The largest diamond in the world: description, features and interesting facts

Since the heyday of civilization, for many centuries, humanity has shown a special interest in jewelry and gold. This applies not only to the beautiful half of humanity - our dear women, but also to men. How many crimes were committed, how many victims were made for the sake of gold and diamonds. Now we live in a modern world where the acquisition of diamonds takes place in a civilized way, but not everyone can afford this luxury.

Today we have to get acquainted with the 10 largest diamonds that happened to get.

The largest diamonds in the world

There are hundreds of small and large diamonds in the world for which people are willing to pay thousands and even millions of dollars. Among them there are ordinary gems without a name, and there are famous gems that have received a name and become known to all lovers of jewelry. We give a list of the largest diamonds, which we have listed in the table for convenience.

The most famous diamonds
occupied placethe name of the diamondweight (grams)
1Golden Anniversary109
2"The Big Star of Africa"106
4"Small Star of Africa"64
5"Spirit de Grisogono"61
8De Beers47
9"Red Cross"41
10"Millennium Star"40

Each of these unique stones has its own amazing history and its wonderful features. We will tell you more about these wonderful diamonds and start with a little pebble that took 10th place in the world ranking.

"Millennium Star"

This diamond was found in 1990 in Central Africa, in the Republic of Congo. Its weight up to the moment of cutting into a large diamond was 777 carats. Due to the fact that it took several years of effort, and more than one cutting master, this gem was called the "Millennium Star". Initially, it was split in Belgium, polished in South Africa, and the final processing was carried out in the USA (New York city). The weight of the transparent diamond then was already 203 carats.

large diamond

And only 9 years after the "stellar" find they managed to present it to the public. A year later, at one of the London exhibitions, he was abducted by attackers. Fortunately, they were able to quickly figure out and catch. The real value of this stone is unknown, but according to some sources, the insurance amount of the African diamond is over one hundred million British pounds.

"Red Cross"

This pebble is only 1 gram heavier than its predecessor, which allowed it to rise one notch in the ranking. Back in 1901, a large diamond weighing 375 carats was discovered in an African mine. He had an unusual color: a canary yellow hue. After its cutting, the weight was 205 carats, and on one of the faces an eight-pointed Maltese cross was clearly visible. After that, this large diamond found its current name. An interesting feature of this gemstone is that it is able to accumulate light energy in itself, after which it glows in the dark.

the largest diamond

In 1918, this diamond was presented as a presentation to the Red Cross. Employees of the charity fund put it up for auction and after the sale received cash in the amount of ten thousand British pounds. With the proceeds, medicines were bought and hospitals were improved. According to some reports, its current price is more than two million euros.

De Beers

In the late 80s of the XIX century, a precious stone weighing 428 carats was found in a private diamond mining company De Beers. After his jewelry processing, the weight of a large diamond was 234 carats. This gem was acquired by an Indian prince.

single large diamond

Later, a jewelry house in Paris made a necklace of almost three thousand diamonds, in the center of which is located De Beers. After the death of the prince, the necklace was stolen. But since 1998, parts of it began to appear in London markets. Then the jewelry house that made this creation made a decision to redeem the parts found, and for 4 years the necklace was restored. Synthetic crystals were installed in place of the missing parts.


A 650-carat diamond, mined at the South African mine in 1895. Its first owner was President William Francis Reitz, and 2 years later he was presented to the new mistress - the British Queen Victoria, in honor of the anniversary of the reign on the throne. Hence the name of a single large diamond.


In 1988, De Beers celebrated its 100th anniversary. In honor of this important event, this name was bestowed on a 599 carat diamond. Impeccable grinding, a large diamond turned out weighing 273 carats. It has 274 faces. After 3 years, he was introduced to the public, who remembered him as a stone, having the highest purity F1 and the highest group of color D. Its shape resembled a heart, which was unique to itself.

large diamonds of the world

"Spirit de Grisogono"

The initial rough diamond weight reached 590 carats. After cutting, this figure reached a value of 312 carats. Like all predecessors, this diamond has African roots. This unusual stone is interesting in its color: it is completely black. Its owner was the Swiss jeweler Grisogono. It took him 1 year to study the ancient method of cutting a diamond in the shape of a rose. After which he proceeded to his plan. The Swiss jewelry house turned out a ring with a large diamond in its heart, encrusted with 702 small colorless diamonds.

