Newfoundland (dog breed): photos and description

A huge dog in a luxurious fur coat resembling a bear is Newfoundland. The breed is ancient, its representatives have been living next to man for many centuries. Despite its impressive size, this dog is one of the most popular family animals. She is smart and obedient, loves children infinitely, and at the same time she is an excellent lifeguard and security guard.

newfoundland breed


Newfoundland is an ancient breed (all researchers agree with this), but the exact time when it appeared on Newfoundland is not known. About two thousand years ago, North American Indians lived in the western part of this island. It was they who got these huge dogs.

It is believed that the Newfoundland breed (photo you see below) arose from Molossians, who for centuries have been selected for their working qualities, stamina, courage and strength. They were first mentioned in 1639. From the middle of the 17th century, dogs imported from Europe began to influence the formation of the breed. And a hundred years later, Newfoundlands were actively exported to Europe. In England, engaged in serious breeding work to improve the breed. This magnificent animal was first demonstrated at an exhibition in 1860 in Birmingham.

Newfoundland dog breed photo

Until the fifties of the last century, Newfoundland was very rare on the territory of the Soviet Union. A breed of dogs, the photo of which could only be seen in special publications for professional dog handlers, was bred in a single kennel owned by the Ministry of Defense. Much later, similar institutions appeared in many large cities of the country.

External features

This huge and at first glance somewhat awkward dog is actually folded surprisingly proportionally. Powerful skeleton, round, large, with a wide and short muzzle. Small ears, tight-fitting, enhance its resemblance to a bear.

The growth of Newfoundland at the withers from 66 (females) to 71 (males) centimeters. Weight reaches (and sometimes exceeds) 70 kg. The skin of this animal is elastic, thick, painted in a bluish-gray color.

Newfoundland breed photo


Newfoundland is a breed that is distinguished by luxurious long hair. It covers the entire body of the animal (except the head). The coat is a bit harsh to the touch, but not coarse, with a thick and very soft undercoat that does not get wet in the water. Often it has a brown or gray tint.


Black, black with a reddish tint, brown - colors that distinguish this breed of dog. A species of Newfoundland, which is sometimes considered as a separate breed, is called a landseer. These are unusually beautiful animals with a white and black color. Their head is completely black (only a white hole on the muzzle is allowed), on the sacrum and back there is a shabrack that smoothly passes to the base of the tail.

newfoundland breed reviews

Newfoundland wool has a characteristic feature - repel water and dirt. And the membranes located between the paw pads make these giants unsurpassed swimmers. On the chest, tip of the tail, fingers, the coat may have small white spots.

Newfoundland: breed description

This furry giant, which inspires respect with its appearance, is a very kind animal, completely devoid of aggression. But this does not mean at all that such a four-legged friend cannot stand up for himself or protect his master.

newfoundland breed description

Newfoundland is a breed of dogs (we posted a photo in this article) which is difficult to attribute to active. However, the greatest joy for this giant is swimming. For this reason, representatives of the breed are regular and most active participants in international dog competitions on water. The love of water turned them into irreplaceable lifeguards. Today they often serve in various bodies of water. But more often than not, this powerful dog these days becomes a great companion.

Like any dog ​​(especially of this size), Newfoundland needs early socialization, otherwise the dog can grow closed and even show aggression towards strangers. Newfoundland puppies are very playful, but, again, due to their size, they can cause significant damage to the owner’s property. This is a weighty argument in favor of early socialization, education and training of these "kids".

dog breed newfoundland variety


Starting with a new four-legged member of your family is necessary from the moment the puppy appears in the house. As a rule, this happens when a charming “teddy bear” turns 2.5–3 months old. This is the best age for learning. Training should be based on the principles of praise and reward.

If you want to teach your pet water exercises, then such classes should be carried out under strict control, but it is better to seek the help of a professional trainer.

There is an important point that everyone in whose house Newfoundland should know should know. The breed has features of physical development. Up to two years, the skeleton of the animal is actively formed, therefore it is necessary to reduce heavy loads, which can adversely affect the development of the ridge, as, indeed, of the entire musculoskeletal system. At this time, for normal well-being of the dog, long walks in the air and exercises on the water are enough. During jogging, the load must be limited.


According to dog handlers, Newfoundlands have an unusual character for dogs. They are thinking, endlessly patient, loving, calm and obedient animals. They are capable of experiencing real longing for family members and even for pets, which for some reason disappear from their lives. They easily make friends with all domestic animals, including small dogs, cats and hamsters. Newfoundlands do not cause problems in training due to the high level of intelligence and the desire to make a pleasant host, to which they attach very strongly.

Newfoundland puppies

These animals are sensitive to harsh tone, criticism, so their training is always based on play and affection. Newfoundland is a huge fluffy, strict, but infinitely loving and unusually gentle nanny for young children.

If this dog does not have any tasks from the owner, then she will prefer to find herself a cool place in the yard where she can lie down calmly without interfering with household members.


Of course, a dog like Newfoundland cannot but admire animal lovers. But before deciding to purchase such a handsome man, you need to weigh the pros and cons. First of all, you need to consider that such a dog needs a large space. Even in a city apartment, she should not have a large, but a separate room (or a large loggia).

In addition, we must not forget that the luxurious coat, for which this breed is famous, requires regular and thorough care. Otherwise, she will be everywhere. It is necessary to comb it regularly, cut along the perimeter of the body, make sure that no tangles appear.

newfoundland breed

The dog needs to be bathed, but not more than once a month. The animal is taught to this procedure from puppyhood. Your pet, of course, loves water very much, but the shampoo and conditioner used when bathing at first a little annoy him. Some breeders in recent years have begun to use dry shampoo, which allows you to preserve the natural waterproof lubricant of the coat.

Newfoundlands are predisposed to obesity. Therefore, their diet and its doses should be developed with a specialist veterinarian. Food should be balanced, but every year less and less high-calorie.


Unfortunately, these large and kind animals do not live long. Their average life expectancy is not more than ten years. Dogs are prone to certain diseases. For example, a lot of weight quite often causes hip dysplasia, and thick dark hair often leads to heat strokes.

What kind of owner does a Newfoundland puppy dream of?

This is a special breed, different from many, so the owner of such a dog can be a person who sees in his four-legged friend a full member of the family, paying him attention and time that he needs. It’s important for Newfoundland to be at the center of family events. But he needs a physically strong and athletic master with whom he can run in the park and swim in the pond. And just to cope with this strong animal is not easy (even if it is well-brought up).

Newfoundland breed: owner reviews

Most of the owners of these affectionate and smart giants believe that the main arguments against acquiring such an animal can only be the lack of the necessary territory for keeping and time to care for it. Everything else speaks only in favor of the Newfoundland - a clever and faithful friend, a gentle and caring nanny, a great jogging companion. Most owners only regret that the dog is not a long-liver.


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