What color are lions: color and appearance, photo

Among the highest predators who live with us on the same planet, it is the lions that cause the greatest respect and admiration. Nobleness and loyalty, courage and courage of a tireless fighter - these qualities made the image of a lion symbolic. Red, blue, white and black lions have immortalized coats of arms and flags of many principalities and kingdoms. What color can lions exist in nature? What determines their color? What color is the mane of a lion? We will answer these and other questions in the article.

lion teeth

King of beasts

Lions are large predators that have no enemies in their natural habitat. Biological evolution brought their fitness to perfection. They are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • The protective color of short hair (what color lions will be considered in the article below).
  • Powerful weapons, namely teeth and claws.
  • The amazing ability to do without food, water for a long time.
  • Economical energy consumption: the lion rests 20 hours a day and spends only the remaining time on food production.
  • Effective methods of group hunting.
  • Long and very touching care for the cubs.
lions female and male

And yet they are different

Panthera leo is a mammal from the big cat family. Eight subspecies of lions are distinguished, which differ in appearance and area of โ€‹โ€‹distribution. Among them are those who live on the planet, and there are long extinct. Asking the question, what color are lions, we list the main subspecies, namely:

  • Panthera leo persica - Indian lions, of which today there are about 300 individuals. They are represented exclusively in the Gir forest (India). Listed in the Red Book of the World.
  • African subspecies: Panthera leo senegalensis (Senegalese), Panthera leo azandica (North Korean), Panthera leo nubica (Masai), Panthera leo bleyenberghi (West African), Panthera leo krugeri (transvaal). Recognized as vulnerable species.
lions color

All shades of beige

The color of the lion's coat depends on the subspecies and can vary from dark brown to light yellow. So, African subspecies have lighter shades of wool than their Asian relatives. In this case, no matter what the color of the lion, the lower part of his body always has a lighter shade. And the tip of the tail for both males and females is decorated with a brush with darker hair.

This color is an evolutionary acquisition that allows you to get close to the prey of a given animal. What color the lion - lighter or whiter dark - depends on the habitat. In the open spaces of the savannah, lions have a light beige color, and in a wooded area they can afford darker shades.

But all this is not related to the mane of a lion. What color the mane has in an animal depends on completely different factors.

lion mane

Pride and beauty or flea collector

Lions are the only representatives of the family of big cats in which sexual dimorphism (differences between males and females) is very pronounced. Only males are carriers of a magnificent mane on the head, continuing on the neck and part of the body.

In a hot climate and additional space for many parasites, it is difficult to call this decoration useful for the animal. Nevertheless, the color of the lion (photo above) says a lot.

The lion's mane is the main indicator of its puberty and the amount of the hormone testosterone. It is he who stimulates the growth and color saturation of this royal decoration of the male. The thicker and darker the mane, the more aggressive and powerful the animal. This means that it has excellent health and makes it an excellent advocate and producer. And also, visually increasing the cat, it gives additional advantages in the fierce struggle of males for the female.

lions cub

They are not born like that - they become

Lion cubs are more likely to look like leopards. Against the background of light coat, they have dark spots that disappear with the onset of puberty. Although sometimes they persist on the stomach or legs of the animal (especially in females).

In males, a lionโ€™s mane appears at the age of about six months. At first it is yellow, but then it becomes thicker and darker, reaching its peak by 3 years. And the older the lion, the thicker its mane is and has a darker, almost black color. Castrated males do not develop mane.

White Lion

White handsome

White lions are not a subspecies, but individual individuals that have a genetic pathology - leukism. This is a gene recessive mutation that causes low melanin production and a lighter color.

Such a mutation is considered quite rare. That is why, until the end of the 20th century, the white lion existed only in myths and legends. Only in 1975, in the Timbavati reserve (Africa), white cubs were first discovered. It is in the population of lions of this reserve that animals with this color are found.

In captivity, white lions are born more often. But this is due to the wishes of breeders who allow mating of animal carriers of the recessive gene allele. At the same time, lions with leukism are not albinos. They retain normal pigmentation of the iris of the eyes and mucous membranes.

black Lion

Black Lions - Fiction or Truth?

Black color - melanism - is caused by increased production of melanin and is quite common among cats. A striking example is the black leopards, which are called panthers. But this is not a separate biological species, but only a peculiar coloration of leopards.

Since there are black leopards, why can't there be black lions? In nature, in the Okovango region (Africa), a pride of lions with a very dark color was recorded. They are not black, but rather dark brown. It seems that this color appeared as a result of closely related crossing.

Biologists say that in nature, a black lion cannot exist. Even if such a kitten is born, then he will not be able to survive. First of all, for reasons of violation of thermoregulation of the body, low immunity and inability to obtain food. It can be assumed that in captivity such a lion could survive, but so far there have been no corresponding precedents.

Numerous photos of the black lion, which are found on the Internet, are just the result of skillful color processing of the photo. There are no real photos of lions with this color, as well as the animals themselves.

And still we will not lose hope: nature quite often gives amazing surprises. And besides, there is also genetic engineering. And if the luminous pigs are already running in the pens of the laboratories, then the black lions may well become a reality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5571/

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