Speech communication: types, forms and styles

Different types of communication are an essential component of a person’s daily life. Without the types of verbal communication available to us, it would be extremely difficult to communicate, work together, and achieve meaningful goals. The texts allow you to communicate not only with friends through electronic messages and paper letters, but also with representatives of other eras - for this there are books and magazines, manuscripts and other works that have come down to our time, as well as those being created now - they will be read in the future. Without communication, a person’s life is simply unthinkable.

Relevance of the issue

There are two main types of verbal communication - verbal, non-verbal. The first involves the use of words, the use of some national language, formed in a natural way. Non-verbal format - interaction through conditional poses, facial expressions and tonality of speech, text layout and filling it with additional graphic materials, tables and diagrams.

Verbal and non-verbal language are always combined with each other. With regard to speech, they are divided only theoretically, since it is more convenient to describe the processes of interaction of individuals. In practice, non-verbal and verbal forms of verbal communication without each other do not exist. Linguists say that the norm of verbal communication is the balance between the verbal and non-verbal components.

types of verbal communication in Russian

Types and Categories

Another approach to the identification of types of verbal communication is the division of such into informative and non-informative. Informative is one in which the purpose of the contact is associated with some data. As part of the interaction, participants read, listen, communicate something, thereby transmitting new knowledge to the addressee.

Non-informative interaction is necessary for forming contact with the communication object, while the participant does not have goals and objectives associated with receiving and disseminating information. This type of speech communication situation is aimed at satisfying the desire to communicate. People say something to each other, count on understanding, get the opportunity to share their opinions. It is these needs and desires that are the main goal of non-informative communication.

How many of us?

There is a division into types of verbal communication related to the number of participants. It is customary to talk about monologues and dialogues. At the same time, the roles of the participants in the interaction and their ability to switch places are evaluated. It is possible that one speaks, the second listens, and also a communication path in which participants change these roles.

Dialogue is a word formed in Greek that means expressing an opinion by two or more participants. In a monologue, one person says, others listen. In this format, the interaction of the exchange of replicas, and therefore, opinions, does not occur.

As a rule, a monologue can be determined by the continuity of speech, while the statement is super-phrasal, voluminous. The speech is logical and consistent, it makes sense, is complete, is aimed at communicativeness, reveals one topic. As a rule, the monologue is quite complicated syntactically.

About classification

When analyzing the forms and types of speech communication, it is necessary to pay attention to the distant and contact options. The division into these categories is based on an analysis of the position of the participants in communication relative to each other. This is not only about geographical remoteness, but also a certain period of time. With the contact form, partners are located nearby, can establish eye contact, hear each other's speech. Communication takes place with words and non-verbal methods.

types and styles of verbal communication

Distant - a type of verbal communication, the concept of which involves the separation of communicating people geographically and in temporary space. A good example is a book. The author of the work and the reader, as a rule, are separated by both space and time eras, so reading becomes a distant speech communication. In some cases, separation occurs only according to one factor - geographically or in time. An example of a type of verbal communication in which time is one and geography is different is interaction through dialogue in the Virtual Web or by phone. Time division within the framework of one space - exchange of notes in one room, audience.

Is it worth it to talk?

Types, forms of verbal communication - it is also a written, oral interaction. Each of the situations has its own characteristics, which allow it to be assigned to a certain group, as well as the forms of speech used by the interlocutors. Oral communication is practiced (usually) when possible to establish personal contact. In most cases, this is both an opportunity to hear and see the person you are talking to.

Choose, taking into account the etiquette of verbal communication, the type and form of interaction. Much depends on the amount of information to be transmitted to the addressee, on the level of importance of the information. So, oral interaction is a single utterance, and in writing a person can re-read the information received many times. Consequently, it is better to transmit complex, voluminous data in writing, since their perception will be more adequate. But information that is easy to understand can be sent verbally to the addressee, which in most cases is enough.

Choosing the optimal type for a particular case , the style of verbal communication, it is necessary to analyze who is the recipient of the information, what should be the conditions for the best perception.

