Boilers "Galan": reviews. Galan boilers: characteristics, connection diagram

Currently, there are a large number of manufacturers of heating equipment. Most boilers are installed by specialists, in addition, before installation, you will need to obtain many permits. But there are alternative solutions that simplify the whole procedure somewhat. It will be about electric heating. Let's look at useful reviews. Galan boilers - this is what we will talk about in this article.

reviews boilers galan

General information and description

Today the company produces two types of heating equipment: heating elements and electrode boilers. The latter are in high demand. This is due to the fact that it is not necessary to obtain the approval of the relevant authorities, and this, as practice shows, speeds up the installation process at times.

The process of heating such devices looks quite interesting. The principle is to ionize the coolant. It turns out that its ions are divided into positive and negative, respectively, they move to positive and negative electrodes. Oscillations of ions lead to the fact that energy is released, and the coolant is heated.

The ionization chamber is relatively small, which positively affects the heating rate. However, far from always among consumers such a solution receives unambiguous reviews. Someone "Galan" boilers simply do not inspire confidence. This is due to the fact that most buyers are disappointed in the domestic manufacturer. But if you look more closely, you will notice that this company has a fairly high rating. What speaks of decent product quality. Well, now let's go ahead and look at the main points.

Features of the installation of electrical equipment brand "Galan"

It is noteworthy that you can perform the installation manually. This will not only save on installation, but also gain valuable experience. As noted above, the installation is not so complicated, but requires basic knowledge of electrics.

We have already decided that you do not need to obtain a permit, nevertheless, you will need to make grounding in accordance with GOST. This is due to the fact that the Galan boiler, the connection diagram of which must necessarily include grounding, is powered by a 220/380 V network. For a person, a blow of such power will surely become fatal. In addition to grounding, it is recommended to make and grounding.

electronic boiler galan

The installation process itself is not much different from installing other heating equipment. It is worth noting that it is very difficult to set the thermostat yourself. Its calibration should be carried out by specialists. If you buy "Galan" (a heating boiler with a climate control sensor), it is better to entrust the installation to professionals. This is due to the fact that if the controller is not calibrated correctly, then the room will be either hot or cold.

Do not forget that the boiler "Galan", the connection diagram of which is shown below (in the photo), works exclusively on water or antifreeze. Due to the use of another fluid, the equipment will quickly fail, and the case will not be guaranteed. Well, now consider a few more interesting points.

Consumer Reviews

Be sure to touch on such an important point as the feedback from buyers of electronic boilers. For the most part, users are satisfied with them. Many write about real savings. In addition, the network can meet a large number of positive reviews that relate to the service. In addition to fast delivery, the friendly staff of the company are pleased. But this is where the fun begins. There are a lot of reviews about real savings with the "Galan" boilers of the "Geyser", "Hearth" lines and others. The users manage to achieve a significant reduction in energy costs. A 15 kW device is enough to heat a two-story house. Agree, this is the best solution, for example, for a summer residence where there is no way to bring the gas pipeline.

And gas does not always look advantageous against the background of Galan electrode equipment. The boiler has a high heating rate. Many people write about the fact that it always makes sense to connect an electrode boiler as a backup. If there are problems with the gas, then it can become the main source of heat. However, there are other reviews.

Galan boilers are very sensitive to voltage surges, so you will need a powerful rectifier or an additional generator, which in case of a blackout will support the operation of the boiler. Many users pay attention to this moment, since it is quite important.

boiler scheme galan

Electronic boiler "Galan": features

As has been repeatedly noted in this article, you do not need to get permission for installation, which is the main feature of the Galan equipment. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that a boiler of this type, be it “Volcano” or “Hearth”, is not only a kind of heater, but also a circulation pump. For the user, this is a significant cost savings. Electrode heating equipment is extremely accurate and operates automatically. Power consumption will depend on what temperature you set. In addition, the equipment independently adapts to the required operating mode. For example, most boilers operate around the clock, but about 14 hours are in standby mode. In simple words, the device has a sensor that takes air temperature and sends it to the control element. If it falls to a certain limit, the boiler starts up.

In addition, if desired, for an additional fee, you can get climate control. So you can adjust the air temperature in the room according to the programmed cycle, which will contain weeks, days and even hours. If you want the Galan electronic boiler to work at reduced power in the evening, then this can be set without problems by a smart technique. All this makes the boilers from this manufacturer unique in their way.

Smallest and largest

"Hearth-03" is considered the smallest heating equipment from the manufacturer in question. Its weight may seem ridiculous to you - only five hundred grams. But despite this, the unit develops a power of 3 kW, and this is enough to heat seventy liters of coolant or a room of 25 square meters. The resistivity begins to increase with increasing temperature of the carrier, over time, the electrode boiler "Galan" "Hearth" develops its maximum power. For a month of continuous operation, this equipment consumes approximately 500 kW.

