Eilat city: attractions, photos and reviews of tourists

Israeli resorts all year round attract the attention of tourists, and this is understandable. The warm climate, magnificent beaches, the gentle waters of the Red Sea, entertainment for every taste attract tourists from different parts of our planet. One of the most popular places in sunny Israel is the luxurious resort of Eilat, whose sights are amazingly amazing.

There are no holy places, but the picturesque landscapes and interesting corners will not leave anyone indifferent. Located in the south of the state, a modern city with a developed tourist infrastructure receives millions of foreign visitors every year. The Israeli pearl, located on the Red Sea coast, offers vacationers wonderful shopping, fun nightlife and life-long excursions.

Sunny corner

The magical Eilat, whose attractions have made the resort unforgettable, welcomes tourists all year round, but most often come here in winter, because the temperature allows you to relax here even in January. Summer heat due to low humidity is well tolerated by travelers, but the best time to relax in the resort is from late October to April. Of course, in a paradise you can not only sunbathe and have plenty of swim, but also spend time with pleasure, visiting interesting places both in the city and beyond.

From antiquity to modernity

The ancient settlement, which existed during the reign of King Solomon, was called Isla. There was a military garrison, and many tried to seize a strategic point. A small settlement, passing from hand to hand, was captured by Israel in 1949, and a few years later it received the status of a city.

Already in the 60s of the last century, the bustling Eilat, whose sights are incredibly interesting, becomes the main vacation spot for foreign tourists. Now it is an expensive resort with modern hotels, medical centers, nightlife clubs and restaurants. Tourism business is an important part of the economy of a small city, which is a duty-free zone.

Underwater observatory

So, where to go to the guests of the resort, who first came to the fabulously beautiful Eilat? Sights, photos of which are often found in all guidebooks, will introduce vacationers to the amazing nature of Israel. The underwater observatory associated with the coast with a small bridge is recognized as a real gem of the resort. The snow-white tower crowning the structure is visible from all corners of the city.

Eilat Attractions

The world's first complex, created with the aim of introducing everyone to the enchanting beauty of the underwater world, was founded 41 years ago. This is a unique observatory equipped with the most modern equipment. Going down six meters, tourists get to the depths, from where they watch the life of the inhabitants of the sea, and, climbing the stairs to the tower, admire the amazing panorama overlooking the city. In addition, in clear weather you can see the land of several states at once - Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Huge aquariums, in which more than 400 fish, turtles, sharks and stingrays frolic, show an exact copy of the bottom of the Red Sea, and the stunning attraction "Oceanarium" is always popular with visitors. Tourists respond with great enthusiasm about imitating immersion in the bathyscaphe. This is a real adventure, accompanied by computer graphics and surround sound, resulting in a complete illusion of being under water. The main thing that visitors to the observatory warn about is not to forget the camera in order to capture the action on film.

Unique Timna Valley

The sights of Eilat (Israel) are not only the Red Sea and the white beaches. To the north of the resort is the famous Timna Valley, surrounded by tall multi-colored cliffs. Tourists who have visited the reserve admit that they felt like they were real discoverers of a country with ancient history. The primeval landscapes of the most bizarre forms evoke a sense of delight even among adult travelers who have seen a lot in their lives.

Attractions Eilat Israel

The fact is that Eilat, whose sights are becoming the subject of admiration for vacationers, is located in a region with geological faults. Over a thousand-year history, they formed giant canyons, and one of them is located in a valley where mines of the legendary king Solomon were once located.

This is one of the most beautiful places in the world: rocks of various sizes, the height of which reaches up to 850 meters, unusual arches of granite, desert landscapes, mysterious crevices make an indelible impression on visitors.

Solomon Pillars

One cannot but admire the miraculous monument that glorified the resort town of Eilat (Israel) throughout the world . Photos of towering natural sandstone formations often appear on the pages of geographic magazines. The so-called Solomon pillars, created by nature itself, are recognized as the most famous sculpture of the valley. To see the tall columns, guests come here from different parts of the world.

Eilat Attractions Photos

What else to see in the valley?

The sights of Eilat (Israel), photos of which often cannot convey their unique beauty, are so diverse that they will appeal to both adults and children. According to tourists, it is impossible to ignore the local museum. Here, each guest will receive as a keepsake a copy of a copper coin that used to go in ancient times.

