, and dolphins jump during the show as high as possible. At the end of each performance, the animals themselves draw pictures that are auctioned among viewers. For an additional fee, you can take pictures with dolphins and even swim.

What to see on tours of Anapa and Vityazevo? There are a lot of sights, one of them is the oceanarium.

It is in the same building as the dolphinarium. Huge aquariums are installed here, in which various representatives of the underwater world live. In a small pool, you can touch and feed hand-carps, see a huge stingray, a large turtle and even several species of sharks.


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