"Small Star of Africa"

The second name for this pebble is "Cullinan II". He takes the fourth place in the ranking of the largest diamonds. Initially, its value was 3106 carats, and the weight reached a value of 621 grams! These are colossal numbers. Found this diamond in the British colony of the Transvaal region of Africa, in the Cullinan mine in 1905. It was so large that it was divided into several parts, which were called "Cullinan I" and "Cullinan II" (or "Little Star of Africa") weighing 317 carats. The last diamond became the decoration of the crown of the British monarchy. Its preliminary cost is estimated at two hundred million dollars.

large diamond ring


The third place among the largest diamonds in the world is occupied by "Incomparable". Its original weight was 890 carats, and after cutting - 407. It has an amber-yellow hue. This diamond was discovered relatively recently, in the 80s of the XX century. What is noteworthy, he was not found by a diamond mining company, but by an ordinary girl. She saw him walking near an abandoned mine in the Republic of Congo (Africa). In 1988, he was first put up for auction at Christie's, where he was bought for twelve million dollars by a resident of Geneva, Theodor Horowitz. After 14 years, this gem reappeared at the auction, but already electronic. There was set a record starting amount of fifteen million dollars. No buyers were found. But in 2013, “Incomparable” took its place in a rose gold necklace encrusted with 91 diamonds. According to some reports, its value is estimated at twenty million dollars.

"The Big Star of Africa"

The second name for this diamond is "Cullinan I". As noted above, it appeared as a result of the jewelry division of a large diamond by the forces of the best European cutter - Joseph Asher. The weight of a pure diamond is 530 carats. The stone of impeccable purity and depth, has 74 faces.

the largest diamond in the world

Just 2 years after its discovery, in 1907, the "Big Star of Africa" ​​was given as a gift to the British king Edward VII in honor of his 66th birthday. Today it can be found on the scepter of the British monarch at the Tower Museum. Its value is estimated at more than four million dollars.

Golden Anniversary

This is the largest diamond in the world that is known to mankind until today. It is a noble tan, weighing 545 carats. Found this diamond in 1985. Its initial weight was 755 carats. It was discovered by De Beers diamond mining company in South Africa.

large diamond earrings

It took two years of painstaking work by the best jewelry master Gabi Tolkowski to cut this diamond. In 1990, he appeared before the eyes of an amazed public. The shape of the cut of this stone corresponded to the shape of "cushion" with elements of a fiery rose.

A few years later he ended up in the Thai community of jewelers, who for a long time demonstrated to his masters as an exhibition model. In 1995, several Thai businessmen bought the Golden Jubilee as a gift to their king, Phumipon Adulyadej, in honor of his half-century reign. Thanks to this event of tremendous beauty, the stone acquired its name.

Now the "Golden Anniversary" is kept in the treasury of the Thai crown, in the Royal Palace, in Bangkok. According to some reports, its value fluctuates over a wide range, reaching values ​​of up to twelve million dollars.


Large gems have always been a luxury item. Monarchs and royal family members used them in their jewelry or household items.

But today there are rare instances of jewelry, the cost of which is staggering. The most expensive earrings in human history were sold at Sotheby's for $ 57.4 million. These earrings are called "Apollo" and "Artemis", as they are made in pink and blue. But they were sold in separate lots. Bought both earrings the same person who remained incognito. It is only known that he is from Asia.

Another large diamond earring, which was valued at $ 17.6 million, went under the hammer in Geneva. It is a colorless asymmetric, drop-shaped diamonds. The total weight of which is 22 kilograms. Wearing such jewelry is not possible. The buyer remained anonymous. One thing is known, the jewelery collector has become the new owner of diamond jewelry.


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