Hearthstone: Newbie Druid deck

The genre of card games is loved by people around the world. Therefore, when Hearthstone was released, it immediately gained popularity thanks to the use of well-known Blizzard heroes. Today we will tell you how to correctly select and use the Druid deck. Hearthstone requires luck in the game, and it all depends on how you use the cards, so all the tips will be advisory in nature, but they won’t be able to guarantee you victory.

hearthstone druid deck

The foundation

If you already have experience playing for other characters, you should know that it guarantees you getting the main class cards up to level 10. In this way, the Druid base deck is also assembled. Hearthstone provides this class with a large number of spells, adapted to gain mana advantage in early turns. Therefore, in your main deck, you must have 2 Insight cards, and at least one - Wild Growth. The main mistake of many players is the use of these two types in the first turn. It seems that you gain an advantage by having an extra crystal before the opponent, but in fact you miss the opportunity to put a creature in 5 moves for 5 mana, and this can be a decisive factor in the fight.

In addition, the Druid has a fairly universal hero power. He, like a magician or a robber, gets the opportunity to inflict 1 damage, but at the same time protects himself. And since the “armor” stacks are able to accumulate, then either gradually attacking the enemy character, or removing cards from the table, you will increase your vitality.

hearthstone druid deck


So, with the class in mind, let's discuss how the Hearthstone druid deck should look for beginners. We have already agreed that in your hand should be "Illumination" and "Wild Growth", but what other spells will come in handy?

Be sure to take the "Sign of the Wild" and "Claw". These inexpensive spells will come in handy when you decide to strengthen the main creature on the board or want to help remove the thick creature of the enemy. In addition, they are useful in that you can heal your "beast" with their help. For example, a furious warrior who adds attack when using the strength of a hero.

Another irreplaceable spell is Swipe. Kills an enemy with 4 HP and deals damage to all other creatures. It is especially effective against paladins and druids, who spam the board with a large number of inexpensive and weak creatures.

Starfire is a useful but expensive map. 5 points of damage will remove many really strong enemy creatures, but the cost of 6 mana is a very strong flaw.

hearthstone druid deck for beginners


Now let's look at the creatures. Our choice, of course, is small, but what can be done? Use Frosty Yeti, Acid Slug, and Sin'dorei Priest in the early stages of the game. If necessary, "Slug" can be replaced with the "Blood Swamp Lizard".

The following cards are useful for the second half of the match: Shield Bearer Sei'jin, Naga the Healer. A good option would be to use the "Heavy Fist Ogre". Remember that with the Insight card at your disposal, you can use these creatures much earlier than your opponent.

At the end of the match, when the enemy does not have strong spells like “Liquidation”, “Burial” and others, spells that instantly remove from the table, you can use your trump cards - “Hero of Stormgart” and “Watchtower”.

For beginners

If you have already played Hearthstone, opened several sets, but you are still far from a legend, then you may need cards that you can easily obtain. As a last resort, you can create them from dust for a relatively low price.

So, what else can the Hearthstone Druid deck contain. Budget or not, but the following cards are useful.

hearthstone druid deck

Miracle Dragon is not susceptible to directional spells, but has the same parameters as Blood Swamp Lizard. Having played such a card in the first two moves, your opponent will be forced to either spend a mass spell or exchange with other creatures. With all this, the dragon receives bonuses from other creatures (for example, "Hero of Stormgart").

"Delicious zombies" can replace "Claw", as it allows more profitable to exchange creatures, but only for this. It is useless for them to inflict damage to the hero, because after death he will restore 5 hp to the enemy anyway.

Many cards can be replaced with Druids. They are absolutely universal because they allow you to choose the aspect you need at the moment. And since Hearthstone is a situational game, it is such creatures that are very in demand at any stage of the match.

It would also be nice to replace Starfire with a similar map - Starfall. It costs 1 mana cheaper, but it is also situational, since you can deal 2 damage to all enemies with it.


The Hearthstone Druid deck is largely universal. But even here you can find cards that do not really fit into the big picture.

For example, "Wild Roar". Very useful when you receive the "Force of Nature" or make a deck of many small creatures. Until then, it is much more profitable to keep a beast of the same mana instead.

hearthstone druid base deck

"Healing Touch" is very effective in the late stages of the game and can be a good help in the expert deck. In the basic options, restoring 8 health over 3 mana is wasted crystals.

Moonfire is a free spell, but deals only 1 damage. It is very difficult to imagine such a situational map. If you do not use creatures with an increase in spell power, then this card will be the dead weight to lie the whole match.

As you can see, the Druid deck in Hearthstone has many different variations even in its basic configuration, unlike some other classes in which many cards are not used at all.


Finally, it's time to talk about more advanced decks. For example, what can a Druid get after one of the Hearthstone add-ons? The Naxxramas deck contains many useful cards for all classes. Let's look at what you can get in normal mode.

Obsessed Slider will be useful for decks based on Wild Roar. A dying rattle will summon additional creatures before a jerk.

"Nerubian egg" is one of the foundations of "Yaytsedruid". You can either independently activate it with the help of “Wild Roar”, and at the same time exchange it for someone else’s creature, or use it as insurance in case the enemy casts mass spells.

"Mexna" can become a good tank in conjunction with many buffs inherent in the Druid class. Use the "Sign of the Wild" on it and, if necessary, treat with the "Healing Touch".

The Slime Pusher is a wonderful provocation creature used in many decks of most classes. Most importantly, to remove him from the battlefield, the enemy will need either "silence + damage" or two hits, taking into account the emergence of a new provocateur.

The rest of the creatures from this Hearthstone adventure are taken by the Druid deck at a stretch, since they can be replaced with more suitable options.

hearthstone druid decks naxxramas


Finally, let's look at some Hearthstone legend. The Druid deck allows you to collect a wide variety of decks, but the Dragons option is particularly successful. Now we will briefly describe the deck that has become a legend in season 22.

Of the spells, the familiar “Illumination”, “Swipe”, “Wild Growth”, as well as a slightly rarer “Anger” are used to get extra cards.

Of ordinary creatures, you can use Delicious Zombies, Brann Bronzebeard, Experienced Hunter, Claw Druid, Tree of Wisdom, and Doctor Boom. These cards are included at the expense of their abilities to help maintain control of the board. When you received it, you can start using dragons.

What Dragon Hearthstone Druid cards can be used with maximum efficiency? Expensive Nefarian, Ysera, Alexstrasza, Chromaggus will definitely come in handy for you. Due to the "Illumination" you can put them on the board much earlier. Of the cheaper and illegal dragons, it is worth using the Twilight Guard, the Azure Dragon, the Miraculous Dragon, as well as creatures whose abilities depend on the presence of dragons in the deck - the Technician of the Wing of Darkness and the Destroyer of the Wing of Darkness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5631/

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