How to make a pyramid out of paper? detailed instructions

Many seek to Egypt to see the pyramids with their own eyes and touch them. They fascinate the eye and fill the body with some kind of healing energy. Scientists all over the world agreed that the pyramids are able to exert a healing and magical effect on the body. It is proved that they harmonize energy, structure water, are able to preserve the freshness of products for a long time, and also rejuvenate people.

how to make a pyramid out of paper
If you want to change the energy in your home, then some tips on how to make a paper pyramid yourself will help you. To make such a design, you will need to calculate its proportions and strictly adhere to them when assembling.
To make a pyramid out of paper, you need thick sheets or corrugated cardboard. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to produce it from dielectric materials. First you need to draw isosceles triangles on a cardboard sheet in the amount of four pieces. Remember that the base of each of them will be 460 mm, and the length of the side faces should be 439.5 mm.
make a pyramid out of paper

So how to make a pyramid out of paper? First you need to correctly draw cardboard. Lay the sheet so that the corrugation strips are not located along the drawn triangles, but horizontally, that is, across. Such an arrangement will add even greater rigidity to the pyramid design. Now carefully cut out our triangles using a ruler, and trying to guide the knife so that it is at an angle relative to the surface of the cardboard.
When you cut out the side faces of your future pyramid, do not forget to make a small perpendicular incision. Then you need to step back from the edge of the side face two-thirds of the thickness of the cardboard and cut the paper using a ruler, but already on the inside of the face. Then you need to cut the corner to make a bevel. Try to get this as smooth as possible.
paper pyramid

Now we retreat 15 mm from the edge of each face from the outside and draw a line with a pencil. So we will designate the borders along which we will glue the tape connecting the parts of the pyramid. To cut the connecting tapes, you need thick paper. They will be 30 mm wide each.

When the tapes are ready, they need to be folded in half and cut one of the edges on each. The cut angle is 32 degrees. Next, apply the tape, without unrolling it, to one edge of the edge of your pyramid with a fold line and glue it. Then we take the second half of the tape and glue it to the second face.

The last step in finding the answer to the question of how to make a pyramid out of paper involves gluing all the remaining ribbons with faces to combine the details of the pyramid into a common scan. It remains only to bend at a right angle of the face in those places where there will be connections. Thus, we will make the base of the pyramid in the shape of an even square. Glue the extreme edges of the pyramid. Make sure that the bases of these faces are in the same plane.

A paper pyramid can be used either hollow or in a version with a stand. To make it, you need to cut a square measuring 490x490 mm from two-layer corrugated cardboard. So you learned how to make a pyramid out of paper.


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