Water heater with a fan: what is it?

Water heater with fan

A water heater with a fan is a device that consists of elements that transfer heat, tube sheets, side shields, covers, as well as blades that distill the air. It is worth considering in more detail how this device works.

A water heater with a fan involves the movement of water inside the tubes from the bottom up, while it is supplied from the bottom to the side. The water outlet is located at the top of the heat exchanger on the side. The movement of hot water is carried out according to this principle so that air congestion does not occur in the tubes. In such a device, water can branch into parallel loops, with the number of tubes in each of them being even. To the output of the heat exchanger, the circuits are again combined. In the heater, the tubes can be staggered or corridor. A one-way device has this feature: the coolant from the junction box enters immediately into all the tubes. In a multi-way version, there are partitions in the box that ensure the advancement of the coolant in series.

A water heater with a fan is a good option. During the operation of such a device, the water heats the air, and the fan is designed to ensure its uniform distribution throughout the room. The result is a very efficient heating of rooms, even a very large area. When choosing such a device, special attention must be paid to its quality of performance. Ideally, metal elements are not subject to corrosion, the design is convenient enough for installation, and a reliable and silent electric motor is located inside.

Water heater with fan

The water heater with a fan can be wall or ceiling. The second is often hidden behind false ceilings, which makes the device as inconspicuous as possible. In this case, only air grilles will be visible. Ceiling heating will depend only on their position. The wall mounted water heater with a fan has many mounting options. A wide range of such devices makes them more in demand than ceiling-mounted.

Water heater with fan price

It should be said that it is important to install such devices in rooms whose area exceeds 100 square meters, in which case they will pay for their use. A water heater with a fan is most often relevant for the following objects: hangars, warehouses, exhibition or trading floors, auto repair shops. They are ideally suited for use in rooms with large ceilings, where it is very important to level the temperature background over the entire volume of space that needs to be heated.

A water heater with a fan, the price of which is 500 euros and above, can be an excellent option for heating a shopping center or other large-area facility. In this case, it will be possible to achieve the desired savings, while receiving a really high-quality room heating.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5639/

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