Conifers in landscaping. The best tree species for your site

Both the owners of private houses and the townspeople are trying to create green corners, unique in artistic design, near their home, because nature generously gives everyone a good mood and health. Conifers in landscape design of personal plots have recently been used more and more actively. There are many reasons for this. This is an attractive appearance, and unpretentiousness in care, and the benefits they bring.

Conifers in landscaping

Tasks of landscape design

People began to surround houses with gardens and flowers for a long time. But it is important not only to plant many plants, but also to make sure that they bring a person to harmony with the outside world and with himself. The purpose of landscape design is not only to create beauty, but also to visually smooth the angularity of the building or even hide some defects, if any. Coniferous compositions in landscape design are ideal for these purposes. Trees can be planted in groups, combining them according to the color of the needles, height, shape of the trunk and crown, or one at a time, surrounded by stones, flowers, deciduous plants or architectural elements. Some conifer species are used as hedges or to divide the site into sectors. They can be planted even in the form of a lawn, if for some reason it is impossible to arrange a normal grassy coating.

Spiky Giants in the Infield

Landscape design with conifers
Many gardeners love to use tall conifers in landscaping. By seedlings, they look attractive, but over time they reach solid sizes and can overshadow the area or close the panoramic view. Therefore, you must initially choose the right place for them. The Vetkhov fir, reaching a height of 25 meters, is in demand among giant breeds. She annually adds up to 70 cm in height. European spruce grows rapidly , reaching 35 meters in height. Its branches are located symmetrically, the crown is compact, pyramidal. Often, European spruce trees are planted not as separate ones, but as a trimmed hedge. The Balkan spruce looks great. Her crown branches already at the bottom of the trunk. Balkan spruce is extremely hardy, it feels great in polluted air. Austrian pine, some species of thuja, yew, cypress, fir and sequoia grow tall.

Undersized conifers and shrubs

Unusually looks landscaping with conifers up to 2 meters high. There are real dwarfs among them, for example, the spectacular cypress Nana Gracilis or the slightly flattened Nidiforms spruce. Popular and balsam fir Hudsonia, which reaches only half a meter in height. Filicoides cypress, whose branches are similar to ferns, look amazingly beautiful. Crohn's dwarf conifers are the most bizarre forms. Some stretch up, others creep on the ground. All these plants are ideal for rock gardens.

Coniferous trees in landscaping

Some conifers are considered medium in height. They extend up to 5-8 meters, and their crown is pyramidal, ovoid or spreading. A striking representative of such breeds is Korean fir. At a height of about 5 meters, its pyramidal crown reaches 4 meters in diameter. Coniferous medium heights are used most often in landscape design, as they are suitable for group compositions, both single and for trimmed hedges.

A variety of colors and shades of needles

In addition to height and shape, conifers differ in the color of needles. The vast majority of breeds are green. However, there are trees with blue, yellow and red-brown crown. Everyone knows blue spruce, which can decorate any area. Attractive and other colored conifers in landscaping. Junipers boast a wide variety of blue tones. Among them are breeds Pfitzeriana, Hetzii, Meyeri, horizontal juniper Glauca.

Landscape design of coniferous plants. A photo

Among the golden breeds, one can distinguish the Golden King cypress, whose branches have an original hanging shape, Old Gold juniper, several varieties of arborvitae and berry yews. Colored conifers, planted in a group, should be selected with special care so as not to violate the general color scheme.

We select for energy

Each plant has a special aura. Therefore, it is useful to select conifers in landscape design not only in appearance, but also in their energy properties. So, pine trees can calm the nervous system, relieve stress and nervous tension. No wonder the pine is called a tree of calm.

Fir-trees help to keep emotions under control and energize the owners with their energy all year round, giving the serenity and balance of thoughts. And if you plant spruce in the corners of the plot or around the perimeter, the trees will protect the owners of the house from the negative energy of unkind people. Cypress is considered a male tree. Its energy affects the sexual activity of the stronger sex.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design

Junipers have a powerful cleansing aura, which is aimed not only at people, but at everything that is around.

Larches also can relieve nervous disorders, help get rid of fears and doubts. But planting them on the site, you need to remember that they behave like deciduous, and in the fall they drop their needles.

Conifers in landscaping

Coniferous Health Benefits

Any site will decorate the landscape design of conifers. Photos of its various types amaze and delight. But cedars, spruces, cypresses, junipers are not only very beautiful, they are also extremely healthy. Pine among many nations is even a symbol of immortality and eternal life. Everyone who was in the coniferous forests noticed how easy it was to breathe. This is because conifers emit in the air along with oxygen and essential oils - volatile. They are able to kill pathogenic microbes, being a kind of disinfector.

Junipers have excellent bactericidal properties. Previously, their branches were fumigated with epidemics. Those who plant these wonderful plants on their site can not only enjoy their appearance, but also fragrant vitamin teas from their cones.


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