How to join the "Debt" in the "Stalker"? "Stalker: Call of Pripyat": how to enter into "Debt"

"Stalker" is an incredible game in which the world is completely open so that you can explore it. You get virtually unlimited opportunities to explore the surroundings and distant regions, you can perform a huge number of side quests or just go about your business, hunt for supplies or destroy monsters. However, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that in all three parts of the series there are various organizations, each of which has its own goals, its own motivation and its own characteristics. To get into some of them will not be a problem, and some may cause certain difficulties. For example, many gamers ask how to enter into "Duty" in "Stalker", because this group there is one of the most difficult, but also the most exciting.

Groupings in "Stalker"

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When you first start playing Stalker, you may have a wide variety of questions regarding groups. There are quite a few of them - in just three parts, you can count more than fifteen pieces. You can join some of them almost immediately, you will have to tinker with others, and there are those who generally act as secondary, that is, you cannot get into them. Most gamers have a question about how to enter into “Debt” in “Stalker”, since in this game this particular group is the largest and leading. This grouping refers to those that are not too easy to get into. For example, you should also indicate the most popular simple grouping - "Freedom". Well, of course, do not forget about the “Monolith”, which you cannot get into (without installing certain modifications), as this is your main opponent during all three episodes of the game. In this article you will learn how to enter into "Duty" in "Stalker".

Grouping "Debt"

stalker call Pripyat how to enter into debt

Before you figure out how to enter into “Debt” in “Stalker”, you need to learn a little more about this group. It’s worth starting with the fact that this is a clearly militarized militant group, which was founded by the former military, united and constantly developing their community. At the moment, it is “Debt” that is considered one of the most influential and powerful groups, so many may be interested in joining its ranks. However, you need to understand that “Duty” has one specific and unchanging goal - to protect the world from the creatures of the Zone, so you will need to constantly deal with mutants in all available ways, even if this involves some cruelty. That is why "Duty" among the sworn enemies has not only a "Monolith", but even a "Freedom", which adheres to more peacekeeping views. Well, now it's time to learn about joining this group in all parts of the game, including in the episode "Stalker: Call of Pripyat." How to enter into "Debt"? Now you will know about it.

Entry Features

stalker shadow of Chernobyl how to enter into debt

So, first of all, you need to pay attention to what part of the series you are playing - in “Shadow of Chernobyl”, “Clear Sky” or “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”. How to enter into "Debt" in each of these parts? Many gamers make a common mistake - they try to figure out the first episode, and then apply the same entry mechanics in the remaining parts. Naturally, this does not work. The fact is that each part of the game has its own quests, organizations are at different stages of development, they may even have different members. Accordingly, you need to immediately understand that you will not be able to join the group you need in other episodes as you did in the part “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl”. How to enter into "Debt" in this part? You will find the answer to this question further.

Joining Debt in Shadow of Chernobyl

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So, the very first part of the series is "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl." How to enter the "Debt" in this game? First, note that you are not given the opportunity to join a group from the very beginning of the game - you will need to go through an impressive segment of the storyline campaign so that you can even talk about joining Debt. However, this is not all - you will also have to contribute a lot to this group, perform certain tasks, for example, bring a special grenade launcher to the leader or rescue a wounded member of the "Debt" from the Zone. Only after you spend an impressive amount of time for help to the “lads” can you speak with the leader of the group and join it, in order to then pursue the same goals as its members. Now you can answer one of the most important questions of the first part of the game "Stalker" - how to enter into "Debt"? You have the tools for this - it remains only to patiently wait for the right moment and then act as the game requires of you.

Pros and cons

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Naturally, you will first need to weigh all the pros and cons of this particular organization, since then it will be quite difficult to change something. The most important question in this case is whether you want to go against Freedom, the second most influential organization in the game. After all, as soon as you become a member of "Debt", you turn into the enemy of "Freedom", and this group has powerful guns and a very attractive trader of items that you could not otherwise find. In this case, by the way, you do not even need a "stalker" -mod. You can also learn how to enter into "Debt" with its help, but in fact it is not necessary, since the process of entry is quite lengthy, but not so complicated.

Joining Debt in Clear Sky

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What will the game "Stalker" present to you in this matter? How to enter into "Duty" in "Clear Sky"? In fact, everything is much simpler here than in the first part, since the mechanism for joining groups has been simplified. But the principle has remained the same. Firstly, you will need to wait for a certain moment in the development of the storyline. More specifically, everything will be decided in the process of completing the assignment at the Research Institute "Agroprom". There you will need to make a decision regarding the dungeons from which mutants from the Zone are constantly selected. If you want to enter the "Debt", then you need to flood this dungeon so that no mutant can no longer get out. Now you know the secret of the game "Stalker: Clear Sky" (how to enter into "Debt"). However, you have just completed the necessary task - now you need to consider directly the process of joining the group.

Conversation with the leader

stalker clear skies how to enter into debt

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in one of the mysteries of the game "Stalker" (how to enter into "Debt"). Warehouse "Debt" in the second part of the game is located directly in the building of the Research Institute "Agroprom", and if you go up to the top floor, you can find the head. It is to him that you can tell about the assignment, and also talk on abstract topics. But at the same time, do not miss the moment in the dialog when you will be offered the answer option, which is responsible for the possibility of joining the group. Be sure to select her - and that’s all. You become a full member of the "Debt". You can perform tasks that the commander and other members will give you. In addition, note that in the second part everything is exactly the same as in the first - as soon as you become a member of the "Debt", you automatically turn into the enemy of Freedom.

Entry into "Debt" in "Call of Pripyat"

Well, the last part of the game remains, which in terms of joining the “Debt” group will disappoint you a little. The fact is that you cannot enter into it, no matter how hard you try - it remains only available for you to contacts, but you will not become a full member. The only thing you can do is to get the “Friend of Duty” achievement, which is given to you if you complete missions with branched endings, choosing in favor of this particular group. However, you need to think about whether you really want to. The fact is that even this achievement turns you into the enemy of Freedom, and this will make your life much more complicated. First, pay attention to the fact that “Freedom” is initially a group friendly to your character, so you need to think about whether you want to break this connection, which you got nowhere easier, but it brings a lot of benefit. For example, one of the key merchants in the game, Jamaican, very clearly supports Freedom, so you won’t be able to buy half of his things from him, and he will sell the other half to you at double the cost. However, it is worth noting that the same technician, Nitrogen, is an ardent supporter of "Debt", so you can use its services cheaper than usual. In general, you will have something to think about before making a final decision.


Naturally, gamers have tried to correct the injustice, so there are modifications for Call of Pripyat that allow you to access the Debt group by workarounds. So if you really want to become part of "Debt" in the third part of the game, then you need to download one of these modifications and install it. But at the same time, you should take into account that some elements that could “conflict” with the fact that you are a member of this group can be removed from the game.


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