What is soil cementation and where is it used

Soil cementing is used to give the soil stability for the subsequent construction of buildings or other landscaping. The technique is relevant for terrain prone to erosion and landslides. The procedure is often performed in marshy places, near water bodies or in areas with a high level of groundwater.

Among all the methods used to strengthen the soil, cementation of soils is the most common method. It belongs to the most affordable, but no less effective than other similar methods, and helps to increase the bearing capacity of the soil, which allows to increase the service life of buildings.

soil cementation

Application area

Soil cementing is often used in the construction industry for:

  1. Designing buildings on unsustainable soil.
  2. Repair work in sewage systems.
  3. Temporary or permanent strengthening of underground workings.
  4. Reinforce existing foundations.
  5. Fortifications of karst soil.

Strengthening the soil by cementation fills the natural cavity in the soil, thereby increasing its strength.

geology for construction
This technique is also relevant for unscheduled detection of a zone of highly mobile soil in the construction of buildings.


Geology for construction plays an important role. When designing a building, a lot of attention is paid to the quality of the soil, the location of groundwater and other factors that can reduce the operational life of the building. When designing cementation, it is important to determine the following points:

  • Zones of fastening and bearing capacity of the soil.
  • The method of cementation of soils. It can vary from a budget option with independent drilling of wells and injection of a solution using an injector to the use of expensive equipment.
  • The composition and amount of cement mortar. It directly depends on the desired result, the initial density of the soil, the brand of cement and additional plasticizers and accelerators.
  • Quality control of work performed. For its implementation, tests of the physical and mechanical properties of the soil after cementation are carried out.

These items will help to carry out the procedure with the highest quality and least cost.

foundation sole

Jet grouting

It is a method of strengthening by injection of cement mortar through injectors in drilled wells. As a result of construction work, cement piles are formed, which, if desired, can be additionally reinforced with metal rods.

During the work, a water-cement mortar, air and water are separately supplied, which, when solidified, create a cement frame. At the same time, full information about the procedure is displayed on the rig monitor.

The advantages of jet grouting

The advantages of this method include:

  • high productivity - quick work;
  • the ability to carry out work on individual sections of soil both above and below the groundwater level;
  • high quality of the process;
  • lack of noise and vibration, which allows you to perform certain actions even in a densely populated housing estate;
  • with the help of small drilling rigs it is possible to carry out manipulations inside the building.

These advantages are taken into account when choosing a method of strengthening unstable soils.

cement reinforcement

Foundation reinforcement

The cementation method is often used to reinforce existing substrates. At the same time, the sole of the foundation receives additional support, which prevents the appearance of cracks on the walls and the complete collapse of the building.

The drilling rig has increased mobility, which allows you to place it near the building. The small size and movable mast of the equipment allow you to perform work without an increased level of noise and vibration.

The sole of the foundation is reinforced with the following types of cement:

  • Portland
  • slag Portland cement;
  • aluminous;
  • sulfate resistant;
  • grouting;
  • alkaline alkaline.

These varieties contain small particles that can fill soil cavities even of small size.

jet cementation of soils

Cement injection technology

Geology for construction helps determine the quality of soils to determine further actions to strengthen them. Standard cementation technology is as follows:

  1. Drilling a well with a diameter of 112-132 mm to a given depth.
  2. Raise the drill with the supply of cement, air, water and simultaneous rotation for better distribution of the composition. Cement mortar in this case fills all the cavities in the soil.
  3. Complete removal of the drilling rig and immersion in the unhardened cement of the reinforcing cage from iron rods to achieve better soil strength. Actual with a great risk of landslides, for example, with the proximity of a reservoir or a high level of groundwater.
  4. The design is left for several weeks until the solution solidifies completely. At this time, it is important to suspend all construction work to prevent violation of the integrity of the resulting concrete reinforcing piles.

During drilling, the composition is supplied under high pressure, which ensures its penetration into the deep layers of the soil. By jet cementation technology, foundations, foundation pits and fragile horizontal elements can be fixed.

The use of the soil cementation method significantly improves the characteristics responsible for their stability. After this procedure, you can build complex structures without fear of cracking the foundation and the complete collapse of buildings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5574/

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