Meadow plants and features of the area

A meadow can be considered as a certain territory, or as a certain type of vegetation. Meadow plants are represented by perennial herbaceous representatives of the flora. Among them, mainly cereal and sedge prevail. Meadows are characterized by sufficient soil moisture or even excessive. This determines their plant world.

The difference between the meadow is the prevalence of turf and grass stand. Floodplain, mountain and continental meadows are distinguished.

Floodplains are located on the banks of rivers or lakes. Usually they do not occupy large areas. Meadow grasses are represented by fodder plants. When the river spills in the spring, they flood the lowest places. After leaving water, river sludge remains. Then grasses grow on this place: meadow bluegrass, timothy grass, clover, foxtail, mouse peas and many others. Such soil, fertilized and significantly moistened, is most favorable for their growth.

On more elevated surfaces of the planet are mainland and mountain meadows. They occupy the slopes of the mountains, which have a flatter surface.

Meadow plants are mainly photophilous and grassy. Therefore, these territories are distinguished by the occurrence of grass stand and turf. Their topsoil is held together by plant roots.

Meadows arose as a result of drainage of lakes and swamps, deforestation and shrubs, as well as as a result of irrigation of the steppe zone. But for their occurrence there must be a favorable climate and soil properties necessary for the prevalence of perennial grasses.

The main characteristic feature of each meadow is precisely its vegetation. The aboveground part of the plants is about 4 times smaller than the underground. Meadows are very beautiful due to the presence of flowering plants on them. We are especially familiar with such names of wildflowers: Ivan da Maria, a bell-shaped bell, a meadow core, an ordinary yarrow, three-colored violet and many others.

Meadows are especially beautiful in the middle of summer when grass blooms en masse. At this time, cloves, chamomile, cornflowers, ranunculus, bluebells, clover and other meadow plants bloom their flowers.

Flowering plants attract many insects collecting nectar, birds and other representatives of the animal world.

Meadows with less moisture in the soil are less rich in cereals. Ordinary meadow plants prevail here.

Mountain meadows are characterized by high soil moisture, therefore fodder cereal plants are represented on them. There is a massive collection of hay and grazing animals.

Meadow plants are diverse. But among them there are also poisonous representatives. These are hemlock, poisonous, buttercup caustic and some others.

The poisonous can reach a height of 1.5 meters. It has a very thick stem, it has a smell similar to the aroma of parsley or celery. Therefore, it can easily be confused with these plants. For humans and animals, its root system is the most dangerous.

The most widely represented in the meadow are cereal plants. It is a grass with a hollow stem and usually small flowers. The plant stem is like a straw. Representatives of cereals usually grow in heaps, forming thick sods from interwoven roots. It is in this layer that young shoots survive the cold winters.

Cereal plants prevent shedding of soil in the ravine area, preserving the landscape.

Meadows are necessary for humans and animals. Meadow plants are food for animals that give people milk and other related products, wool, skin, etc. In addition, the meadow is a supplier of many medicinal herbs. Insects that collect flower nectar supply honey. We can not mention the aesthetic side. This is a place of relaxation and enjoyment of the beauty of nature. Flowers from meadow bouquets are distinguished by their originality and simplicity at the same time.


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