Nuances and specifics

Choosing the optimal form for a particular case, take into account that oral speech is performed only once, often the speaker is characterized by improvisation. At the same time, the set of tools for conveying the intended meaning is limited. In written communication, the expression of intent is usually realized to the end.

concept and types of verbal communication

Oral speech is formed when a person speaks. The text is not fixed in advance, you can change and supplement the original idea, which leads to a sudden conclusion at the end of the monologue: “I was not going to say that at all!” With a written communication format, there are no such problems - the text is fixed, sustained in the same style, and subtracted for compliance with the idea.

The law of redundancy explains the abundance of repetitions in the oral expression of information. In addition, this type of speech communication in the Russian language (and not only) allows generalization. When formulating ideas in writing, repetitions, generalizations are avoided, to the extent possible, to the point of complete exclusion.

Public voice contact

Consideration of the concept and types of verbal communication requires attention to the division of all cases into public and mass. The first involves a monologue. It is in this form that lectures at universities or meetings are built. The participant’s speech should have a clear structure, because the main idea of ​​the event is to achieve some predetermined goal, for which people gather in a chosen place. Without a structure, speech is unlikely to be a significant assistant in achieving the goals. A public format is a meaningful statement for a specific purpose. For a public format, the level of responsibility is rated as higher.

The public form of verbal communication of people is possible in oral, written form. The first type - performances in stadiums and as part of various events, the second - publications in print media, which led to their name - mass media. With this interaction, the recipient of information does not have a specific person, and the speaker forms for himself a general idea of ​​who the person listening to him is.

An official and a place for him

The main types of verbal communication are official and private. The first is also called official. It is assumed that there is a business environment, compliance with strictness, strict adherence to the rules, endurance of all formalities.

Private dialogue - relationships in which there is no clear structure and limitations, separation of roles. In a private conversation, communication is usually based on some common interest or belonging to a social group, and the dialogue itself is subordinate to the relations between the participants. At the same time, communication is relatively free, general laws apply to him, but etiquette is not so important as for the business format.

types of verbal communication examples

Definitions and concepts

Speech communication, types of speech situations are based on the presence of interest from all participants in the process, as well as motivation to maintain contact. As a rule, there is a certain target setting, for the implementation of which speech activity is necessary. Communication becomes a part of social life and work, knowledge and learning. It is possible to communicate between several persons, each of whom is active, is a carrier of information and communicates with others, assuming they also have the data of interest. Communication involves the reciprocity of the process. It refers to social activity inherent in representatives of society, therefore, it is, like other types of such activities aimed at achieving a specific goal, social.

Considering the types of verbal communication, the concept of the culture of verbal communication, it is necessary to pay special attention to the features of the forms through which the process is implemented. Speech behavior is form, and content is activity. Behavior allows you to organize actions from an internal state that show a person’s attitude to the world around him and his personalities.

Man and forms of his behavior

The types of verbal communication using language and speech suggest verbal and real behavior. Under the first, it is customary to understand such a system of opinions, evidence, phrases, which can be interpreted as a manifestation of a mental state. Such interconnected behavior, formed by the actions of a person trying to adapt to the space in which he must function, is considered real.

Speech behavior and related activities differ from each other in the level of motivation and awareness of the factors pushing for an act. Activities - motivated activity, behavior - unconscious activity expressed through learned stereotypes, patterns, as well as imitation of others and following stereotypes based on personal experience.

types of speech communication the concept of culture of speech communication

It's important to know

When analyzing the types of communication and types of speech activity, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the result of the activity is some text or a complete thought, while behavior is aimed at forming relationships between participants in society - these can be constructive, destructive, positive and unfriendly. In addition, the behavior is aimed at forming an emotional component, explained by the way the participants in the dialogue behave.

It is especially important to pay attention to verbal communication in the framework of the formation of the child’s personality, the development of his social life skills and activity. At the same time, adults must teach both activities and behavior. When working, for example, with schoolchildren, we are talking about creating communicative competence. It is necessary to pass the language system, speech, materials, as well as norms of communication and behavior to the younger generation.

