Italian knitting stitch set: factory-made edge for hand knitting

Many ways have been invented to make loops for the first row when knitting manually. Of course, you can master one of them and safely use it when creating all types of products. But those who want to make a thing that is 100% fulfilling all the functions assigned to it (so that it stretches or is rigid in certain places) should learn several options and apply them depending on the circumstances.

Choosing the correct looping method is crucial. The life of a knitted fabric and the strength of the edges of a thing depend on it.

Italian knitting stitch set

Different looping methods

Knitter skills need to be improved daily. Then the products, the creation of which spent so much time and effort, will please the eye and receive praise.

Five basic options for knitting loops on a knitting needle :

1. A set of air loops.

2. The classic set of loops.

3. Set with a thickened edge.

4. The Bulgarian Conception.

5. Italian set.

The Italian way of knitting stitches with knitting needles is less known and, accordingly, widespread. However, we can say with confidence that they ignored him completely in vain. Its second name - the machine edge - speaks for itself. This method allows you to make the edge of the product accurately and professionally, just like with machine knitting.

When is the Italian set of loops optimal?

The Italian way of knitting stitches
Knitting is always easy and pleasant. The needlewoman receives a lot of positive emotions, tearing each loop. You can relieve stress at the end of the working day and, moreover, independently create an original knitwear. Such products are then worn with pride and catch admiring glances.

Unfortunately, often perfectly knitted and assembled product spoil the loose edges or the initial rows, which do not visually combine with the main pattern of the canvas. What to do in this situation? An Italian set of loops will help to create a neat and elastic edge. Using knitting needles with it, you can perform the initial row, indistinguishable from the machine.

This method has been successfully used to create an impeccable bottom line of the product and sleeves, knitting planks and cuffs. Moreover, due to its high elasticity, it is simply indispensable where good tension is essential. For example, on the narrow neck of a golf sweater.

Learn Italian Loop Set

With knitting needles, on the floor the numbers are smaller than the main ones, we knit the first few rows of the product. To learn the method, follow the simple instructions:

  • Knitting Italian Loop Set
    grab the thread, as when performing the classic set;
  • the free end of the thread should not be less than three lengths of the bottom of the knitted fabric;
  • enter the needle under the thread, stretched between the fingers, from the back of the hand;
  • by reverse movement, wrap the thread around the knitting needle (the first one is formed, it is also an edge loop ;
  • holding the loop, we start the right knitting needle under the thread coming from the thumb, and we catch the second thread with it, after which we tighten the loop on the knitting needle;
  • under the thread coming from the index finger, we start a knitting needle (from right to left);
  • we repeat the described actions until the typed loops are enough to start knitting;
  • so as not to get confused, of the two crossed we always start with the lower thread.

Now all the loops of the initial row are typed. If you look closely, it becomes clear that they are deployed to alternate one front / one wrong side. With this position of the loops on the spoke, you can start the product with 1x1 elastic.

Italian set of loops knitting 2x2

If you start work with a 2x2 elastic band, the typed loops will have to be deployed. Please note: their number must be a multiple of four, plus two edge.

We carry out the Italian set of loops with knitting needles, using the diagram above. Getting to the U-turn:

1. We remove the first loop, it becomes edge.


Italian set of loops knitting 2x2
We next knit the front one, the third loop from the dialed is deployed to knit the wrong one. Therefore, the next 2 loops are interchanged.

3. The knitting needle is inserted into the next 2 loops and remove them, the left knitting needle is inserted from the back into the loop deployed under the wrong one, and we throw off both elements.

4. We put on the left knitting needle the remaining free loop and knit it with the front one.

5. The next element is knit seamy.

6. Further on the left knitting needle is a loop deployed under the front, and according to the gum pattern, it is necessary to knit the wrong one, so we unfold them in the same way as described above.

7. We continue to knit the initial row, performing a U-turn where necessary.

Adjust the edge elasticity

A set of loops using the described method allows you to independently adjust the elasticity of the edge in an already connected fabric. To do this, take the edge with your left hand (like a sandwich), and with your right pull on the loose thread remaining after the dialing procedure. The edge is getting tougher.

In general, we can say that almost any product made using the "knitting" technique, the Italian set of loops will ennoble. In addition, professionally decorated, at the factory level, the edges will certainly add a few points to the skill level of the needlewoman.


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