Semi-monkey of the Loria family: features of the mammal, appearance and habitat

In children's cartoons, they often draw funny small animals with huge sad eyes. These are little half monkeys. Several families belong to this suborder, one of them is a semi-monkey of the Loria family. It is about them that our story will go.

half-monkey of the Loriev family

Who are the half monkeys

Half-monkeys are mammalian primates. These include animals of six families:

  • tarsiers;
  • dull;
  • arms;
  • lemurs;
  • indri;
  • Lori.

From ordinary monkeys they are distinguished by the structure of the brain, which is less developed. The cerebral hemispheres have few convolutions or are quite smooth. The half-monkey of the Lorian family is just one of fifty species of half-monkeys.


The family has two equivalent names: Loris and Lorisid. The animals themselves are not large. The minimum body length of an adult, depending on the species, is 22 cm, and the maximum is 40 cm. Weight ranges from 300 g to 2 kg. A semi-monkey of the Loria family may have a short tail or be completely tailless. She has very big eyes. Many around the eyes have black circles, and between them passes a white stripe. Actually, thanks to these circles, the semi-monkey of the Loriev family, whose name is often abbreviated to Lori, got its name. From Dutch, Loeris translates as “clown”.

semi-monkey of the Lorian family name

In small primates, both hands and feet are capable of making grasping movements. The second carpal finger is very short, it is considered rudimentary. And on the second toe there is a strong, so-called dressing, claw, with which primates put in order the hair. Other fingers are protected by nails.

All members of the family have a soft but thick coat. The color of different species does not match. The fur coat can be of different shades of gray and brown. The back of animals is almost always darker.

The semi-monkey of the Loria family has several pairs of nipples. Most often, 2 or 3. The mating season in females occurs once a year, and pregnancy lasts about 190 days. Females bring no more than two cubs. Offspring are born sighted. The babies have a well-developed grasping instinct, which allows them to hold on tightly to the parent's coat.


Little Loris are divided into 2 subfamilies:

  • Lorium Lemurs.
  • Galag Lemurs.

Inside the subfamilies, there are 11 different species. So, where does the semi-monkey of the Lorian family meet? The answer is simple: in the rainforests of different continents. The main places of residence are Asia, Africa and India.

semi-monkey of the Lorian family answer


Half monkeys prefer a nocturnal lifestyle. Animals move slowly and carefully. From branch to branch they cross over, rather than jump over. Strong and tenacious paws allow you to reliably cling to the branches. Under natural conditions, the Lorievites almost never descend to the ground, but lead a tree life.

Often, Lorian semi-monkeys gather in clan groups, but can live alone. Life expectancy in these animals is quite high, they are able to survive up to 20 years.

The diet consists of various insects, bird eggs and small vertebrates. However, animals enjoy juicy fruits as well. Some species lick tree sap, which is secreted after cutting off the bark.


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