Quest "Hunt for the Younger" in "The Witcher 3"

The quest “Hunting for the Younger” in “The Witcher 3” is one of the obligatory story quests. It would seem that it could be easier than finding a bandit and shaking out information about Ciri and Buttercup from him. And in the end, Geralt will have to not only fight his way to his goal, but also reveal a conspiracy along the way, take part in underground battles and meet several old friends. In general, this is not an easy task, but this article will help you greatly ease it.

Get-togethers in the bath

So, the first thing you will need to go to the bathhouse, owned by a certain Sigi Royven. Arriving at the place, talk with the security guard, who at first refuses to let you in, but then, finding out who Geralt is, he will immediately open the door. Go inside, change clothes and head to the baths, where three characters are waiting for you - the Beggar King, the red-faced Tesak and Sigi himself, who turned out to be none other than Diykstroy, the former intelligence chief of Redania.

the witcher 3 hunt for the younger

The company is just discussing what to do with the Bastard the Younger, who has the information Geralt needs. But suddenly cutthroats burst into the bathhouse, so the witcher only had to join the battle, armed with what would come to hand (the gun, as luck would have it, remained in the locker room).

Having dealt with the attackers, go to Roven’s office and talk to him. A former spy will advise you to look for the Bastard in his house, casino and underground arena. In addition, Sigi will give you the task “Treasure of Count Royven” and ask you to talk with Tesak (quest “Gangs of Novigrad”).

Finding The Bastard Junior

After receiving information from Royven, you can continue the passage of "Hunt for the Younger" in "The Witcher 3". To get started, head to the Bastard’s house and try to find him there. It turns out that the guys from Tesak’s gang have already been here, so all you find here is broken furniture and other rubbish.

Well, do not waste your time and follow to the casino owned by the Younger. To get inside, you can either bribe a local bouncer, or hypnotize him with the sign of Aksy. In addition, you can take advantage of the help of the gang of Tesak, but in this case you can not do without victims.

Further, already inside the casino, play a screwdriver and, having won two victories, you will be able to get to the third floor, where thugs are already waiting for you. Having dealt with the villains, search the premises and free Rico-inferior, who will give you the quest "Thieves' Honor". By the way, if you, having got to the casino, start asking visitors about the Younger, then you will still be attacked by thugs. In general, fights cannot be avoided here.

Well, Geralt was never able to find out anything at the casino, so the next step in completing Hunt for the Younger in The Witcher 3 will be to visit the arena. On the way there you will witness the murder and, having searched the poor fellow’s body, you will find a letter in his pocket (the mission “Fight Club” will begin). So you find out that the deceased was called Zhdan, and he was just about to take part in underground battles.

After that, you can impersonate the deceased, fight several enemies in the arena and, finally, see the Bastard. True, the latter quickly disappears in an unknown direction and you just have to inspect the room, hoping to find some clue. Once in the office of the Younger, open the chest with a key lifted from the body of the manager. So you will receive documents indicating the connection of the Bastard with King Radovid.

old friend

Having learned the secret of the Bastard, you can further advance on the plot of “Hunting the Younger” in “The Witcher 3”. Go to Sigi Royven and tell him everything. The spy will advise Geralt to contact the Temerians and try to reach the Younger through them.

Arriving at the place, you will meet your old friend - Vernon Rocher. He agrees to help the witcher and arranges a meeting with the Redansky spy in a chess club located near Oksenfurt.

hunt for the younger witcher 3 walkthrough

Meet Roche on the bridge and he will lead you to the appointed place. Arriving at the club, you will find that instead of the spy, Radovid himself arrived. The king, oddly enough, agrees to work with the witcher and tells him where to find the Bastard. That is, the passage of the "Hunt for the Younger" in "The Witcher 3" does not end there. Roche, in turn, will give Geralt the quest "An eye for an eye."

Shelter of the Younger

The next thing you need to do to advance on the plot of “The Witcher 3” - to search the shelter of the Bastard the Younger. Inside, Geralt will discover the corpses of several girls and finally meet with the bandit. Immediately hit the villain in the face and he, scared to death, will lay out everything he knows.

It turns out that Cyri did indeed turn to the Younger for help. He will also tell how he abducted Dudu, stole Sigi's treasury and did other not very pleasant things. Now the witcher will have a choice - either to regret the repentant villain, or to end him once and for all.


This is where the quest “Hunting the Younger” in “The Witcher 3” comes to an end. Kill or not a bandit - it's up to you, but, as usual, your choice will have certain consequences:

  • If you kill the Bastard, a mimic named Dudu will take his place. Hiding behind the guise of a gangster, he will cease to commit crimes and will be engaged in a completely legal business.
  • If you decide to spare the Younger, then he will not be able to recover after all that has happened and will become an ordinary beggar.

the witcher 3 hunt for the younger to kill or not

Be that as it may, the consequences of his decision Geralt will see after the return of Ciri to Novigrad.

What's next?

As soon as the quest "Hunt for the Younger" in "The Witcher 3" is completed, Geralt will leave the bandit's shelter. At that very moment the Redan guards would approach him and take him to Radovid’s ship.

search the shelter for the younger bastard the witcher 3

Radovid will ask the witcher to do him a little service and, as you might guess, will not accept the refusal. Well, Geralt had no choice but to begin to fulfill the king’s task, but this is a completely different story ...


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