Gleb Beybarsov: the hero of fanfiction and female hearts

Gleb Beybarsov is a necromag, a character in a series of books about Tanya Grotter, in love with the main character. Sophisticated biography, extraordinary abilities, personal outlook on life attract the attention of readers. To the chagrin of fans and fans, with the main character Beibars does not remain. And this unfortunate circumstance became the reason for the appearance of a whole galaxy of fan fiction about their relationship.

Tanya Grotter and the Bird of the Titans

Someone calls Gleb Beibarsov an integral part of growing up, someone sighs about the times and morals. Someone defends his right to be quite a positive hero through the experience of adulthood, but someone just enjoys stories about him. You need to try to categorize the main layer of fan fiction about Gleb Beibarsov.

Fatal handsome with a tender soul

The mysterious handsome Gleb Beybars actually has a fine mental organization, he is vulnerable, sensitive and caring. And he, unlike some other fans of Tanya, never forgets to think about her and her desire at one time or another. The most famous author in the fandom writing about this version of Gleb Beibarsov is miralissa.

Lock of Aphrodite

It started a long time ago. In order to get acquainted with her work, the reader will have to turn to forums that are extremely popular at the end of the zero years of our century.

  • "He still jumped!" - "what if ..."? It seems that such a question was asked by all readers. The writer provides an answer to this question. What would their life be like if Gleb Beibarsov nevertheless jumped? And, of course, the famous charisma of Gleb as a bonus.
  • "Night with the Necromage" - Gleb Beibars in the graduate school. Actually, that’s it. An almost classic book with adventures that are extremely similar to the middle of the cycle, except that Tanya makes the right choice from the point of view of Gleb fans and fans.

Male boy

The adult, sensible Gleb Beibars, having overcome his teenage complexes, loves Tanya consciously and seriously. He puts her first in the list of his priorities. Here a certain variety appears in the accompanying genres. And yet, the main array is Angst, but of course there are exceptions:

  • "Lost souls" - about what happens when there seems to be no way out. The story that started the love of paging for so many people. This story is not so much about Gleb and Than as about their general despair, from which they can only get out together.
  • “Don’t cry, let’s break through” - who can you rely on when the war is booming, but they expect from you that you, as usual, will save everyone around? Of course, only to the one who never asked to save him. This is the story of Gleb, who always took Tanya. In any of its manifestations.
  • "St. Petersburg sky" - they say that those who can wait will ultimately receive everything. A confirmation of the eternal truth.

A curtain named Gleb Beybarsov

Curse of the Necromage

Plots of this type include Gleb as an element that makes everyone around them blush. Abound in details of Tanya’s explanations with others about her personal life. A detailed description does not need:

  • “Not funny” - an extremely fascinating dialogue between the main character and her best friend Jagun about the alleged (or not supposed, as faithful fans of the pairing Gleb Beybarsov / Tanya Grotter immediately decide) Tanya’s pregnancy from Gleb.
  • “Elephants” is a conversation between Tanya Grotter and Grobynia Sklepova about “Beislonikov,” as the latter calls him. Nice and halftone conversation.

Another Gleb

It would be almost strange if there were no adherents of the version that, in fact, Gleb is cruel and bloodthirsty, but censorship did not allow this to be shown (the book, after all, for younger and middle adolescents):

  • Kink - "Sometimes you just need someone to hug you from the back." In a brief and concise description, the whole essence of the drabble with the original plot is expressed. Gleb loves, but his love is expressed in strange and, perhaps, eerie forms.
  • "Love by installments" - in his desire to get love, Grotter Gleb will not stop even before sacrificing Grotter herself.


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