About the problems of the present

Many researchers agree that recently one of the problems of society is aggression, which participants resort to in order to achieve their goals in the communication process. For example, invective vocabulary is excessively actively used, which means that parity dialogue becomes impossible, it is problematic to normally communicate in such a situation, a conflict is born. Negative etiquette and negative speech patterns can be seen both in life and in drama. This is also due to fashion - the public is interested in heroes who exhibit intolerant behavior in communication.

speech communication types of etiquette

Theory and practice

Scientists actively took up the study of communication only in the second half of the last century. Significant works saw the light in the 60-70s. They emphasized the social parameters of the interaction of people, as well as psychological characteristics, a semantic assessment of the act of interaction. The researchers analyzed the rules, the specifics of speech behavior and speech communication.

Interest in this area is fully justified - without communication it is simply impossible to imagine humanity; interaction is an important part of the life of any person, it cannot be removed. Communication is relevant not only for a specific person, but also for peoples and culture. Different forms of communication are practiced in different forms of culture, but in any case, the main idea of ​​interaction is to understand the interlocutor and feel him correctly, without distortion. Studying how interaction occurs, three levels were identified: perceptual, interactive, communicative.

And if in more detail?

The first, basic level is communication. It allows you to exchange information using language, traditions, and other features that unite the interlocutors and allow them to understand each other.

Interactive - the second, higher level. It assumes a relationship. In this case, the personality traits of a person have an important influence.

The perceptual level is a dialogue between cultures. They talk about him when representatives of different linguistic-cultural communities mutually try to understand each other. The study of this particular level attracts many scientists, linguists and sociologists, psychologists. Communicative behavior and the perceptual level of interaction are interconnected, since it is this level that is intended to convey to the interlocutor the intentions, goals that the speaker has.

speech communication types of speech situations

Everything is interconnected

To characterize communication, it is necessary to analyze the process of forming a contact, due to some needs. In the framework of joint activity, participants exchange information, which allows us to talk about speech communication. Partners interact, perceiving each other and making efforts to understand the interlocutor. Speech behavior reflects the erudition of the individual and intellectual characteristics, motivation and emotional, mental state. All this can usually be revealed by analyzing the features of using the vocabulary and the style of utterances.

For today, the problem of tolerance and its absence is becoming more and more relevant. It is not possible to form an accurate and generally accepted understanding of the boundaries of tolerant attitude. The idea of ​​tolerance in the framework of verbal communication is the exclusion of aggression, that is, such an impact, when one of the participants in the dialogue starts a confrontation, sets the conditions for conflict, because it does not share the opinion of the interlocutor. To express his position, a person resorts to negative methods and means of interaction. For communication to be productive, effective, it is necessary to take into account the interests of all parties and be tolerant of others, accepting someone else's point of view without conflict. Speech communication ideally implies condescension to the shortcomings of others and equality in dialogue.

Tolerant communication: what is it?

The essence of such behavior is the suppression of aggression, that is, the exclusion of the attitude of the participant in the dialogue on the conflict. As part of the interaction, interested parties take into account etiquette, show tolerance and attention to each other. Tolerant interaction is built on friendliness, trust and sensitivity, following tact and the ability to empathize. Ethics implies the desire of all participants to achieve mutual understanding, for which individuals are ready to coordinate interests and actions without pressing each other. In the framework of tolerant verbal communication, it is important to build a constructive dialogue and clarify your arguments, and convince the interlocutor.

For communication to be tolerant, partners should strive to form a constructive dialogue. This can be achieved if we take into account the goals and interests of the subjects of the process, as well as respect all participants. According to some scholars, tolerance is not just tolerance, but active cooperation, and activities on this basis are possible only with the ability of a person to make strong-willed efforts to realize positive qualities in an essence alien to him.

Tolerant communication is an activity focused on a specific goal, on the formation of an equal dialogue and on the consciousness of an alien for an individual participant. To successfully achieve the result, you need to own language material, have skills, speech skills, using appropriate phrases, markers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5577/

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