How to calculate siding? Siding: dimensions, installation, components

If you decided to use siding to decorate the facade , then you must first make calculations.

Determining the number of main panels

how to calculate siding
If you are thinking about how to calculate the siding, then first you will need to make a drawing of the house, on which all sizes should be indicated. To determine the amount of cladding, you first need to determine the finish area in square meters, for this the width must be multiplied by the length. After that, the area of ​​one panel is considered using the same technology, and the first value is divided into the second - this will allow you to get the number of siding units for work. You must use this instruction, then the siding will be purchased in the right amount. When making calculations, one should not forget that it is important to take away the area of ​​openings from the total wall area. After subtracting the opening parameters, the surface area to be trimmed must be increased by 7 percent - this way it will be possible to take into account waste and scrap. To determine the final number of panels, it is necessary to divide the usable area of ​​the wall by the area of ​​one canvas.

Calculation of the length of the starting profiles

calculate the amount of siding
If you are thinking about how to calculate siding, it is important to determine the length of the start profiles. These elements are initial planks. Similar components are used as fasteners for mounting the lower tier of decoration. The length of the starting profiles should be determined in linear meters, and this indicator is calculated on the basis of the perimeter of the building. The length of the joints of the panels and the continuation of their installation must be added to the length. The obtained value must be divided by the length of the profile parts. So you will be able to determine the number of initial strips in units that you need to purchase in the building materials market.

Defining profile lengths and angles

how to calculate home siding
If you need to know how to calculate siding, it will be important to determine the length of the corners and profiles, the latter of which have different purposes. In the next step, it is important to determine how many meters of outer corners will be needed. As a rule, these elements are produced taking into account 3 m of length. It is recommended to carry out their calculation piece by piece, observing the multiplicity of the corners of the building. Internal angles are calculated in the same way. It is important to provide for connecting profiles. Among them, H-shaped and T-shaped can be distinguished. For the reason that siding panels have a length that does not exceed 3.8 meters, the use of such elements will not be enough.

H-shaped profiles have a length of 3 meters. For this reason, when finishing, it is important to calculate the number of elements individually. If you are faced with the problem of how to calculate siding, then at the next stage it will be necessary to determine the number of finishing laths. The technology provides for their horizontal orientation under the window openings and in the upper part. If special window profiles are used, the finishing strip should be mounted around their perimeter. To trim the doors, window sills should be used, the number of which is determined along the perimeter of the openings. But this technique is used only if the recess is not more than 18 centimeters. For the reason that these elements have a length of 3 meters or more, the calculation must be done individually, so that installation work does not involve the use of scraps.

Siding Dimensions

siding sizes

If you need to calculate the amount of siding, and you want to do this while at home, it is important to know the dimensions of one panel. Different manufacturers may have different sizes, however, as a rule, siding has dimensions in the range of 3660 * 230 millimeters. These parameters allow you to determine the area of ​​one panel. The cost of siding can also be different, however, it varies within 170 rubles per unit of goods.

Preparatory work before installation

siding instruction
After you have been able to calculate the amount of siding, you can proceed to the preparatory work in the wall area. They must be aligned. If you want to extend the life of the siding, which is especially true for vinyl material, then all installation work is recommended to be carried out on top of an insulating material that will prevent the walls from interacting with moisture. In those places where the finishing material will come in contact with brick, stone or gypsum, it is necessary to isolate it. If the building has already been operated, it is important to remove the loose elements of the facade and replace the rotten parts.

Starting Point Definition

how to sheathe siding
For the reason that you already know how to calculate siding for the house, you can proceed to preparing the walls and finding the starting mark. If we are talking about a building that was previously covered with old cladding, the panels can be installed on the same line of installation of decoration. Whereas if you have to work with a new building, then the horizontally oriented first row should cover the upper edge of the base of the building. In order to determine the starting line, which should be located strictly horizontally, a plumb line should be used.

Installation of additional components

siding block
Before starting the installation of the finish, the master must learn how to calculate the siding for the home. Instructions for carrying out these works are described above. At the next stage, you can proceed to the installation of components, among them you can distinguish internal and external corners, platbands, as well as the starting strip. After that, proceed with the installation of the profile. It is important to ensure the distance between the top of the corner and the cornice is 6.4 millimeters.

Features of installing siding

If you decide to choose a siding for home decoration, the dimensions of the panels should be known to you even before the acquisition. Now you can proceed with the installation of the first panel, which must be aligned with the help of a level. It is from this that the correct arrangement of all subsequent elements will depend.

After the boundary of the first row has been determined, it is possible to note the width of the launch pad by drawing an even horizontal line along the surface of the facade. It acts as a guide for mounting the upper edge of the starting profile. Between the edges of adjacent strips, a gap should be left with a width of 12.7 mm. Siding, the dimensions of which were indicated above, may have different parameters for different manufacturers. This is important to consider when determining the amount of material.

Window and door insulation

The next step will be the installation of accessories on the openings. For this, it will be necessary to install platbands, ebbs, as well as a window strip. Finishing strips should be conjugated at an angle that is equal to 45 degrees - this will give the entire structure a neat appearance.

Siding Installation Guidelines

Block house siding is installed on the same principle as described in this article. It is necessary to begin the installation of decoration from the bottom, moving from the starting strip. The panel should be installed in the start profile, and then nailed. However, they should not be beaten to the stop. In those places where the siding is connected to components, it is important to leave a gap of 6-12.5 millimeters. Panels should be superimposed on each other at 1/2 of the factory mark.

The final stage

In the process of work, instructions must be used, siding will last for a long time. At the final stage, it is necessary to install profiles under the openings. Under the edge of the roof, it is necessary to use whole panels that should not be trimmed. Canvases can only be cut off when mounting on pediments. If you are thinking about how to sash the facade, then the final horizontal row must be completed with a J-profile, which is sometimes replaced by a finish plate. This is necessary to drain water from the roof of the building.


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