The temple of the Egyptian goddess Hatkor adjoining the rock is a small open courtyard. Carved images of the pharaoh and patroness of treasure hunters are visible on the stones.

In the picturesque lake Timna, covering an area of ​​about 14 thousand m2, you can swim and ride with the breeze on pedal boats, which delights the kids.

The gift shop will delight the fair sex, because there are amazing products from semiprecious Eilat stone. This natural mineral of an amazing blue-green hue, possessing magical properties, helps to restore strength, protects from troubles and relieves stress.

Tourists say that they left the most unusual impressions after visiting the reserve at night, when various recreational activities and excursions are held. The unique landscapes illuminated by the moonlight resemble fantastic paintings, and it seems that the mystical valley is filled with real magic.

Theme Park "City of the Kings"

Not only natural monuments are admired by foreign guests. The resort is famous for its developed entertainment system, which has no analogues in the world. So, what to see in Eilat, the sights of which will not let anyone get bored?

The theme park "City of the Kings", for the construction of which $ 40 million was spent, opened 11 years ago, and during this time he had loyal fans who did not spare considerable amounts of entertainment. This not too large three-level structure, located on the city's promenade, resembles a wonderful palace of ancient rulers.

eilat attractions tourist reviews

Tourists admit that a visit to a park intended for families is too expensive (125 shekels), but such attractions no longer exist in the world. The four-dimensional model, created from huge screens, takes guests to Ancient Egypt and introduces the life of the pharaohs. Stunning sensations remain after the illusion of flying over the palaces and chambers of the rulers.

In an artificially created cave, guests travel to the mines of King Solomon. Biblical scenes are carved on the rocks, and mysteriously shimmering grottoes are decorated with sculptures, waterfalls and karst formations.

There are so many interesting rides that you can spend in the park all day. For hungry guests there are small cafes offering dishes of Arabic, Italian, Thai cuisine.


The only place in Israel where tourists watch animals in the natural environment is the Dolphin Reef Park, which Eilat is proud of. Sights (tourist reviews confirm this) delight even adult visitors frolicking with animals, like little children.

In a nature reserve with an area of ​​10 thousand m2 live whole families of marine mammals that breed in the same way as in the wild. Dolphins can be watched from special bridges, and those who wish to swim with cute animals are immersed in the water, accompanied by an instructor.

Attractions Eilat Israel Photos

In addition, there are relaxation, diving and special pools in which children with autism and cerebral palsy communicate with dolphins, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the children.

Coral reef "Japanese Garden"

What else will surprise the hospitable city of Eilat (Israel)? Sights, photos of which convey the amazing underwater world of the Red Sea, attract close attention of foreigners. A real natural masterpiece is the coral reef, named after the gardens of Japan. A very sensitive ecosystem is recognized as the most beautiful in the world and declared a nature reserve.

Eilat city israel attractions

The reef formed by the two coral walls is carefully guarded, as well as strict control over the dives of divers. The authorities are afraid to upset the ecological balance and therefore make sure that divers do not take away underwater wealth. It is forbidden to use knives here, but the use of a camcorder is welcome. As tourists note, there is no need to worry about the quality of images in clear water.

Excursion from Eilat to Sinai Mountain

There are no religious monuments in the resort, however, group trips to Mount Moses are organized in Eilat, which are most often climbed at night to meet the dawn in the morning. Nearby is the ancient monastery of St. Catherine, recognized as the smallest diocese on the planet. The structure that appeared in 527 in the entire history of its existence has never been destroyed. Nearby is a functioning mosque, which appeared as a sign of friendship and evidence that all religions of the world have.

The main shrine of the monastery is the relics of a great martyr, randomly found by ministers. A bush grows here, in the flame of which the prophet Moses saw the image of the Lord.

Vacation Reviews

The lively resort attracts not only the opportunity to splash around in the sea all year round. Having visited it once, I want to come back here again to enjoy nature and explore all its man-made and natural monuments. Similar to a fabulous country, where it is always sunny and warm, the city of Eilat (Israel), whose attractions are unique, always pleases its guests. According to travelers who have visited a paradise, this is an ideal tourist center in all respects, suitable for those who love both a relaxing holiday and an extreme one.

what to see in eilat sights

Tourists note the high level of service, but shopaholics are most happy: the resort is included in the duty-free zone, and this means that they have the opportunity to purchase branded items at affordable prices. Most guests of Eilat count the days until the moment when you can return to the beautiful city again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5573/

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