What is the release date for "4 Mass Effect"?

The boundless expanses of the Universe, alluring the depths of the cosmos, mesmerizing the stars. All this, combined with shootouts, customization, transportation and a good role component, promises to make any game a masterpiece. And such, from BioWare, will soon appear on our shelves, but only the release date for "4 Mass Effect" is not yet known for certain.

All the best for children

The new part in the Universe "Mass Effect", which received the subtitle Andromeda, will incorporate all the best that was in the previous parts. Thus, the new brainchild of BioWare promises to be one of the best electronic games in the world, if only the developers keep their promises.

At the official announcement in June 2015, the developers did not tell how much the release date for โ€œ4 Mass Effectโ€ will fall. However, they told a lot of new and interesting. In particular, the exact subtitle of the new part became known. Previously, the video game had the name Next or simply indicated by the number โ€œ4โ€.

mass game effect 4
Also, platforms for which a new game of the series are being developed have become known. It will involve new generations of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles, and, of course, personal computers. But nothing was said about the projectโ€™s release to other game consoles of the previous generation.

New heroes

About the details, as well as about what the release date of "4 Mass Effect" is expected, quite a bit is known. At one of the conferences, the developers still paid a little attention to the fans and shared that the new part of the series will have a completely new protagonist. So you canโ€™t even hope for the return of everyone beloved Jack Sheppard.

mass effect 4 system requirements
Also, the fans were disappointed with the fact that no main characters from the previous trilogy should be expected. But it was stated that the appearance of secondary heroes is possible, which will appear in the background and remind of past times, linking all four parts of the project together.

New story - new world

The release date of "4 Mass Effect" is not known for certain, but one thing became clear for sure - a new game will unfold in a completely new region of space. Moreover, until the summer of 2015, it was not disclosed in which one. But at the 2015 E3 exhibition, developers announced that the action would unfold in the Andromeda Nebula. Hence the name of the fourth part.

mass effect 4 review
The first details of the plot were also reported - people, striving to develop new territories, are faced with an indigenous race. This confrontation, which develops into an armed conflict, will be the core of the game.

One can only hope that the developers will present to the players a truly exciting world. If you look at the Andromeda galaxy through a telescope, it becomes clear that it has about hundreds of clusters of solar systems. It is clear that it is simply not possible to realize such a huge world, so there are rumors that the Helios star cluster will be presented.

Game process

Very little is known about the gameplay that the Mass Effect 4 game will bring to us. Only one thing can be said for sure - there will be skirmishes and a role component in order to match the genre. It has also been told that players will be given the opportunity to explore the planets of the solar systems. To do this, they will have at their disposal the Mako armored car returned from the first part. But unlike its prototype, it will become more dynamic and maneuverable, and in exchange will lose the ability to fire.

release date 4 mass effect
Some details about the new starship are also known. His name is now Storm. In addition to the main character, there will be six new crew members, two of whom will be able to take on assignments. In addition, it is expected to introduce the ability to create shock units under the control of artificial intelligence for completing side missions.

Almost nothing is known about the confrontation of people by the alien race. In Mass Effect 4, the review of which you are reading, the protagonist will probably look for the salvation of mankind in the technologies of a very ancient but powerful civilization - Remnant. For these technologies, the struggle between the heroes of the game can take place.

Is it worth the wait?

Definitely worth the wait, the game "Mass Effect 4". System requirements have not yet been officially announced, but it is worth waiting for them to be at a high level. If developers implement at least part of the entire Helios cluster, then the world will become 4 times larger than the universe of the previous parts. In addition, it was announced the use of new motion capture technology when creating clips, which makes the graphics even better and the requirements even tougher. But there is still time for updating. According to rumors, the game should be expected at the end of 2016 or the beginning of 2017.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5612/

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