Zoological Museum of Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov: address, reviews, exhibits

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University MV Lomonosov boasts a long history and a huge number of exhibits. To date, this collection is considered one of the largest in the world. What exhibits can be seen in this museum, where is it located and how to book an excursion?

From one office to the largest exposition

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov
In 1791, a natural history cabinet was opened at Moscow State University. Gradually, a collection of various exhibits, one way or another related to the subject under study, began to gather. In 1812, the office was damaged during a fire, but no serious damage was caused: a significant part of the exposition was saved and restored. Soon, there was nowhere to store new arrivals, and then they decided to build a separate building for storage and public demonstration of exhibits. Zoological Museum of Moscow State University MV Lomonosov opened to visitors in 1911, gaining his permanent residence permit. Since that time, the organization has been conducting scientific and educational activities. The collection is constantly expanding, all new exhibits are carefully examined, described and classified before taking their place in the exhibition window or on a shelf in reserve.

Museum Collections

Museum History
The exposition devoted to zoology is constantly expanding and changing. To date, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov boasts an incredible number of exhibits, in total more than eight million. In the exhibition halls, not all are represented, but only the main collection. This exposition tells about evolution, changes in the morphological characteristics of species and introduces visitors to the diversity of the animal world. The history of the museum includes periods when the greatest work was carried out in the study of specific families or species. For this reason, today the organization’s fund includes many separate thematic collections that are not represented in the main exposition. Today, all exhibits are divided into exhibition, scientific and educational. Scientific work is carried out in the museum today, leading experts from around the world take part in the research.

What to see in the museum: description of the exhibits

Zoological Museum, Moscow State University
The exposition includes stuffed animals, dried bodies of butterflies and beetles, stored in special solutions of fish, amphibians. The highlight of the museum is a collection of live reptiles and reptiles, located in a separate room. An incredible impression on visitors is made by stuffed large animals: elephant, rhino, crocodiles. In the collections of the museum you can see truly unique specimens. For example, about 350 exhibits were transferred to the organization personally by N. M. Przhevalsky. In the local terrarium, you can not only look at the animals through the glass, but also participate in their feeding or hold snakes and lizards on their hands. Zoological Museum of Moscow State University MV Lomonosov offers excursion services for groups. It will be no less interesting to visit the exposition on your own, in the halls there are a sufficient number of information stands, and each exhibit has its own descriptive card. The premises of the museum are thematically decorated, paintings of famous artists with images of various animals hang on the walls.

Additional services

The exposition has no age restrictions and is usually liked by guests of all ages. Lectures and open lessons for schoolchildren and students are held. There is also a circle of young naturalists at the Moscow State University Zoological Museum. The organizers of these programs believe that training, combined with inspection and study of the collection, is the most effective. Schoolchildren love classes with a significant practical part and observations. Also on the basis of the museum operates the educational center "Planetarium".

Address, cost and mode of operation

Circle of young naturalists of the zoological museum
Anyone can visit this unique exposition and see everything with their own eyes. The Zoological Museum of Moscow State University has the following address: 6. Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street. The nearest metro stations are the Library named after Lenin "or" Okhotny Ryad ". The museum is open daily, closed Monday. A sanitary day is the last Tuesday of the month. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 17.00. If you decide to visit the zoological museum, the price of the ticket will pleasantly surprise you. The cost of visiting for adults is 200 rubles. Children under seven years pass free of charge; discounts are provided for schoolchildren, students and senior citizens. Preferential categories of citizens can visit the exhibition for 50 rubles. Excursion service for groups costs 1,500-2,000 rubles, depending on the number of people.

Reviews about visiting the zoological museum at Moscow State University

Zoological Museum ticket price
In the entire history of the public work of the exposition, a huge number of people visited it. The museum usually makes a good impression, it is really interesting here, during the tour you can not only see unusual animals, but also find out many different facts, many of which amaze even adults. Many schools in Moscow organize visits to the exposition for their students. Schoolchildren and older children usually admire the number and variety of unusual exhibits. Particularly impressive for children are stuffed exotic animals, an exposition telling about the structure of vertebrates, and a terrarium. The museum offers excursion service options for visitors of various ages. The responsiveness and high qualifications of the staff are also praised by almost all museum visitors. This exposition is ideal for family day-off visits. Negative reviews about visiting the museum can be found only among those who arrived on the tour too late. Plan your time in advance and keep in mind that the collection is too large and it will take at least 1.5-2 hours to inspect it. If you like the exposition, be sure to write a couple of lines in the book of reviews and suggestions. This is an unofficial history of the museum, in which there are records of hundreds of visitors satisfied and impressed with the excursions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5609/

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