The company currently offers its customers two configurations: Standard and Lux. The latter, in addition to the boiler itself and the control unit, includes a weekly adjustable climate control program.

boiler electrode galan center

As for the most powerful model of heating equipment of the Galan company, it is Vulkan-25. Such equipment is suitable not only for use in an apartment or house, but also for a small boiler room. Unlike the previous version, the rated voltage is 380 V, so you will need a separate power source. In fact, the electric heating boiler "Galan" "Volcano-25" can heat a room of 850 cubic meters at a monthly cost of 3,000 kW. The volume of coolant for such a boiler should be at least 150 liters and not more than 300 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Galan" boilers

We emphasize that you need to buy heating equipment only after familiarizing yourself with the full list of the pros and cons of such appliances. Speaking specifically about the products of the company "Galan", it is first of all worth noting the significant energy savings. The fact is that the electrode equipment allows you to set the minimum temperature during the absence of people in the house. This approach solves two problems at once: firstly, energy is saved, and secondly, a normal temperature is maintained in the house. This can be achieved with the help of thermostats, which are located in each heated room. Periodically, the sensors take indicators and analyze the information. Another important point - you do not need to install a chimney and consume fuel, as is the case with coal. In addition, the Galan boiler can be connected without the participation of specialists, and dirt and dust do not accumulate in such a device.

As for the shortcomings, then, of course, they are. The main disadvantage is that the equipment is extremely sensitive to voltage drops, in particular, to power surges, which can ruin both the protection and the stuffing of the equipment. This problem is solved by installing a stabilizer.

Another drawback is that some models require a high-quality coolant. It can be distilled water or antifreeze. And now let's take a closer look at how to properly install such boilers.

galan heating boilers

About installation in details

Today, there are four types of connections that are actively used:

  • parallel;
  • standard;
  • floor heating;
  • modular.

The most popular are parallel and standard connections. Let's look at how to connect the boiler in this way.

The first step is to decide on a suitable place. Next, using a comb, we connect the main device, which is necessary for the distribution of water or antifreeze on radiators. On the latter there are special taps with which you can adjust the amount of coolant passing through.

Please note that the scheme of the boiler "Galan" of any model involves the installation of a system to remove excess air from the system. This will help keep the equipment in good condition and prevent its premature failure. At the final stage, the boiler will be connected to the network.

Do you want to connect the boiler to the underfloor heating system? Do the following. Connect the air vents to the underfloor heating. Mount sensors that monitor temperature and pressure. Then install the controllers in the niche and connect the device to the network. Remember that you need to carry out installation only when you have experience in carrying out such works, in other cases it is better to involve specialists, since you are dealing with electricity. Failure to follow basic safety precautions can lead to injuries and even death due to electric shock.

galan boiler connection

A little about the price of equipment

As noted above, there are various "Galan" heating boilers. Today, the company implements units of the Ochag, Geyser and Volcano lineups with a capacity of 3, 5, 9, 15 and 25 kW.

Small-sized models are suitable for rooms with a small area, and the most powerful boilers can heat huge spaces. The price of units varies depending on their effectiveness. Electrode models will cost at least three and a half thousand rubles, and a maximum of fifteen thousand. Consider the fact that there are various configurations. For example, only the boiler and automation are supplied in the base, while the more expensive one also has climate control.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that today there are more cases of fraud. For this reason, it is worthwhile to carefully check the quality of the product. By the way, in addition to the ideal technical condition of the device, its passport must be in perfect order. If the company has a license and positive reviews, which is important, then you can safely make a purchase. In conclusion, do not forget to clarify the features of the boiler return procedure if it turns out to be of poor quality or defective. And do not be tempted by too low a price. Get only original electric heating boilers "Galan". The reviews of the owners of such equipment will tell you where to look for quality products.

Very important point

Despite the fact that the boiler itself is relatively small, it must be installed correctly. Prepare a niche in advance and provide free access to the network. Do not forget that the equipment is powered by a three-phase network. As noted above, antifreeze or drinking water can be used as a coolant. The resistivity of the liquid should not be less than three or more than thirty-two thousand ohms / cm at a maximum temperature of 150 degrees. By the way, the quality of the medium can be improved. Thus, you will extend the life of the boiler. This is pretty easy to do. You can install a filter for cleaning from mechanical impurities, which is preferably mounted on the pipeline. A significant amount of insoluble compounds will be delayed, which will beneficially affect the durability of the equipment.

electric heating galan boiler

Above were considered in detail boilers "Galan". Equipment specifications vary by model. But speaking generally, such devices can be used to heat a room from 75 to 550 cubic meters in size. In this case, the power varies from 3 to 25 kW. But how much you save depends only on the insulation of the room. Some users are talking about savings of 45% compared with gas equipment. This is more impressive than the numbers, but not everyone can achieve this. But here everyone can reduce costs by 5-20%, the main thing is to properly install and calibrate electronic equipment.


As you can see, it’s important to read reviews. Boilers "Galan", without a doubt, are profitable heating equipment. Whatever side you look at, almost all the advantages are everywhere - small dimensions, energy saving and easy installation. All these qualities are inherent in heating equipment, which is produced by a domestic company.

We considered all the most common questions and make a completely logical conclusion that with the proper quality of the electric main, you can install such a boiler. Of course, such a solution will not work if you live in a place where a large load on the network or voltage does not reach the required 220 V. In this case, the stabilizer can help out. By the way, the best solution as an alternative source of heat would be the Galan boiler Ochag-3. Owner reviews indicate that in difficult times he will be very welcome. Even a high-power heater will not replace you with a three-kilowatt "Hearth".

This concludes the story about electrode boilers from this manufacturer. Equipment of such a plan is becoming more and more popular every year, especially for country houses and cottages where there are no gas pipelines. Moreover, there is the possibility of combining electrode boilers with each other and creating a full boiler room.


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