Shoes relevant in 2011. Fashionable colors, shapes, sizes of shoes. How to choose shoes.

Buying shoes is one of the most enjoyable moments in preparation for the new season. The choice of shoes is huge now, and sometimes it is very difficult to decide what you really need. The main thing in this matter is not to succumb to emotions and buy exactly what is necessary to complete the style, based on the contents of your wardrobe, but, God, how difficult it can be to do when there is so much delicious around! Sometimes even not quite suitable shoe sizes do not stop, but in vain.

So, if the main style of your wardrobe is sports-jeans, then we stop on sneakers and don’t look at the evening shoes! Unless quite a bit. By the way, in 2011, the main manufacturers of sports shoes offer customers very interesting and life-affirming models. For example, Nike launched a line of sneakers with fun floral prints, while Reebok emphasized vibrant colors and bold combinations. Both manufacturers opted for retro models in the style of the 80-90s, so the size of the sneakers is large enough: they are tall and voluminous, which makes the owner’s leg visually more fragile. Adidas went the farthest and presented a series of bright and very funny sports ballet flats with flirty bows.

In general, this year preference is given to massive forms, in particular, the style of military. Rough straps, massive buckles, a platform are relevant. Gauthier, for example, has amusing boots a la Grinders in the collection, only with open toes and heels. By the way, this is another trend of 2011: an open toe is unusually relevant, especially in ankle boots. This cute and flirtatious detail will come in handy, for example, in such weather, when it is already hot outside, but sandals are out of place, and it seems that this year will be delayed. The narrower the gap on the toe, the more elegant the leg will look.

Nevertheless, graceful feminine forms also do not disappear anywhere: thin heels and pretty rounded shapes are still in fashion. The actual colors of the shoes are again beige, red, chocolate, all kinds of bright colors, especially red, animal prints and, of course, timeless black. Decor can be any, even completely unthinkable.

And finally, comfortable shoes. She is also in fashion, and many fashion houses, for example, Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Prada have relied on convenience: they used wedges, steady heels, soft wide straps - and thank them so much for that.

There also remains the weightless shoes without heels on thin soles that were fond of last season - these are ballet shoes and sandals, especially in the Roman style plus a new trend has appeared - similar shoes with small, small funny heels.

How to choose the right shoes? Very simple: firstly, it should be sized and not cause any unpleasant sensations when trying on. The sizes of shoes in this matter do not play a special role: even if you know your size and you are familiar with any table of sizes of shoes, you still should not rely on your knowledge, because even with the same manufacturer two pairs of shoes of the same size can be different . That is why it is necessary to carefully try on the following shoe sizes of the model you like:

- two pairs of their size

- a couple one size smaller

- a couple one size larger

And choose the most comfortable option. In no case should you take tight shoes: how many people have already hoped that, they say, the skin will stretch, but it will not stretch! Rather, theoretically, of course, she can do it, but you can’t stand so much in tight shoes. Large sizes of shoes can also not be purchased - this can lead to flat feet, terrible calluses, and can also be traumatic if the shoes are on a heel or platform. The ideal coincidence of lifting the shoe and the arch of the foot is very important: in the opposite case, pain in the legs and back is guaranteed, checked. Another point: you should not rush into a pair of shoes that you liked so visually: people have different foot structures, and on all shoes sits differently, even on the most ideal legs, some models may look worse than on a display case, so it’s better to spin before mirror and carefully examine all angles.


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